The idea of a Kiwanis Club for Charlottesville originated with Norman T Shumate, President of the Farmers and Merchants Bank. He visited his friend, Giles H Miller, Vice-President of the Lynchburg National Bank and a strong believer in Kiwanis Mr Shumate became thoroughly imbued with the ideals of Kiwanis. When he returned home he called together some of the representative businessmen of the community and explained to them the possibilities for community growth and civic betterment which would result from the organized effort of the men of the community. They wrote International, who sent Field Representative George Selig to Charlottesville to assist in letting the club properly start. From the very first, Mr Selig had the hearty cooperation of all those who were asked to join. The organization meeting was held April 3, 1922, 62 were present of the 64 invited to join the new club. 1922 Charter officers A number of Kiwanians from Lynchburg were present and many of them spoke of Kiwanis and its aims and ideals. The Charter Presentation was held on May 25, 1922 Governor Julian Y Williams presented the charter District Secretary Harry G Kimball and representatives from Alexandria, Washington and Lynchburg were present. The Charlottesville Club has always taken its part in activities for the under-privileged child and has given time and money for this cause. There is a Children's Home in this city where we always send Christmas presents and have donated money from the treasury to keep the buildings and grounds in good condition. Very recently we have had the buildings painted. The great University of Virginia is located here and there are always boys who need money and part time employment to help pay their way through college. We have a revolving fund and each year we set aside $100 to be loaned to some needy young man at a small rate of interest. We also have a committee whose duty it is to ascertain what members can use a young man of this kind in their businesses and if there are any positions found or created, to convey this information to the proper officials at the University. We are backing the Good Roads Movement and have awarded prizes for the best essays by High School pupils on some phase of the good roads problem. Our members fully realize that we cannot succeed alone, but that we are dependent on the International and District organizations for assistance and help. Each year our club is represented at both International and District Conventions and at the District Trustees' meet. We find that much inspiration and help can be obtained from these meetings and that the reports of our delegates from these meetings always results in renewed effort and greater accomplishment by our members. We are right behind International and the Capital District and will give our best efforts to accomplish any work given us, no matter how hard it may be, for we have in this club a bunch of hardworking, earnest thinkers who can be relied upon at all times. 1923 Officers elected: Vice President T L Rosser, Jr, Secretary Treasurer W A Barksdale, Trustee A L Bennett 1924 On January 7 the conference of District Officers and Trustees, Presidents and Secretaries met in Charlottesville and were entertained by this club Anniversary Week was celebrated in connection with a Ladies' Night on January 24. The club undertook a survey of the county and city so that clinics could be opened at advantageous points. On April 24 we attended the Inter-Club Meeting at Staunton, Harrisonburg being also a guest club. On May 15 28 members of the Harrisonburg Club presented us with the Capital District Loving Cup and on June 27 we carried it to Lynchburg the meeting being held at the Oakwood Country Club, followed by rides about the city. On May 24 we observed our second anniversary. On August 14 we held an InterClub Picnic with the Staunton and Harrisonburg Clubs on the lawns at the Grottoes of the Shenandoah. We carried baskets to the poor on Christmas and had a Christmas tree at the Blue Ridge sanatorium for the children patients and distributed clothing, candy, fruit and nuts. 1925 Again the club had the pleasure of entertaining the Mid-Winter Conference of the Capital District at luncheon. There were 80 visitors from 40 clubs. On May 14 we were hosts to Harrisonburg and Staunton for the Inter-Club Day meeting. 84 guests were present from the two clubs We observed All Kiwanis Night on June 22. In August we entertained at a picnic the Municipal Band, a volunteer booster organization, and the Charlottesville Volunteer Fire Department. 1926 For the third consecutive year the MidWinter District Conference was held in this city and they were entertained by 3 club. Twenty-seven of our members attended the Inter-Club Meeting at Harrisonburg on May 7. We donated a Ford sedan to the visiting Nurse connected with the children's clinic at the University Hospital. We observed Constitution Week and entertained the faculty of the public schools, about seventyfive in all, at which time we also had our wives present. A Christmas tree party was given for the children patients at the Blue Ridge Sanatorium for Tuberculosis, at which gifts of blankets, clothing, candy, fruit, etc, were given to 45 children. 1927 We held an April Fool Meeting on this occasion the ladies were invited without the knowledge of their husbands. On April 11, we celebrated Jefferson's Birthday President Jarman later attended exercises at Monticello and with other national organizations and clubs placed a wreath on Jefferson's tomb. Canadian Day was observed by an address by Mr Arthur F MacConochie on the subject of the long existing peace and fellowship between Canada and the United States. Thirty-eight of our members attended the Inter-Club meeting at Waynesboro on May 9 Past Governor Merle Towner was the speaker. On May 23, we held our Anniversary meeting coupled with our semi-annual Ladies' Night Kiwanian Giles Miller, of Lynchburg, who was the main factor in the formation of the Charlottesville Club, was the principal speaker. There were 58 guests, including the president of Rotary, President of the Business and Professional Women's Club and President of the Young Men's Business Club. We paid $160 to the Athletic Association of the Lane High School of this city, and continued maintenance of a free bed in the children's ward at the State Tuberculosis Hospital at Blue Ridge, Virginia. The annual report of the committee on Underprivileged Children showed that with the assistance of an automobile, which this club gave to the University Children's Clinic last year the following results were accomplished:
