1925 In October 1925 Joseph Bowles International Field Representative accompanied by James Goodwin Harvey Parker and Secretary C W Baines of the Kiwanis Club of Newport News met in the office of Alvin Brittingham at Hampton VA with the following men: Frank Long Edward Darden A B Garber and Alvin Brittingham to discuss the possibility of organizing a Kiwanis Club in Hampton It was decided to call a meeting for October 15 and if 35 men would signify their intention to join the organization would be effected This meeting was held as planned and was presided over by Joe Bowles The necessary enrollment had not been secured at that time and another meeting was therefore held on October 28 1925 at which time 35 men had agreed to sign and the organization was completed by the election of the following officers:
Secretary Alvin W Brittingham Trustee George T Elliott Directors Albert B Garber John H Garber Charles Winne George Caskey Marion H Morgan Marion M Sherman and Judd A Monroe These men held office through 1926 On November 3 a regular fellowship meeting was held Representatives of the Hampton Rotary Club were present as well as the Mayor the Farm Demonstrator the Post Commander of the American Legion the President of the Visiting Nurse Association and other guests President Cock welcomed the guests and explained that among the objects of a Kiwanis Club was the co-operation with other civic organizations in securing moral and material benefits to the community and the promotion of friendly social and business relations The club was favored with some good addresses from the guests On November 10 the charter presentation meeting was held at Phoebus Greetings were extended by President John C Nelms of the Norfolk Club and President W L Tabb of the Newport News Club The principal address of the evening was delivered by Judge C Vernon Spratley The charter was delivered by District Governor J Randall Caton and was received by President Cock In March 1926 we held a joint meeting with the Newport News Club and had as guests the staff of the National Advisory Committee of hangley Field A feature of the gathering was a splendid address made by Harry E Dodge of Fall River Massachusetts In February we received from the Newport News Club the Capital District Loving Cup and on March 31 we delivered it to Portsmouth several members of the committee making the trip by aeroplane piloted by Thomas Carroll and carrying the cup in this unique way In April we defrayed the expenses of the Hampton High School Literary Club to the State meet at Charlottesville The debaters of this club won a number of trophies which were subsequently exhibited at a Kiwanis meeting with the students as guests of the club In May another splendid joint meeting was held with the Norfolk Portsmouth and Newport News Clubs the occasion being Inter-Club Day May 27 was observed as Military Night the meeting being held at Phoebus Prominent military men from all sections of the Peninsula were in attendance and the gathering was a most enjoyable one In July we joined with Newport News in a Ladies' Night celebration at Buckroe Beach The principal address on this occasion was delivered by District Governor Merle E Towner Near the close of the summer encampment at Fort Monroe the Hampton Kiwanis Club presented a handsome loving cup to the Reserve Officers' Training Camp as well as several medals to the citizen Soldiery The club acted as hosts to forty underprivileged children at Buckroe Beach furnishing the youngsters a supper and free use of the various concessions In September the club furnished the means for sending the entire football squad to the Portsmouth game and at the close of the season had the players as our guests We assisted very materially in the Hotel Chamberlain drive entertained the farmers of Elizabeth City County aided in various civic undertakings and during the holiday season made a contribution of one hundred and ten dollars to the funds distributed by the King's Daughters to the needy families of the city and county A gratifying feature of the year's activity -was the regular attendance at the meetings The club took high rank in this respect in the District The year closed with a substantial increase in membership and we believe that the club is performing a real work of service as well as fostering good-fellowship and friendly intercourse 1927 We had a most successful year and the programs of our meetings were varied and interesting Much good work was done for the underprivileged of the community At the beginning of the year each member was requested to submit a memo of the worthwhile things he wished done in and about the city These were referred to the Public Affairs Committee who brought in a report recommending 4 objectives for the year: 1 A new railroad station 2 Welcoming signs and markers on the