The Newport News Kiwanis Club was built during the year 1920, the organization completed according to International standards on January 11, 1921 and its charter obtained on April 6, 1921. Mr Wailes Hank of the Norfolk Club was the "Daddy" of this new club, which was built under his direction and encouragement without the assistance of an International Field Representative. With him in this work was associated Frank Hanrahan of the Portsmouth Club. These two enthusiastic Kiwanians made their first visit on March 18, 1920, for the purpose of interesting the businessmen of Newport News. A temporary organization was effected on April 8, 1920, and 18 prospective members were signed up. The temporary officers were: President B A Ferry, Vice President Rev P M Hank, Secretary W Blount Darden, and Treasurer J P Johnson It is interesting to note that Rev P M Hank is a brother of two Kiwanians J D Hank Jr, of the Richmond Club and District Governor in 1921, and Wailes Hank of the Norfolk Club. 1921 The permanent organization was perfected with the following officers: President Allan D Jones, Vice Presidents R L Harris, P M Hank and E M Milstead, Treasurer J P Johnson, Secretary W Blount Darden In addition to the two mentioned above, the following have served as Presidents: Dr Allan W Burcher, 0 A Bloxom, and the present incumbent (1923), R L Harris The Secretaries have been: Ray L Shea, James P Goodwin and the present Secretary, C W Baines, who holds the newly created office of a paid Secretary-Treasurer. The Kiwanis Club was the first organization to take a stand and advocate an adequate bond issue for much needed public school facilities and extensions and a worthwhile high school equipment in Newport News. They backed the issue from its inception and as a result the bond election carried and the school buildings are now (July 1923) in course of construction. The public schools have been a specialty with the Newport News Club Gold medals were awarded for High School student essays. On one occasion the club joined hands with other civic organizations and chartered a ferry steamer at a cost of $300 to take the entire High School student body, their parents and friends, to Norfolk for the High School State Championship Football Game. This club subscribed the fund which made the erection of a well appointed and much needed comfort station on the most centrally located city park site possible. One of the biggest civic jobs yet undertaken was when the club sponsored a "Home Coming Week" for Newport News They put over this celebration in a most creditable fashion, succeeded in electing their nominee for "Queen of Home Coming Week", and brought to the city a large number of visitors for a week's festivities and to enjoy a program that was pleasurable, instructive and educative The program was much appreciated, and out of it the city got the very best publicity, state, nation, and worldwide, which she has ever enjoyed The invitation to Homecoming Week was radioed around the world more than a dozen times, and did much to put Newport News on the map. The club each year pays the expenses of its boy representatives to the State YMCA meeting for boys. From the date of the club's organization it has taken an active interest and part in all movements for civic betterment The club has arranged several baseball games and donated the proceeds to local playgrounds Has sponsored and helped to equip two playgrounds for children A prize was awarded to the High School student for the best play ground essay The club later on subscribed a fund for providing suitable Kiwanis benches on the school and public play grounds for the comfort of mothers, nurses and visitors. The Newport News Club has planned several joint meetings of the club and Farm Bureau, which has done much toward fostering a better feeling and improving the spirit of helpful co-operation between the city business men and their rural associates, the Farmer In this, work the club has had the most hearty assistance of the County Farm Agent of the United States Department of Agriculture who, is a Kiwanian and the two real dirt farmer members of the club This has been one of the club's most fruitful activities. The Christmas activities of this club have always been an annual innovation, beginning with Christmas 1921, when every poor child and every worthy poor family in the city who lived on streets where Santa -Claus was not scheduled to visit were remembered substan-tially 337 children received toys, shoes, etc, in addition to funds and food supplies donated to deserving poor families In 1922 the club's Christmas committee found it wise, in order to prevent duplication, to cooperate with other civic and benevolent or her they planned so that generations, and to get not a family or poor child in the city or its environs would awake to a cheerless Christmas Day In this work the co-operation of the Kiwanis merchants and businessmen has been heartening. One of the best features of this club's work in the last year has been to look out for visiting Kiwanians When a certain state convention held its annual session in Newport News, the club secretary got in touch with every Kiwanis club in Virginia and obtained the names of the Kiwanians who would attend this convention from their clubs To each of these Kiwanians a special invitation was sent to be the guest of our club at its meeting to be held during the session of the convention This proved to be a good fellowship meeting and the out-of-town Kiwanians were outspoken in their praise and appreciation for our thoughtfulness The