The report of the Tuberculosis Committee showed that the small boy who for two years had occupied the Kiwanis bed at the Blue Ridge Sanitarium had been discharged with the disease completely arrested. A 10 year old girl took his place. On Christmas Day, the Tuberculosis Committee held a very interesting and entertaining program for the children at the Blue Ridge Hospital Presents of necessities, candy and fruit were given to each of the children and a present was also given to the Matron. 1928 We protested to the Budget Commission of Virginia on the crippled children's appropriation and urged that it should include children crippled from disease or any other cause and not merely those crippled in industry. A loan fund was established to aid pupils who cannot go through the University of Virginia without assistance. We secured the passage of a State law to prevent glaring headlights. The Monticello Dairy gave a dairy lunch on March 27 and the proceeds, about $40, were given to the club for our crippled child work. The Harrisonburg club also attended the dairy lunch. We were host on Inter-Club Day to Winchester, Waynesboro and Harrisonburg. Forty-four visiting Kiwanians were in attendance. We presented a Chrysler sedan to the nurse at University Hospital for her work in bringing crippled children of the county to the hospital for treatment. This was to replace a Ford car, which we had donated several years ago On September 17, we followed an annual custom and entertained 76 teachers of the Charlottesville schools. These meetings promote much good fellowship. 1929 We maintained during the year our bed at the Blue Ridge Sanatorium. A Ladies' Night was held on January 7 We entertained the Business and Profes-sional Women's Club with a dinner followed by bridge and dancing. Ten members drove to Richmond to hear International President 0 Sam Cummings. An Inter-Club Meeting was held at Waynesboro on May 28 On June 10, an Inter-Club from Staunton with 26 members attended. Secretary Stovall resigned on September 1, and was succeeded by C Pace Bailey. In September, we held another Ladies' Night at the Farmington Country Club. We held a theater benefit for our crippled children fund, netting $260, co-operated with the University of Virginia clinic, added $100 to the revolving student loan fund, arranged Christmas entertainment in the children's ward of Tuberculosis Sanitarium. Assisted the Red Cross Drive. Raised funds for a Boy Scout executive. Sponsored a National champion football team, and held three farmer meetings. 1930 The club had a fine year in carrying on its objectives Principal of these were: The clinic at the University of Virginia, the bed we maintain at Blue Ridge Sanitarium, work with the farmers and the sponsoring of 4-H Clubs for boys. The following is a report of the Out Patient Department and clinic visits Made possible by an automobile furnished by this club: In our work with the 4-H Club, each Kiwanian was given a boy to visit and to help with his work in any way he could. Later we had the boys at one of our meetings. The Kiwanians received a good deal of pleasure from these activities. We had a most interesting inter-club meeting on May 19, when we visited the Staunton club. A union meeting with the other civic clubs of the city was held in the interest of general improvement of the community and we cooperated in "Clean-up Week. A delegation of 30 members went to Orange, Virginia, on Armistice Day to meet the State Road Commission trying to get allocations for one of the highways leading to Charlottesville and community. The club took an active part in a community drive for funds to relieve the poor and needy. Our revolving student loan fund is always at work assisting some worthy boys. An inter-community meeting was held at Crozet, Va, with 40 of the members of that community present. A meeting was devoted to Kiwanis Education Music Week was observed Thomas Jefferson's birthday was celebrated. We heard a talk on Abraham Lincoln by, Dr Cary Johnson of the University of Virginia judge Boyd of the Juvenile Court addressed the club on probation and delinquency LTG Rogers also spoke before the club. We assisted the American Legion baseball team (National Semi-finals) A Halloween party proved enjoyable. 1931 The club increased its membership from 45 to 52. Every obligation was paid during the year; also a left over deficit of $400 was paid, leaving a balance in the treasury at the end of the year. The club has furnished and maintained an automobile for its Hospital Clinic work for several years This is still being done with very gratifying results The following report of this clinic work shows the actual medical attention to the under-privileged, made possible by the club providing the car Patients are brought into the Clinic and visits made to homes by the nurse, for miles around, including several counties. A new car was secured for the nurse in 1931, making an additional cost of $500. 