approaches to the city 3 Compiling and distributing folders relating to the history of the city 4 Boy Scout work A committee was appointed to confer with Rotary on these matters The second objective was accomplished and the signs and markers installed The third objective was accomplished by printing and distribution of such a folder Relative to Boy Scout Work we held a meeting at which R W Parker Scout Master of Newport News outlined the work in contemplation on the Peninsula We also sponsored a Boy Scout camp We observed Anniversary Week The ladies were present and we had a musical program by the Fort Monroe orchestra All-Kiwanis Night was also observed Two farewell meetings were held one for Col William H Wilson and one for Major Louis C Wilson Both of these men stationed at the fort had been of great value to the club and when they were transferred by the War Department it was a severe loss to us Father and Son Day was held on March 17 with 125 boys present Col Wilson spoke on "The Father's Duty to His Boy" In March the Kiwanis Education Committee presented a program with pictures from International showing what Kiwanis Clubs accomplished with underprivileged children We arranged for 6 children to have tonsil operations We entertained the Boys' Deaf Mute Band We hosted 69 under privileged youngsters at Buckroe Beach All concessions were free with lunch We sent several children to Nutrition Camp Our dentists treated over 50 children without cost In December we put on a play for the benefit of our Child's Fund While the night was very stormy we realized over one hundred dollars With the assistance of the ladies we distributed eighty-four well filled baskets to families which totaled 347 persons On May 12 an inter-club meeting was held at Hampton Roads Golf and Country Club The Norfolk Newport News and Portsmouth Clubs were guest clubs It was one of the most enjoyable gatherings this club ever had 38 members were present at the meeting of the clubs of Division 4 on September 15 We accepted an invitation from the American Legion to attend their annual dinner on October 6 In November we were the guests of Rotary and in December we returned the compliment We sent a large delegation to the Charter Presentation Meeting of the South Norfolk club We held a meeting in February with 50 farmers The principal speaker was J H Queensberry head of the Farm Bureau of Eastern Virginia In May the Peninsula Farm Bureau was host to Kiwanis The farmers gave us a fine dinner and delighted the club with plenty of fun and entertainment At the close of their meeting all who had been born on a farm were requested to rise and almost the entire gathering rose On two occasions the club was entertained by a member One at the oyster house of President George T Elliott and the other a complimentary dinner given by Kiwanian G C Hopkins at the newly erected addition to his automobile plant On the first occasion all members were present except two while the other showed a 100 % attendance We deny that the free feeds had anything to do with the attendance Other interesting meetings included an address on aeronautics by Kiwanian Carroll of Langley Field; an address on the construction of the hotel at Old Point Comfort in which many of us are financially interested; four fine Ladies' Nights a Music Night with talent both in and out of the club July 2 was Citizenship Night with an inspiring address by Hon S 0 Bland on "Duties of Citizenship" We started a campaign to endeavor to secure the District Convention for 1929 1928 In January we had a talk by Judge C Vernon Spratley of the Seafood Commission on the condition of that industry in Virginia We also observed Anniversary Week with District Secretary Robert E Turner as the speaker In February we were host to the farmers of our county The meeting was held at Floyd Moore's crab factory Eighty farmers were present all of whom declared that the meeting was a great success A Ladies' Night and a Boys' Night were held in March Hampton and Newport News were hosts to Norfolk South Norfolk and Portsmouth at a meeting held at Old Point Comfort on April 19 A splendid movement was started to bring the people of Hampton Roads closer together and to make them more united in thought and purpose Kiwanis took its part in this good movement On May 24 we took part in an inter-club meeting with Newport News Among the activities of our Underprivileged Child Committee was the providing of much needed clothing for children of poor families to enable them to attend school At Christmas they furnished a number of baskets for needy families outfitted several children with new clothes and had a number of them treated for their teeth tonsils etc All of the funds for our underprivileged child work came from the voluntary contributions of our members Our annual Ladies' Night was held on