club secretary makes it a specialty when he knows of any Newport News Kiwanian who is to visit or be in another city on some future date, to advise the Kiwanis Club of that, place of this visit and to give the opportunity to extend the glad Kiwanis hand This service has met favor with out-of-town clubs and has at the same time been much appreciated by our members and, has given them a higher regard for the real value of their Kiwanis membership Due to our isolated location our inter-club activities have not been as great as they should have been, but the future promise is better and more hopeful We have had a number of inter-club baseball games which are improved our acquaintance with out-of-town Kiwanians and intensified the fellowship which should exist This club is now formulating plans for a number of group activities in the immediate future In 1921 Newport News participated with the Norfolk and Portsmouth clubs in planning for and financing the Hampton Roads District Kiwanis Convention held in Norfolk, which proved o be one of the best meetings the Capital District club yet held 1923 Directors: C C Smith, Charles C Berkeley, Dr W0 Poindexter, Ellis J Graff, A Y Burcher, W J Bright, Jr, and William Stewart 1924 The year stands out prominently in the history of the club as the beginning of many activities among the underprivileged and crippled children of Newport News as well as the children in the public schools Early in the year the club sent W A Shell as its representative to Charlottesville, Virginia, to assist in the preliminary organization of a Society for Crippled Children of Virginia This was the real beginning of active work and interest in child welfare work The club adopted a resolution to co-operate with the city school officials in the matter of corrective measures for underweight children A tabulation was made and today accurate check is made of all children in, the graded schools and remedial measures followed in co-operation with the parents Regulation National and Kiwanis flags were purchased and thereafter properly displayed at all of our meetings We contributed much time and effort to the successful promotion of the Community 'Fund, which was organized for the first time in this section of the state The first campaign was a decided success from every point of view and besides the individual efforts of the members, the club voted a substantial sum from the treasury Of much greater value than the actual raising of thwmoney, was the betterment of the community spirit resulting from the close association of the civic bodies of the city One of the regular meetings was held at the home of one of the farmer members of the club and this has since become an annual event and has resulted in a better understanding between the farmers and the business men The club also held orm of its meetings at Buckroe Beach, a nearby summer resort, and this, too,'has become an annual event and the ladies are usually entertained on this occasion Successful committee work was done in arranging speakers for such organizations as the National Guard, Boy Scouts and the Community Fund High School students were sbnt at the expense of the club to participate in various athletic activities at local, state and national meets 1925 A great deal of attention was given to the good roads movement and much assistance was given to local and state officials and private citizens in this work Newport News is now connected with Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Yorktown, Williamsburg, Richmond and Washington by hard surfaced -roads This work was followed by an intensive campaign for tourist travel, resulting in this section of the state being extensively advertised The city of Newport News erected a Victory Arch over the entrance to the city in honor of our returning soldiers, sailors and marines immediately following the armistice and since the structure was originally intelided as a semi-permanent one, the city officials were seriously considering the removal of it The Kiwanis Club made an appeal to the City Council and offered a resolution protesting this action and in cooperation with other agencies were successful in having an appropriation made for the repair and retention of this monument which has now become permanent It was mainly due to the influence of the Kiwanis Club that the old State League baseball park was purchased by the city and converted into a much-needed public park in a section of the city which had not previously enjoyed park privileges The Hampton Roads Port Co-Operative Association appealed to our club for assistance in the development of the Port of Hampton Roads and the club responded by offering rewards for prize essays on Hampton Roads and also contributed financially toward the educational campaign The Peninsula Fair, held at Williamsburg, was boosted by the clubs in this section of the State and members of the Newport News Club won several first prizes The City Park Commission requested this club to appoint a member to serve on the commission for a period of two years and Kiwanian 0 A Bloxom, President of the Southern Shipyard Corporation, was appointed The outstanding accomplishment of the year was the sponsoring and organization of the Hampton Kiwanis Club, which resulted in the livest club, of its size in the State Past President James P Goodwin, with the help of Secretary C W Baines, worked untiringly in forming this new club The club has always been vitally interested in working for better legislation and regulations governing the seafood industry, particularly with