4729 t otal visits; 355 averager per month; average 13 per working day; 240 tonsillectomies during year. A Kiwanis Minstrel was given for the Under-privileged Child work, which netted $300. This affair also stirred up unusual enthusiasm among the club members. The club helped to sponsor and put on a money raising campaign for the Children's Home Society of Virginia. The club actively participated in a charity football game, selling more than $200 in tickets. This game produced about $600 for local welfare work. The club helped to provide homes for the New York Fresh Air Kiddies, coming into the community for a part of the summer. The next outstanding work for the Underprivileged Child Objective is tile maintenance of one or more beds for needy children at the Blue Ridge Tuberculosis Sanitarium. Four patients were treated there during the past year, at a cost to the club of $450. Christmas baskets were distributed to 45 needy families. These baskets were delivered in person, giving a thrill of personal contact and service to each man, The baskets furnished food, clothing, medicines, and toys and were valued at about $300. These needy families were greatly helped many saved real suffering over the winter months by this service An annual affair of great interest and importance is the Christmas party that the club gives to the 40 or 50 children of the Tuberculosis Sanitorium Christmas music thrills the children, and then a Kiwanis Santa Claus appears, with candy, oranges, apples, toys and needed clothing and other articles, which are given the children The club's expense for this is about $100. For some years the club has been building up a Student Loan Fund, putting $100 into it each year. This has helped 10 or 12 boys to remain in the University of Virginia, who otherwise would have been compelled to leave college The $100 this year has helped a most worthy boy. The amount of this fund is now about $900. The club has helped sponsor the City Beautification Campaign, by furnishing a committee, who appeared in the schools and before other organizations to boost the plans. The club helped make possible a Music Festival held in Charlottesville A very active committee worked successfully to keep the Shenandoah National Park intact, rather than allow its acreage to be decreased. Our Public Affairs Committee has been most active in its work in connection with the Good Roads Development. The club helped take care of the State Confederate Reunion, furnishing cars for transportation and other services. On Lee and Jackson Day, all Confederate Veterans of the city and county were entertained at luncheon, at which time the club furnished a patriotic program. The city and county school officials were entertained. The city officials were entertained, at which time the Mayor addressed the club After a talk by Dr Charles G Maphis, Director of the Institute of Public Affairs, held annual at the University of Virginia, the club sponsored and made possible the Institute for another year. The club helped in a campaign for the raising of funds to maintain the Virginia Workshop for the Blind in Charlottesville. On May 18, the clubs of Harrisonburg and Staunton were entertained at a most enthusiastic meeting LTG James L Howe was entertained. During the year a Flying Squadron from the Charlottesville club has furnished the program for each of the other clubs in the same Division; namely, Harrisonburg, Staunton, Lexington, Clifton Forge and Covington. The Charlottesville club has also had a delegation from each of these other clubs furnish its program at a regular meeting. This inter-club activity in the Division has done much to bring the, club members together, with closer fraternal fellowship. Several outstanding speakers from the University of Virginia have given talks on Business Standards: Dr Kincaid on Financial Problems, Dr Snavely on Taxation, and Dr Starnes on Our Labor Situation. Each member of the club has been given a framed Code of Ethics, which fie has displayed at his place of business. Held 3 country meetings Entertained 150 farmers County 4-H Club boys were entertained Earl Leake, of Proffitt, Virginia, our Kiwanis adopted 4-H Club boy was the Virginia member of the New York Madison Square Garden Poultry judging Team. He appeared before the club and spoke. Several speakers have appeared before the club, giving most interesting and instructive talks on the progress and importance of Vocational Guidance. In addition to the outside activities, each committee is responsible for one meeting program each quarter. This year, each committee furnished its program at the proper time and place and not one has asked to be excused. 1932 The club maintained a bed in the Blue Ridge Sanatorium. Raised $500 for its crippled children's work. Gave toys to 115 children. Sent baskets to 125 families and gave a Christmas tree to the children at Blue Ridge. Entertained at luncheon 25 4-H Club members and sponsored the 4-H Club Work in Albemarle County. In Public Affairs the club took an active part putting on program on Economic Adjustment, Our Fruit Industry, Washington Bi-centennial and Better Government. Separate luncheons entertained city ministers, officials, Municipal Band, daily press staff, County Superintendent of Schools, and court officials Put on an Armistice Day program and assisted in the Red Cross Drive. The club sent delegations to inter-club meetings in Harrisonburg, Lexington and Staunton and was host to Fredericksburg, Harrisonburg, Staunton, Lexington, and Lynchburg on Charter Anniversary. The club celebrated All-Kiwanis night and Constitution Week. Entertained LTG George Vermylia and Past Governor Merle Towner as guest speakers, held special meetings on Kiwanis Education and Club Efficiencv and sent delegates to the Mid-Winter Conference, the International Convention, the District Convention and to the Training School for Club Officers. 