November 15 1929 A Kiwanis Education Night was held in January After a talk by Parson Watts a contest to test the knowledge of those present on Kiwanis matters Ladies' Night was held on February 7 with the largest attendance we have ever had on a similar occasion On March 7 our annual Farmers' Night was held at the plant of George Elliott Over sixty farmers were present to enjoy an oyster roast and the program which followed The county demonstrator had some of the 4-H boys and girls at the meeting to tell about their work Military Night brought to us all the commanding officers of the various military reservations near Hampton Short talks were made by several of these guests This annual meeting means much to our club and the community as it brings closer together the civilian and military life and brings about a better understanding among them The Fathers and Sons Night had 30 boys present some Boy Scouts brought by the men who could not bring sons The Scout Commissioners and a member of the Court of Honor made talks Memorial Day was observed by an address by the American Legion State Commander Our summer Ladies' Night was held in the Buckroe Beach Hotel On August 2 we held an inter-club meeting with the Newport News Club as guests On Halloween Night our regular meeting night a program was presented by President Floyd Moore in the "Mask" of Ladies' Night The members did not know that the ladies were to be present and therefore were greatly surprised when sixty ladies all masked entered the room and each Kiwanian was directed to select his wife from the masked group No one unmasked until the crowd was seated and each man had introduced his lady as his wife when it was found that in many instances the Kiwanians had picked the wrong ladies The ladies put on the program following dinner The Farm Bureau of Elizabeth City and Warwick Counties entertained the Hampton and Newport News Kiwanis Clubs and the Hampton Rotary Club at a dinner on December 12 It was a great get-together meeting with two hundred men present Five men maintained 10001o in their attendance namely Past Presidents George T Elliott and Roland D Cock and Kiwanians A B Garber Joe Vardin and Floyd W Moore President Moore on behalf of the presented them with bronze shields the Kiwanis emblem and 100% 1929 1930 Opened with a Father and Daughter Night Kiwanis Anniversary was observed with a program in charge of tile Committee on Kiwanis Education A list of 20 Kiwanis questions was presented the winner made 85% Mrs John Hughes of the Visiting Nurses spoke during the year of her work for the Under-privileged Safety First Night was the occasion for an address by Isaiah Gordon safety engineer of Chicago Kiwanian Ambrose Page of the Newport News club talked on Vocational Guidance The Business Standards Committee presented Mr L M Von Shilling President of the Merchants National Bank LTG Sutton paid an official visit to our club Our annual Farmers' Night was held with 35 farmers as our guests There was an address by the State Field Agent Dr W T Graham orthopedic surgeon of Richmond gave an illustrated lecture on his work All the doctors of the Lower Peninsula were invited Mr John R Conahay of the YMCA told of the work of that organization among the enlisted men of the army Host to the Norfolk Newport News and Portsmouth clubs with 96 present Gave our annual picnic at Buckroe Beach to 134 poor children Each were given a box lunch and all the amusements were free Judge C Vernon Spratley talked Entertained the high school football team and played baseball with Rotarv Twenty per cent of the proceeds from this game went to the high school athletic fund and the balance was divided between the two clubs for the benefit of their charity work A Christmas party was given to 136 children 1931 Kiwanis Anniversary was celebrated a program on Kiwanis Education A meeting was devoted to Under-privileged Child Work the speaker was Mrs John Hughes of the King's Daughters Had an inter-club with Newport News Attending were 50 from Hampton 66 from Newport News 82 farmers and 5 other guests J W Davis President of the Lower Peninsula Farm Bureau was the speaker Had a meeting where the supper cost only 25 cents the difference between that and the usual charge being donated to the Red Cross Endorsed a bond issue for the improvement of the high school Held a joint meeting with Rotary at Langley Field Participated in the Williamsburg meeting Had an address by Henry Converse Visited the South Norfolk and Emporia clubs Received a delegation from South Norfolk Work for Under-privileged children is very close to the hearts of the Hampton members Spent $600 on the following: 11 crippled and 268 other children 26 children received milk 102 auto rides lunches for 35 Under-privileged 1 child sent to camp 4 tonsil and adenoid operations (2 X-rays) 2 Orthopedic