those engaged in the oyster industry Other forms of activity were: 6 paid tuition fees at William and Mary College for students taking the short term courses in agriculture and other subjects Entertained delegates to conventions held in Newport News and Advertising Virginia campaigns Secretary C W Baines was the club delegate to the International Convention at St Paul 1926 Notable gains were made during 1926 in net membership gain, attendance, in general activity and in the development of the Kiwanis spirit Since its organization the club had continued to hold semi-monthly meetings Although much pressure had been brought to bear to have the club adopt the weekly meeting plan, the entire membership looked upon it with disfavor in the belief that the unusual conditions existing made the plan impractical The club officers and committee chairmen, however, set the weekly meeting plan as their objective for the year At the, November meeting of the Board of Directors, President Thomas Newman requested the board to recommend to the club the adoption of the weekly meeting plan for the remainder of the year without obligating the incoming administration to continue if the plan proved impractical On December 6 the Board of Directors met in joint session with the members-elect of the 1927 board and adopted a resolution to continue the weekly meetings permanently The club action was ratified and the by-laws were amended accordingly Early in the year the club responded to an appeal from the YMCA for assistance in conducting the annual financial campaign Many members served as team captains and workers and, in addition to the amount subscribed from the club treasury, individual members contributed liberally The Boy Scouts, Salvation Army and Red Cross were also aided in this way A contribution was made through the Red Cross for Florida relief Particular interest was manifested on the part of the club as a whole in receiving from the Norfolk Club and in turn presenting to the Hampton Club the Capital District Loving Cup sponsored by the Washington Club Special programs were arranged for both occasions Harry E Dodge, General Secretary of the YMCA at Fall River, Massachusetts was highly recommended by those who attended the Charlottesville meeting in January, was invited to Newport News club He delivered many inspiring and helpful addresses in the high schools of the community, Rotary Club and other organizations His principal address was delivered before a joint meeting of the Hampton and Newport News Clubs when about thirty members of the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics from Langley Field were present as guests of the two clubs The Rotary Club contributed toward the expenses of bringing the speaker to Newport News Co-operating with the City Council, and the Chamber of Commerce, the club aided materially in the successful promotion of "Launching Day", arranged by the Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Company, when nine vessels were launched in one day and the keels of two others were placed, thereby establishing a world's record for one shipyard One of the features of the club's co-operation was the entertaining at luncheon of the military band from Fort Eustis Preliminary steps were taken to make a survey of the underprivileged and crippled children of the city and a committee was appointed to arrange detailed plans for this work Enthusiastic support was given in every way possible when the city held an election on the purchase of the water supply from private owners, and it was felt that this was one of the greatest steps forward when the citizens voted overwhelmingly to pur(hase the water supply President Newman, with the assistance of Dr J A C Chandler, arranged a visit to Jamestown Island for the student officers in training at Fort Monroe and succeeded in having the usual admission fee reduced to a minimum Much interest was also taken in the Citizens' Military Training Corps, at Fort Monroe Merit badges were purchased by the club and one of these was presented to the winner by President Newman No other year in the history of our club surpassed 1926 in Inter-Club activities In addition to the District Inter-Club Day program, when the Portsmouth, Norfolk, Hampton and Newport News Clubs met in the latter city, two joint meetings were held with the Hampton Club One of them was a Ladies' Night with District Governor Merle E Towner as the speaker The Richmond and Newport News Clubs sponsored a meeting in Williamsburg, when large delegations were present from Richmond, Petersburg, Hopewell, Ashland, West Point, Portsmouth, Norfolk, Hampton and Newport Ncws This meeting was held in the dining hall of William and Mary College on October 18 Dr J A C Chandler, President of the college, and Hon John Garland Pollard were the speakers of the occasion, as were representatives of the several clubs present Considerable visitation by the officers of the Hampton and Newport News clubs took place informally during the year Past President W L Tabb was chairman of the Inter-Club Relations Committee Of interest to the entire Capital District was an arrangement made by the club with the army officials of Fort Eustis whereby Kiwanians of the District are eligible to participate in the annual Rifle and Pistol Tournament held at Fort Eustis By underwriting certain expenses incidental to this event, the usual entrance fees and other expenses are eliminated Letters explaining this opportunity fully were mailed to the secretaries of all the clubs in the Capital District One of the annual football