1933 Continued to keep up its bed at the Blue Ridge Sanatorium. Raised $500 for Under-privileged Child Work Furnished milk and luncheons to undernourished school children. Paid for 4 boys to go to Scout Camp Contributed $4500 to help pay a trained helper for the Mothers Club for three months. The Kiwanis car given the community nurse some years ago enabled her to make 4272 visits during the last year. The club took the officials and the children of the Children's Home on a picnic, later played a baseball game with the Rotary club making $50 for the Home. It held a picnic meeting with a group of 4-H clubs in the county, had a Boy Scout meeting with Scouts present, and also entertained the Girl Scouts. Attended inter-club meetings at Staunton, Lexington, Lynchburg and was host to Lynchburg on Charter Day. Celebrated All Kiwanis Night, Constitution Week and Kiwanis Anniversary and sent delegates to the Mid-Winter Conference and the District Convention at which one of its members, E I Carruthers, was chosen District Governor for 1934. 1934 Raised $400 for its under-privileged Child Work. The Crippled Childrens Clinic and the work of the Blue Ridge Sanatorium was continued and the report of the number of visits made possible by use of the Kiwanis car was very gratifying $75 was spent for Christmas baskets distributed to 49 needy families and a Christmas Day Party was given at the Childrens Home with gifts for the children. The club had a Sons and Daughters Day, a Girl Scout program, a City Recreation program, sent several boys to the Scout Camp and laid plans for a future Boys and Girls Camp near Charlottesville. The club entertained the remaining Confederate Veterans, the Protestant Ministers of the town, the Roman Catholic Priest and the Jewish Rabbi with a program accenting tolerance and religious freedom, and the City Officials It celebrated Washington's Birthday, Mothers Day, the Fourth of July, Columbus Day, and Thanksgiving Day On Armistice Day the ladies put on a surprise program It sponsored Adult Education, had program on City and County Beautification, the Childrens Horne, and Public Health, and had a joint meeting with Rotary and Chamber of Commerce. The club sent large delegations to interclub meetings in Richmond and in Staunton. The club had two Ladies Nights and a picnic It put on a visiting contest in which it was the aim of every member to visit every other member in his place of business and in his home. The club sent representatives to the Mid-Winter Conference, and to the District and International Conventions It celebrated US Canada Week and Constitution Week. 1935 The club put on a bazaar netting $2,287 for its community welfare work Money was spent as follows: $500 to the playground at the Children's Home, $100 to the City Playground, $150 for Orthopedic Work, $60 for T and A operations, $45 for braces for crippled children, $100 for Christmas baskets and $350 for keeping two boys in the Blue Ridge Industrial School The club also put on Christmas parties at the Children's Home and the Blue Ridge Industrial School Programs were put on Boys and Girls Work, Citizenship and on Vocational Guidance Farmers Day was held with farmers. The club celebrated Decoration Day, Labor Day, Armistice Day and Thanksgiving It had programs on the Needs of the City Welfare Department, on City Government and on Fire Prevention Entertained the Municipal Band and city ministers. Host to Harrisonburg and Clifton Forge at one meeting and to Harrisonburg, Staunton and Lynchburg at another. The club joined with the other civic clubs in a Testimonial Dinner given to Verban Kemp, former Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, who was made Secretary of the State Chamber of Commerce Verban Kemp is a Past President of this club. The club celebrated Lee-Jackson Day with Confederate Veterans as guests, also Jefferson Day, Monroe Day and Mothers Day, and had two Ladies Nights and a picnic at the Blue Ridge Industrial School. The club celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, U S-Canada Week, Charter Night and Constitution Week. It held two Kiwanis Education programs and sent delegates to the Mid-Winter Conference, the International and District Conventions and the Lieutenant- Governor's School for Club Officers. 1936 The club sent eight boys and girls to camp during the summer, spent $150 on T and A and other operations, furnished a bed at Blue Ridge Sanatorium at a cost of $369. The 35 little girls at the Children's Home were each put in charge of one member of the club to be especially looked after and visited by them. The two boys whose education at the Blue Ridge Industrial School is being financed by the club were guests at a luncheon Christmas parties were put on at the Children's Home and the Blue Ridge Sanatorium. The club had several programs on Youth Problems, and Boys and Girls Work, and one program put on by members of the 4-H Club It entertained the local Hi-Y Club and high school football team. It celebrated Flag Day and programs on Citizenship and on Rural and Urban Relations. Contributed $2500 to the City Beautification Program. Entertained the High School Glee Club. Celebrated Jefferson Day Had programs on Business Standards, Cost of Government, and on Fire Prevention. Held a joint meeting with other civic clubs on Armistice Day Attended inter-clubs at Harrisonburg and Lexington. The club celebrated All-Kiwanis Night, it, own Charter Night, and Constitution Week. It aided in the reorganization of the Waynesboro Club, sent delegates to the Mid-Winter Conference, the International and the District Conventions, and was host to the District Governor's School for LTG. 1937 The club put on a Bazaar that netted $2000 for its Community Fund Spent as follows: Children's Home $4620, City Camp $50, braces $50, school books $50, expenses of two boys at Blue Ridge Industrial School $395 A bed was maintained at the Blue Ridge Sanatorium, a boy was kept in a county school, and Christmas trees were held at the Children's Home and the Blue Ridge Sanatorium. Programs were held on Youth Work and on Scout Work. The club aided in the Marble Tournament