Operations and 1 child boarded through summer 1932 Furnished 2 pairs of glasses and 1 artificial eye Gave dental treatment to 4 Sent 2 to the Orthopedic Clinic and purchased 3 pairs of orthopedic shoes Had 5 tonsil operations performed and one major operation took entire care of one deserted child until a home was found for him furnished milk for 10 children and food for 47 and donated $100 for a Christmas Party Entertained the Executive Committee of the Boy Scouts and witnessed tile ceremony of Conferring Star Life and Eagle Rank upon scouts had a program put on by 4-H boys and entertained the High School Football Team Two meetings were devoted exclusively to the consideration of the duties of citizens to the Government Programs were given on The Relation of the Army Post Exchange to tire Local Merchant The Boy at Home Project An Army and Navy Adequate for Defense and The Save-a-Life Campaign Held 2 inter-clubs with Newport News at Hampton and one at Newport News Attended 1 at Ocean View with Norfolk host to South Norfolk Hampton Newport News Portsmouth and Emporia and the Hampton and Newport News Kiwanis and Rotary clubs were the guests of Col Cullen at Fortress Monroe Entertained the District Governor the LTG attended the Division Meeting at Williamsburg and sent delegates to the International and District Conventions 1933 Opened a new clinic at the Dixie Hospital The Junior Women's club raised and contributed part of the expense of the clinic Held an annual Farmers Night with 30 farmers as present The State Superintendent of Public Instruction was guest speaker urging the necessity of being progressive in Education as well as in all other activities for the common good The club interested itself in the local banking situation fostered a meeting of depositors and took an active part in it Many of the meetings this year were given over to programs whose tendency was to help members to "carry on" against odds The club attended an inter-club at Newport News Norfolk South Norfolk and Portsmouth A joint meeting was held with Rotary Two Ladies Nights were held at one of which the ladies put on the program 1934 Continued its monthly Orthopedic Clinic begun last year and raised $1400 $750 was raised by club entertainment A special program was on the anniversary of the opening of the clinic and 52 of its patients were guests of the club Entertained the High School Football Squad at luncheon together with the coaches and cheer leaders The club successfully fostered landing facilities for the sailors and officers of the U S Fleet quartered in Hampton Roads for the summer months Host to Norfolk South Norfolk Portsmouth and Newport News at Buckroe Beach and sent a large delegation to the Division Meeting at Williamsburg It had two joint Ladies Nights with Rotary Kiwanis putting on one program and Rotary the other and another Ladies Night of its own Had delegates at the International and District Conventions 1935 From a Kiwanis Bazaar and Carnival raised $2186 for the Orthopedic Clinic This Clinic now occupies 10 rooms in the Dixie Hospital furnished and operated by the club The clinic took care of an average of 28 patients a month besides the T and A operations The club aided the junior Woman's Club in the Boys and Girls Work and fostered and gave financial aid to the junior Drum and Bugle Corps Placed Kiwanis signs on the highways Visited Langley Field in a body and made a contribution to the Christmas fighting of the city Programs of interest were on Aviation The Army Air Field The Ethiopian Situation Public Utilities The Relation of County and City Government and The Oyster Industry Host to Newport News who delivered the Golden Rule Visited Portsmouth to deliver the Golden Rule Had a joint meeting with Rotarv and Lions Played baseball with Rotary and Lions and a Golf tournament in connection with the Division Meeting Celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary had two Kiwanis Education programs celebrated its own anniversary and sent representatives to the Mid-Winter Conference and the International and District Conventions and to the Division Meeting at Williamsburg 1936 Held its usual Bazaar for the benefit of the Orthopedic Clinic netting $2400 This clinic in its three years of existance has treated 100 individual patients with 1000 treatments The club spent $125 for an artificial limb and furnished coal and food to an indigent family Spent $135 for supplies for the Weaver Home for Colored Orphans with 22 children A club member donated a truck load of food and groceries Reorganization of the Boy Scouts and succeeded in getting 3 troops going Gave $50 to support the junior Drum and Bugle Corps and $50 to the junior Woman's club to be used for playground equipment Entertained the High School Football Squad and the coaches Ran "Get Out and Vote" campaign