games played by William and Mary College was brought to Newport News and the club shared with Rotary in the entertainment of the two thousand or more students who were in attendance and with the Retail Merchants' Association gave a dance the same evening and furnished refreshments The club was represented at the Charlottesville meeting in January by the President and Secretary; at the International Convention in Montreal by the President, Secretary and one other member, and at the District Convention in Roanoke by the President, Trustee, Secretary and seven other members The club made a net gain of fourteen members for the year and attendance showed a gratifying increase The real Kiwanis spirit is more prevalent, in the club than ever before and every movement initiated in the club is unanimously supported by the entire membership This was evidenced when the club presented a play for the benefit of underprivileged and crippled children Members worked united and realized a substantial sum 1927 We raised money for the Children's Home Society of Virginia In February we sent a crippled child to the clinic at Norfolk and gave authority for the purchase of braces and anything else needed for the case In June two cripples were sent to Dr Thomas E Wheeldon at Richmond for examination and were then placed in Sheltering Arm Hospital for treatment This was our first attempt to send them to Richmond A two nights entertainment called "Kiwanis Kabaret" was staged in November and several hundred dollars realized for our Crippled 'Child's Fund We paid the expenses of one boy and one girl at summer camp The entire membership distributed food, clothing, toys at Christmas The school officials and the Red Cross assisted in the selection of the most worthy families A large number of our members took part in a membership drive for the Chamber of Commerce We donated $100 for the Mississippi flood sufferers and $200 to a fund for handling the State convention of the American Legion Financial and other assistance was given in the entertaining of officers and men of the navy on their visit to the Virginia Peninsula An official presentation of the city flag was made in the high school on September 21, in the presence of more than 1000 high school students, the members of the club and city officials The design for the flag had been made by E H Plummer, Jr, son of a Kiwanian The presentation was made by President Bivins and the flag was received by the Mayor In May, we held a joint meeting with Rotary, at which our club had its first 100% attendance We attended the inter-club meeting at A L Bivins, President, George W Tay Hampton We were also at the meeting at Buckroe Beach with the Hampton Club when we were the guests of the Lower Peninsula Farm Bureau We had 65 members and guests at the Inter-Club meeting at Williamsburg We were present at the Charter Night of the South Norfolk Club American Forest Week was observed We mailed out literature, with the weekly bulletin and had a speaker for the State Forestry Bureau A Ladies' Night was held at Buckroe Beach The best Father and Son Night we ever held was given on October 27 59 sons were present besides 90 % of the membership A meeting was held with 52 farmers The program included an exhibit of farm products and a poultry judging contest between members of the 4-H Clubs We had been aiding the County Agent in co-operation with the C & 0 Railroad in conducting these 4-H Farm Clubs for boys and girls at St Georges Farm on the James River Several members were guests of the military authorities in June at the graduating exercises of the Citizens' Military Training Camp at Fort Monroe In September, we held regular meetings at Fort Eustis as guests of the enlisted men of the 52nd Coast Artillery At which time a splendid banquet, followed by a program in the Liberty Theater put on jointly by our club and members of the 52nd 1928 President Shell presented an objective to the Board of Directors and the club It was to establish a crippled child clinic It opened May 2nd with 16 children treated on the opening day of the clinic by Dr Vann of Norfolk Before the opening of this clinic it had been necessary to send children to Richmond for examination and treatment After its establishment, only hospital cases had to be sent away The underprivileged child committee raised funds for the Children's Home Society of Virginia and secured a considerable amount for that purpose We arranged a meeting with the State Health Commission, the city authorities, the Chamber of Commerce, and other organizations for a hearing on the progress of a three-year health program on the Peninsula Kiwanis sponsored the raising of the money necessary to complete this program which, when completed, will give us the lowest death rate of any section of the country of equal area We appointed a committee to cooperate with the American Legion in a plan where civic clubs would each sponsor a boys baseball team Our boys' team was organized, entered the league, played several games and won the pennant They were then sent at the club's expense to Richmond where they played in the elimination series, losing to Alexandria We entertained the team at a weekly meeting A resolution was adopted to get our people to buy in Newport News Our President representative the club from this city to Boston and entertained Mr Paine of the Paine-Webber Co, builders of the Newport News bridge across the James River We provided a float for the parade incident to the formal opening of the bridge and had two members on important committees A joint meeting