and sponsored a boys basketball team and gave $125 to the support of the Boy Scout. Program and $60 to that of the Girl Scouts. The club had programs on Citizenship, Vocational Guidance, and worked towards putting Vocational Guidance in the schools. Entertained city officials and ministers Contributed $35 to the Red Cross and $25 to the Salvation Army. It had programs on Soil Conservation, The National Defense, Militarism, Music in the Schools, Traffic Problems, The Supreme Court, Fascism, Our Navy and Unfair Trade Practices. Aided in the reorganization of the Waynesboro club and sent a delegation to the meeting in Staunton The club was host to the District Governor's School for District Officers. Held three Kiwanis Education Meetings, two Ladies Nights, celebrated its own Charter Night, and was represented at the International and District Conventions and the Training School for Club Officers. One of its members was elected Lieutenant-Governor for 1938. 1938 The club raised a fund to be used as an Educational Loan Fund to be increased yearly $300. This year it loaned more than $400 to students to keep them in high school or college. Supported one girl and two boys in the Blue Ridge Industrial School, and maintained a child in the Blue Ridge. Sanatorium at a cost of $30 a month It continued its work at the Children's Home, financed the removal of tonsils for a large group of children, gave $50 for food for undernourished shed children, arranged for a summer camp, gave Christmas parties at the Blue Ridge Sanatorium and at the Children's Home at cost of $25 each and delivered 15 Christmas baskets. The club gave $1000 to the colored school, had programs devoted to Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, entertained sons of the members of the club and donated and dedicated a cabin at Camp Shenandoah, the Scout Camp in this council. The club had a program on Citizenship. It gave two Agricultural programs, one on soil and one on dairy work. It continued its vocational guidance work in the schools, increasing the number of members devoting time to this activity and had two programs devoted to this subject. It contributed $5000 to the city-county beautification work, aided in the Salvation Army campaign for funds, appointed a safety committee to work with like committees from other organizations, held a Ministers Day and celebrated Columbus Day Pro grams of especial interest were on Safe Driving, The Jury System, Government Ownership of Rail Roads, Better Relations between Jew, Catholic and Protestant, Forestry, The FBI, The Prevention and Treatment of T B, Old Age Pension and Syphilis. The club held several inter-club meetings, attended several meetings of other clubs and its members made numerous visits to other clubs. It had three Ladies Nights, one of which was in charge of the ladies, a joint meeting with Rotary and played softball with a number of other clubs. It entertained the District Governor and furnished the Lieutenant-Governor for its Division, held three Kiwanis educational programs and was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International convention and the District convention. 1939 The club put on a Bazaar netting $3,700 for community welfare work. It spent an average of more than $3000 a month to keep a child in Blue Ridge Sanatorium, as soon as one was cured another was put it. its. Kept two boys and a girl in Blue Ridge Industrial School, paid for a number of T and A operations and had a Christmas dinner and entertainment for 136 children and ran a Play hour through tile year once a week at the Children's Home. The club made loans out of its Educational Fund up to $8,5000 for boys and girls to finish their education. Two programs on 4-H Club work and the club sponsored five 4-H clubs in the county and gave prizes for the best work. Spent $40 to enable 12 Scouts to spend a week in camp. Distributed books on Safety to the schools. I It had a program on Vocational Guidance, suggesting that club members give employment where possible to boys and girls to determine their fitness for the kind of work they wish to undertake. The club had two programs on the support of churches at one of which the Ministers of the town were guests of the club Another on the promotions of better relations between Protestants, Catholics and Jews. Started a Safety campaign which was joined by tile Civic organizations and the public. Aided the Salvation Army, the Red Cross drives and contributed $100 toward having a probation court officia.l Had programs on The Wage Hour Law, Music in the School, Music in the Home, Mountain Missions, The Juvenile Court, City Planning, Virginia's Civic and Economic Possibilities and World Trade. The club carried the Lieutenant-Governor's Banner to the Waynesboro club, visited Richmond received the Good Neighbor Plaque from Harrisonburg and was host at Wynesboro and Richmond. Organized a softball team and promoted the softball league, had a joint meeting with Lion's and held two successful Ladies Nights. Celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary and its own Anniversary Was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the International and District conventions and training school for Club officers 1940 The club had a program on the History of the Children's Home. Organized a Thrifty Club there at a cost of $13 a month. Spent an average of $40 a month to keep one and sometimes two children at Blue Ridge Sanatorium. Spent $100 on T and A operations, $12000 to keep a delinquent boy in a special home, and $25 each for Christmas parties at Blue Ridge, and at the Children's Home and bought a suit of clothes for one boy. The club encouraged the 4-H Clubs in the county Spent $85 to help Boy Scouts to attend camp. Paid $175 tuition for a boy at Blue Ridge Industrial School Made loans of about $500 to boys and girls for education and has a Loan Fund of about $2,000 