and held its annual Farmers Night Gave $25 for the Red Cross Flood Relief and attended church in a body Interesting programs were given on The Speed Mania School Operations Public Welfare The Telephone and the Pennsylvania State Police The club held an inter-club meeting with Norfolk South Norfolk Portsmouth and Newport News with ladies Present The club celebrated Memorial Day had a joint meeting with Rotary and Lions and two Ladies Nights Trained its officers entertained the LTG and District Governor Sent representatives to the Division Meeting the International and District Conventions and to the Training School for Club Officers 1937 A Carnival Bazaar was held for U P Child Funds and raised $2300 Held regularly the monthly Orthopedic Clinic and treated more than 300 children An interesting case of a boy who after two and a half years in bed and a number of operations was enabled to walk His education was also arranged for and transportation to and from the Clinic was taken care of A boy of twelve was placed in a Reform School A truckload of household and kitchen supplies unsold at the end of the Carnival was donated to the Weaver Home for Colored orphans A drive was Put on for the benefit of this home which resulted in collection and delivery of coal wood lumber canned goods fresh fish and oysters and furniture besides over $100 in cash The club gave a Christmas Party to the children at the December Clinic and furnished supplies for such a party at the Weaver Home Sponsored the Boy Scout Troop of 60 boys carried them to a meeting at Newport News arranged a meeting place for them donated $150 to send 10 of them to Camp but the Camp not being ready sent the whole troop on a trip over the Skyline Drive It joined with the Rotary and Lions in an attempt to raise $15000 for a Scout Camp and it arranged a Cub Pack It donated $25 toward the playground and it entertained the High School Football Squad The club put on a "Get Out and Vote Campaign" It held two Farmers Nights and urged its members to use more home grown fruits and vegetables and more milk Furnished speakers at the local High School on such vocations as Aviation Telephone Service Medicine Radio Banking The Building Trades Accounting Farming Real Estate Insurance Dentistry and Engineering and set up a "follow-up" plan to aid those interested The club made suggestions for the improvement of the school grounds Donated $25 to flood relief and $25 to the Visiting Nurses Association Had a fire plug placed in the neighborhood of the Weaver Home Repainted road signs Visited South Norfolk had two Golf Meets and attended a joint meeting of Norfolk Portsmouth and Newport News at Langley Field Entertained by the pupils of the High School Celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary had programs on Kiwanis Education was represented at the International and District Conventions the Division Meeting at Williamsburg and the Officers Training School 1938 The club furnished coal and groceries to the Weaver Home for colored children contributed $2500 to the Visiting Nurses Association gave $225 to the hospital for the purchase of an anaesthetic machine and carried on a monthly orthopedic clinic at which more than four hundred treatments were given during the year The club contributed $100 to the Scout organization worked for the Scout camp at Grand View held a Scout Night sponsored a Scout Troop and a Cub Pack and helped organize a Girl Scout Troop It gave $50 to help buy uniforms for the Junnior Drum and Bugle Corps held a Boys' and Girls' Night and entertained the football squad from the high school The club aided the 4-H boys and girls and gave prizes at the 4-H Fair Interviews on vocational occupations were arranged for high school students and a program on Vocational Guidance in the schools was given The club gave $10 to the Red Cross and worked for the establishment of a department store and for placing of safety lights at a dangerous railroad crossing Programs of interest were on Alaska Sewage Disposal the CC Camps Hitler's Europe Test Pilots Insurance Hospitalization Insurance and Affairs in Europe Flying Squadrons visited Portsmouth South Side Norfolk Newport News and West Point putting on the program at the latter place A Flying Squadron from Norfolk was entertained The club organized a golf team held joint meetings with the Chamber of Commerce and with the Ruritan club of Poquoson celebrated Armistice Day and held two Ladies Nights The club held classes in Kiwanis Education and had four programs devoted to this subject It celebrated all the special occasions recommended by Kiwanis International entertained the District Governor and the LTG and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference the International Convention the Division Meeting the District Convention and the Training School for