to aid University students. The club had one program on Get Out and Vote and spent $20 for flags for the School. It devoted a meeting to Vocational Guidance, sponsored a Safety committee and celebrated Armistice Day Programs of interest were on Americanism, Brotherhood, Crime Does Not Pay, Better Relations Among Catholics, Protestants and Jews, the Tobacco Industry, War, German Aggressions, Recent State Legislation, Child Criminals, World Conditions, Railway Systems, and War and Education. Representatives of the club visited Lynchburg, Baltimore and Waynesboro The club received the Fellowship Plaque from Waynesboro and carried it to Lexington. The club had two Ladies Night, and a joint meeting with Rotary. The club was host to the Mid Winter Conference, celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary All-Kiwanis Night, held four Kiwanis education meetings, entertained the LG and the District Governor and was represented at the International and District conventions. 1941 Held a Bazaar that netted $3,200 for community work. This year it kept two children at the Blue Ridge Sanatorium, financed a number of T and A operations, continued its allowance of $15 a month to the children at the Children's Home for their Thrift Club, made a donation of $250 to the Home, gave $40 toward a wooden leg for a colored boy, spent $60 for shoes for mountain children, $70 for presents for the two Christmas trees at the Sanatorium and the Home, and $70 for Christmas for the 14 needy families and increased the Loan Fund $400. It made loans of approximately $50000 to boys and girls for education, gave $62 to the Girl Scout organization and a like amount to the Boy Scouts and spent $75, in aiding Scouts to go to camp. It had programs on Teaching, Good Citizenship and Home Training in Citizenship. Cooperated with the city and county in putting literature on Vocational Guidance in the schools and otherwise fostered this work in the county. Contributed $3000 to the local forum for teaching citizenship, aided the Red Cross and Salvation Army drives and programs on Industry and War, Cancer Control, Defense Metals, Civilian Defense Work, Local Airport, Art, World Fellowship, and Bogus Money. Celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, entertained the LG and was represented at the Mid-\A/inter Conference, the District and International conventions and the division meeting. 1942 The club's projects for underprivileged children were: an expenditure of about $450 at St Ann's Preventorium, including the purchase and upkeep of a radio, shoes, clothing and necessary food supplies; the expenditure of approximately $300 for the maintenance of a bed at the Blue Ridge Sanitarium and a gift of $50 to the Nursery School. Besides the club spent $60 for T and A operations and more than $100 for dental care and had a Christmas entertainment at St Ann's and one at Blue Ridge. Gave $62 for Boy Scout work and a like amount to the Girl Scout organization. Sent a delegation to Lynchburg to visit the District Governor. It celebrated its 20th anniversary with an inter-club meeting to which were invited the presidents of all clubs in the District and which was attended by the officers of the District, three Past Governors and two Past LG, at which special honor was paid to the surviving charter members of the club. The club had a Ladies Night and a big Halloween party. It entertained the District Governor and the Lieutenant-Governor and was represented at the training school for club officers, the Mid-Winter Conference and the International and the District conventions. 1943 The club continued its work at St Ann's Preventorium, the Children's Horne, and the Blue Ridge Sanitarium, and gave its usual Christmas Parties for the children at the two latter places. Boy Scout Anniversary Week was celebrated Two students, benefited by the Club's Student Loan Fund, told the club what this fund bad enabled them to do. One program was devoted entirely to Agriculture. The club celebrated what it called Brotherhood Week by having as speakers on the same program a Jewish Rabbi, a Roman Catholic Priest, and an Episcopal Minister It aided in all community drives for funds Perhaps its most valuable service to the community and to the war effort was a contribution of $50000 for the equipment and supervision of two canneries, one for white people, at the City Armory, and one for colored people, at one of the schools Any individual was allowed to bring his own fruit and vegetables and do the work of canning, himself, under the tutelage of a competent supervisor Programs were given on such subjects as: Point Rationing, City and County Planning, The Need for Trained Nurses, The Battle of the Solomons, Social Disease Control, Victory Gardens, The University's Training Program, Citizenship in the Schools, Educational Progress, The Virginia Protective Force, South American Trade after the War, Community Planning, The Withholding Tax, Our Army, the USO, Soil Erosion, and Post War Planning. Sent a delegation by bus to Richmond to visit of the International President. There were two Ladies' Nights, and a joint meeting with the Chamber of Commerce. Nine members had 100% attendance, and the club had four consecutive 100% meetings Entertained the District Governor and LG On December 31, had 3 members in the armed forces. 1944 The club put on a Bazaar for one week which after all expenses (including $1,200 in War Bonds given as prizes) were paid, netted $7,000 to be used in charitable work Made the following contributions to the school lunch fund $50, Children's Home $250 to St Ann's Preventorium $400 and for Christmas parties at the Children's Home and Blue Ridge Sanitorium $100 Spent $450 to keep three students in college and $50 to enable eight boys to spend a week in camp Aided the local Council of the Boy Scotus and Girl Scouts financially Sponsored War Bond sales, USO dances and a canning centre where individuals may can fruit and vegetables at low cost Spent $100 for Christmas kits for wounded soldiers at teh Woodrow Wilson Hospital. 1945 The club organized and supervised a play period for newsboys and others who could not attend the regularly scheduled play periods Members rotating in the supervision and becoming "Big Brothers" to the boys Entertained the Boy SCouts at a luncheon Six were chosen by their scoutmaster to attend camp Donated $50 to the Girl Scouts Invested $607 from the Educational Loan Fund in loans to four students to enalethem to continue in college Worked for the extablishment of a vocational school centre to serve this area Extablished a course in distributive education in the high school Contributed $250 to the Children's Home. 1946 The club cooperated with the City Recreation Department by furnishing personnel for a supervised play-hour for local schoolboys. Furnished trained workers to care for small children of parents who were attending classes in Parent-Education. 1947 Donated $25 to the colored high school glee club Sponsored the annual Soap Box Derby. Furnished wheels and other parts for cars. Worked with high school athletics. Sponsored sale of season tickets to footbal games to benefit the new stadium. Cooperated with other civic clubs to develop and operate Lake Albermale for recreation Sponserd teh opening of American Heritage week for the Freedom train. 1948 Club had photgraphs taken of 48 children at the Blue Ridge Sanatorium and gave two copies to each child to send home as a Valentine present. Sponsored and instituted a Key Club at the high school bringing two Key Club members to each weekly meeting. Paid day camp fees for three boys from the Children's Home Gave financial aid to six Boy SCouts so they could attend summer camp. Gave money prize to the outsttanding Girl Scout for two weeeks at camp. Made four loans from the Student Loan Fund to high school boys and girls Paid for eye operation on a boy from the Blue Ridge Industrial School. 1949 Spent $5,800 for 230 acres of land for recreational and camping for the city and county. Continue sponsorship of Key CLub Sent one member elected International Trustee at teh Key Club convention in Washington. 1950 Club supported all legislation condemming communish. Sponsored the annual Apple Harvest festival Purchased 220 acres of land nine miles from the city to erect a youth camp. 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1969 - 1970 1970 - 1971 1971 - 1972 1972 - 1973 1973 - 1974 1974 - 1975 1975 - 1976 1976 - 1977 1977 - 1978 1978 - 1979 1979 - 1980 1980 - 1981 1981 - 1982 1982 - 1983 1983 - 1984 1984 - 1985 1985 - 1986 1986 - 1987 1987 - 1988 1988 - 1989 1989 - 1990 1990 - 1991 1991 - 1992 1992 - 1993 1993 - 1994 1994 - 1995 1995 - 1996 1996 - 1997 1997 - 1998 1998 - 1999 1999 - 2000 2000 - 2001 2001 - 2002 Year End 139 Projects Completed, 1134Service Hours, $7,569 Spent, 15 Interclubs 2002 - 2003 Capital Builder, Jan 2003: Continued a 38 year holiday tradition by providing a Christmas party for 120 persons with disabilities. The party was held at the WorkSource Enterprises, Carlton Rd, a United Appeal supported charity Club members served guests and their caregivers a barbeque supper Mr Magic of "Freckles 'n Friends" (Phil Tatton) performed wondrous works of magic and sleight of hand with the help of volunteer guests. Year End 116 Projects Completed, 853 Service Hours, $8,517 Spent, 19 Interclubs 2003 - 2004 E-Builder, July04: the Charlottesville Kiwanis Club awarded the 2004 J T Graves Memorial Youth Scholarships to five local hish school seniors who demonstrated the best of both academic success and community service. Each student received a check in the amount of $500. Year End 147 Projects Completed, 904 Service Hours, $10170 Spent, I20 nterclubs. 2004 - 2005 E-Builder, Nov 2004: Circle K at UVA Charlottesville Kiwanis Presents Kiwanis Legion of Honor: Dr James I Masloff and Richard F Lentzsch were inducted into the Kiwanis Legion of Honor at the Charlottesville club's installation of officers banquet on October 5th at the Greencroft Club Masloff and Lentzsch both joined the club in 1964 and were honored for their 40 years of outstanding leadership, faithful service, and for upholding the treasured Objects of Kiwanis in their life and work Master of Ceremonies, Marc Bridenhagen, presents the honorees with their certificates and pins. E-Builder, Dec 2004: For the 72 year, the club is selling Christmas trees to earn money to support club service projects mainly benefiting children and youth. Last year over 70% of the $10,000 project budget came from Chirstmas tree sales Circle K at UVA adn volunteers from the 5 Key Clubs sponsored by the club make this a wonderful K-family event. E-Builder, Jan 2005: Continuing a 40-year holiday tradition by providing a Christmas party for more than 100 persons with disabilities, Fifth Division Lieutenant Governor and Charlottesville Kiwanian Ken Smith alongside Charlottesville Kiwanians Dan Clark and Missy Creasy serving guests a scrumptious banquet provided by Big Jim's Barbecue The party was held at WorkSource Enterprises, an important local non-profit agency that provides job training and employment to people with disabilities Invited guests were WorkSource clients, as well as clients from Region 10 Community Services Board, and from ARC of the Piedmont Past President of Charlottesville Kiwanis, Chuck McElroy, is president of WorkSource Enterprises and Charlottesville Kiwanian Mark Bridenhagen is chairman of the WorkSource board of directors Wacky Wanda of "Freckles 'n Friends" performed wondrous works of magic and sleight of hand with the help of volunteer guests And to top off the evening, Santa Claus (Kiwanian Philip Day) and his number one elf (Kiwanian Joyce Lesich) distributed candy canes to the great delight of the guests (above right) The event was covered