Club Officers 1939 The club gave 316 treatments at its Dixie Clinic Donated $5375 to the Weaver Home for colored children and furnished transportation to and from a trade school for one of these children a cripple who was being treated at the Clinic Sponsored a Scout Troop organized a Cub Pack and gave a picture for the benefit of the Scout organization It arranged for the troop to go to a Scout camp It also secured a nearby camp site to be used for overnight hikes and bought and equipped at a cost of $180 a portable shack to be used on such occasions Entertained 10 Superior HS students at luncheon and presented them with letters of merit Worked for a recreation center for young people Strongly advocated through suitable publicity the necessity of all citizens paying the poll tax and going to the polls to vote Pins were presented to 4-H club members for excellence and $15 was paid for the transportation of 4-H club members to the 4-H camp The club made an unemployment survey for young men from 18 - 25 years of age It subscribed for the high school library two magazines devoted to information in regard to choosing a vocation and furnished the library with other literature on the same subject It sent questionnaires to the high school seniors and on the basis of answers received arranged individual conferences with expert in the vocations indicated The club received the plaque from a delegation from South Side Norfolk arid sent a like group to deliver it to Portsmouth Other visits made were to Petersburg to Portsmouth again and to Newport News for a golf tournament The club had two Ladies Nights a joint meeting with Rotary and Lions and one with the Poquoson Ruritan club The District Governor and Lieutenant Governor were entertained and the club attended the Mid-Winter Conference and the International and the District Conventions 1940 The Dixie Clinic continued to function giving 260 treatments during the year The Junior Woman's Club assisted in this work by taking care of the necessary I clerical work The club had a program on Crippled Child Work in Virginia It furnished the material for the NYA job of painting the Weaver Home for colored children and besides giving this institution $50 in cash donated a truckload of groceries at Christmas and sent presents for the children $10 was given to the Christmas basket fun The club carrying on its work in this line had a program on Scouting entertained the troop at luncheon Donated $150 the Scout fund Two children were sent to the 4-H camp and prizes were furnished for the exhibits at tire 4-H Fair The club continued to send Vocational Guidance magazines to the high school library arranged conferences when desired and made a survey of unemployed youth The club attended an inter-club meeting at Newport News received the plaque from South Side Norfolk and sent five other delegations to visit other clubs Held 2 Ladies Nights and a joint meeting with Rotary and Lions Entertained the LTG and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference the International and the District Conventions and the School for Club Officers 1941 The Dixie Clinic took care of 153 cases and several T & A operations Six tons of coal were given to the Weaver Horne and several hundred dollars in money and groceries were given to it at Christmas The Scout Troop arid the Cub Pack were Sponsored as in former years $300 was raised in the community and $100 given by tile club for this work besides which the club furnished lumber for repairs to the camp The club also furnished a director for supervised play on the summer playground and entertained a group of the children at a luncheon The club helped the 4-H clubs financially It continued to subscribe to Vocational Guidance magazines for the high school library and to hold conferences with individual students to give information and advice on specific vocations The club worked with the City Council on plans for the betterment of traffic conditions in the city Programs were on Development of Railroad Express Americanism Social Security the Telephone Honesty the Basis of Business Sanitation Incendiary Bombs and Milk Production The District Governor was guest speaker at an inter-club meeting when the club was host to Norfolk, Portsmouth, South Side, Norfolk and Newport News The club visited Newport News and also had a golf tournament with that club The club had two Ladies Nights a joint meeting with Rotary and Lions and put on a successful Hobby Show The club had two programs on Kiwanis Education won the Attendance Trophy in the Blue division celebrated Constitution Week and was represented at the Mid Winter Conference and the International and the District Conventions 1942 The Clinic at the Dixie Hospital was continued through the Year with the aid of tile Junior Woman's Club and plans were made for making it