by reporters from local CBS affiliate WCAV-TV and from Charlottesville's morning paper, The Daily Progress. E-Builder, Feb 05: Josh Duncan, Fluvanna County High School senior, and the Lt Governor of the new Key Club Division 5A, spoke at a recent meeting of the Charlottesville Kiwanis Club about the many service activities of his fellow Key Clubbers during the recent Christmas holiday season Key Clubbers were active ringing bells and staffing the Angel Tree location for The Salvation Army Attending were Key Clubbers from The Covenant School and Charlottesville High School The Fluvanna County Key Club organized a gift drive for needy families identified by their county Department of Social Services Key Clubbers enthusiastically helped the Charlottesville Kiwanians unload, set up, and sell more than 400 Christmas trees and wreaths in their 72nd annual fund-raiser that cleared more than $7,000 for the project budget Key Club Division 5A consists of clubs at Charlottesville High School, Monticello High School, The Covenant School, Albemarle, and Fluvanna County High Schools, all sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Together with Circle K at the University of Virginia, these sponsored youth constitute more than 300 members of the K-Family in the Charlottesville area. Tsunami Relief Contribution $350. E-Builder, June 2005: One very special weekend in late April, Charlottesville Kiwanians showed what they could do to serve the children of the USA's number one city Pictured upper left is current president Herb Ely seated between two youngsters who were among the hundreds of young and old alike who participated in the first annual Kiwanis Dogwood Pancake Breakfast held in conjunction with the 56th annual Dogwood Festival parade in downtown Charlottesville Approximately $4,500 was raised at this event to assist in the development of a multi-media learning lab for The Salvation Army Child Care Center On the next day, Charlottesville Kiwanians treated their Little League team to an afternoon of ACC baseball President Herb is pictured (upper right) enjoying a well-played game that resulted in a victory for the University of Virginia over Georgia Tech In addition to sponsoring the team, Kiwanis organizes a fabulous picnic for the team and their coaches and families after the last game of the season. Year End 118 Projects Completed, 1045 Service Hours, $21,314 Spent, 27 Interclubs 2005 - 2006 E-Builder Oct 2005: Miss Virginia, Kristi Glakas, who will be competing in the Miss America pageant this coming January, made an extremely engaging presentation to the Charlottesville Kiwanis Club on August 29 After explaining the ins and outs of the Miss America pageant, with ample helpful comparisons to the Miss USA event and to the Miss America events from the past 80 years, Miss Glakas provided an excellent explanation of her special initiative "Skills Training to Keep Middle School Kids Off Substances" Miss Virginia applauded the Charlottesville Club's sponsorship of 5 Key Clubs and the new Builder's Club and shared some helpful hints gained from her own visits to schools Virginia in support of her program. Year End 52 Projects Completed, 1196 Service Hours, $28,876 Spent, 25 Interclubs 2006 - 2007 Year End 18 Projects Completed, 448 Service Hours, $7292 Spent, 17 Interclubs 2007 - 2008 Year End 53 Projects Completed, 733 Service Hours, $5,365 Spent, 9 Interclubs 2008 - 2009 Year End 122 Projects Completed, 1466 Service Hours, $343 Spent,2 Interclubs $211 District Foundation 2009 - 2010 Year End 57 Projects, 742 Service Hours, $102 Spent, 7 Interclubs $0 District Foundation 2010 - 2011 E-Builder, May 2011: More than thirty-five CKI, Key Club, and Kiwanis volunteers pulled together on the weekend of April 22-23 to engage in the fourth annual Charlottesville K-Family Spring Service Retreat benefiting Camp Holiday Trails, a summer camp for children with special health needs The project was coordinated by Tameka Glover, of Smithfield, VA, the K-Family Relations Chair of the CKI Club at the University of Virginia Not only were there CKI members from UVA, but also from Virginia Commonwealth University and James Madison University They worked alongside Key Clubbers from the five Key Clubs sponsored by the Charlottesville Kiwanis Club, and were joined by seven Kiwanians. The Kiwanians included their two newest members, Matt Tremper, a past Governor of the Montana District of CKI International, and Stephen Rogers a former Key Clubber from Dallas, Texas, who is currently the programs director at Camp Holiday Trails. On Saturday morning and afternoon, a thorough cleaning of the dining hall tables and chairs was accomplished, while every trash barrel the camp owns was disinfected Kiwanis President-Elect Barb Ritter led the group in keeping ahead of the yard work which is always a must at the camp, while Kiwanis Treasurer Norm Gutzler power-washed the deck of the dining hall and a cinder block storage shed, all in anticipation of a painting project which had to be deferred due to wet weather After lunch, Service Leadership Program Chair Don Foss convened a K-Family President's Council meeting, where the leaders of Kiwanis, the Key Clubs, and CKI for 2011-2012 were introduced. On Monday evening, April 25th, fifteen Kiwanians turned out for their scheduled fourth-Monday service work night The Kiwanians, led by Service Work Night chairs Charlie Krizek and PLG Dick Fowler, in addition to painting the deck and the shed, covered about ten picnic tables with paint, vacuumed and swept out several cabins, and in about two hours accomplished what Stephen Rogers said he and the camp handy-man would have taken three weeks to finish. Year End 76 Projects, 1327 Service Hours, $1 Spent, 6 Interclubs $0 District Foundation 2011 - 2012 2012 - 2013 2013 - 2014 2014 - 2015 2015 - 2016 2016 - 2017 2017 - 2018 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 |