a bigger and better Clinic Twelve children were fitted with glasses and right had dental work taken care of Gifts were made to the Weaver Home for colored children at a Christmas party given to the children A Christmas dinner was given to 35 poor children with a gift for each child Continued interest in scouting was evidenced by the work of the Boys and Girls Committee which finally succeeded in getting for the Scouts a far more suitable building than the one they formerly occupied The Troop is increasing in size and reports satisfactory advancement It aided the club in the gathering of scrap A county-wide meeting of high school students was held the address was by a nationally known leader in Vocational Guidance and 50 representatives of various vocations were present to talk to small groups interested 11 specific vocations The club attended church in a body celebrated Flag Day invested $1500 in Defense Bonds aided the W P A Nursery School built and maintained an airplane spotter post at which each member served as spotter at least once collected and gave books to the USO and helped furnish a recreation room at a nearby camp It contributed $25 to the YMCA $10 each to the Red Cross and the Navy Relief and $5 to the United China Relief Among the more interesting programs were those on Automobile Rationing Economic World Status Cooperation in the Church Rationing Foodstuffs Wartime Conservation Young People in the War Aeronautics Naval Construction Air-raid Shelters and Curtailment of the Telephone Individual members of the club visited nearby clubs frequently and the club as a whole joined with the Newport News club in the celebration of its 21st anniversary The club held three Ladies Nights a picnic with ladies present a joint meeting with Rotary and Lions and took part in the bowling and horse-shoe pitching leagues in the city The club furnished the Lieutenant-Governor for the year sent in an Efficiency Report and was represented at the Mid Winter Conference the International and the District Conventions and the Training School for Club Officers 1943 The club continued its monthly clinic at the Dixie Hospital with satisfactory results and instituted a pre-School clinic The annual Christmas donation party was given at the Weaver (colored) Orphanage members of the club furnishing gifts of toys food coal and wood and cash amounting to $189 The club continued sponsoring the Boy Scouts and had a program at which two boys who had reached the ranks of Star and Life Scouts were honored The High School football team was entertained at a 11-ChCon; High School graduates were Placed in war work jobs; and in cooperation with the Woman's Club a teen-age recreation center was established A special program was given on the guidance of youth in war times The club celebrated Golden Rule Week and Lee's Birthday it sponsored and aided such projects as the USO Victory Gardens (distributing a number of booklets on gardening) Bond Sales and put on a "Get-Out-the-Vote" campaign Contributed $50 to the Red Cross and $200 to the war chest No official inter-club meetings were held but many members paid visits to other clubs whenever possible Entertained the LTG and was represented at the Mid Winter Conference the District and the International Conventions and the Training School for Club officers On December 1 there were 3 members in the armed forces 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1969 - 1970 1970 - 1971 1971 - 1972 1972 - 1973 1973 - 1974 1974 - 1975 1975 - 1976 1976 - 1977 1977 - 1978 1978 - 1979 1979 - 1980 1980 - 1981 1981 - 1982 1982 - 1983 1983 - 1984 1984 - 1985 1985 - 1986 1986 - 1987 1987 - 1988 1988 - 1989 1989 - 1990 1990 - 1991 1991 - 1992 1992 - 1993 1993 - 1994 1994 - 1995 1995 - 1996 1996 - 1997 1997 - 1998 1998 - 1999 1999 - 2000 2000 - 2001 2001 - 2002 Year End: 128 Projects Completed 1125 Service Hours $27350 Money Spent 35 Interclubs 2002 - 2003 Year End:1 51 Projects Completed 1550 Service Hours $34431 Spent 42 Interclubs 2003 - 2004 Year End: 148 Projects Completed 1461 Service Hours $37529 Spent 30 Interclubs 2004 - 2005 Contributed $1600 to Tsunami Relief Effort Year End: 1086 Projects Completed 1344 Service Hours $36847 Spent 22 Interclubs 2005 - 2006 Year End: 150 Projects Completed 1499 Service Hours $33081 Spent 29 Interclubs 2006 - 2007 Year End: 107 Projects Completed 1123 Service Hours $22648 Spent 31 Interclubs 2007 - 2008 Year End: 164 Projects Completed 1465 Service Hours $14283 Spent 19 Interclubs 2008 - 2009 Year End: 192 Projects Completed 1938 Service Hours $4387 Spent 24 Interclubs 2009 - 2010 Year End: 16 Projects Completed 315 Service Hours $0 Spent 6 Interclubs $0 CD Foundation 2010 - 2011 Year End: 0 Projects Completed 86 Service Hours $0 Spent 9 Interclubs $0 CD Foundation 2011 - 2012 2012 - 2013 KI Revoked Charter January 25 2014 |