was held with Rotary in November to honored Dr W A R Goodwin and Dr J A Chandler of Williamsburg Dr Goodwin, who succeeded John D Rockefeller, Jr, in restoring old Williamsburg to its original plans, and to Dr Chandler for the development and progress of William and Mary College under his administration The Publicity Committee started publication of a club weekly called "The Builder" The LTG, President and Secretary attended the anniversary meeting of the Ashland Club on March 26 We took part in the inter-club meeting at Old Point Comfort with Norfolk, South Norfolk, Portsmouth and Hampton The District Inter-Club Day in May was with Hampton Col James B Taylor of the Coast Artillery School was the speaker On July 5, there was a joint meeting with Hampton at the Hampton Golf Club Fourth Divisional meeting was hosted by Richmond Attending were Baltimore, Washington, Richmond and Winchester together with their wives This was a weekend party in which our club joined with Hampton The management of the hotel and LTG Thomas Newman co-operated in making this a most enjoyable affair We attended the 10th Anniversary of the Capital District held in Washington on August 29 An attendance contest resulted in the highest attendance the club has ever had The club was divided into six teams with a Past President as captain of each team Governor Harry F Byrd spoke at one of our meetings Two Ladies' Nights were held at Buckroe Beach On the occasion of the second one, the management of the Virginia Public Service Corporation invited the club to bring the underprivileged and crippled children to the resort for a day's outing as the guests of the management Our annual Farmers' Night was held in December with seventy-five farmers present from three counties The Christmas Committee reported 52 families visited by club members who played Santa Claus to underprivileged children About $600 was spent on this work 1929 We held a meeting with Rotary and Cosmopolitan The Governor of Virginia and other officials were entertained on the opening night of William and Mary College extension course in good government A good will meeting was held at Smithfield with representative citizens of the town and county as guests and with Mr Henry H Little, President of the Newport News-James River Bridge Corporation, as speaker A Father and Daughter Night and a Father and Son Night were occasions All Kiwanis Night was suitably observed Transportation was supplied & boys to and from the YMCA Camp A Ladies' Night was held at Buckroe Beach We joined with the local Chamber of Commerce in a clean-up campaign and assisted the State Chamber of Commerce in entertaining a party of more than three hundred school officials from New York City A golf tournament was held with Rotary We participated in an Inter-Club Meeting with Hampton A Farmers' Night was held in November, with seventy-five farmers from four counties present Addresses by farmers and Kiwanians were made on the value of such meetings The farmers in turn invited the Kiwanians to be their guests in December Kiwanis joined with Rotary and Cosmopolitan in placing signs at the several approaches to the city A civic club council of representatives of these three clubs was organized for the purpose of coordinating the community activities of these clubs A delegation attended the inter-club meeting held in Ashland We entertained the high school football players and the school officials at a banquet Members of the club visited underprivileged children in about forty homes with gifts of clothing, food, toys and money This has been an annual custom for six years and is an experience that is thoroughly enjoyed A joint meeting, with a large attendance, was held with the Rotary and Cosmopolitan Clubs 1930 Our clinic continued this year and broadened the scope to include all the territory of the Lower Virginia Peninsula; and treatment to older persons unable to pay Honored Dr, Foy Vann, orthopedic surgeon who conducted the clinic All the medical men of the community were invited and 30 were present Dr Vann told of his work with our cripples and some of the modern practices now in use Held a joint meeting with Chamber of Commerce, Rotary and Cosmopolitan Inter-clubs with Hampton and the Division Meeting at Williamsburg Governor Binford addressed the club The Kiwanis club united with the school authorities to secure a junior College A meeting with Principal Fred M Alexander of the High School, and Dr J A C Chandler President of William and Mary College spoke on the subject and pledged their support A survey was made to find if the necessary students and buildings could be obtained in Newport News During the summer the club sponsored a milk fund for under-nourished children who were cared for by the school authorities during the school term We cooperated with the Chamber of Commerce in its efforts to expand local parks and playground facilities, following a survey by the Natural Recreation Association The club sponsored a game between the champions of the City Baseball League and those of the New York City Bank League The game netted us over $100 for the U P Child Fund Sponsored in the junior Playground League of our city Defeated the Rotary Gave a concert for the benefit of our crippled child work, with Miss Helen Wills as the soloist It realized over $300 A junior boxing exhibition was given at one of our meetings Held the annual Christmas program for 90 families Virtually each Kiwanian gave personal service, making personal visits to the assigned family or families 1931 The Crippled Child Clinic continued its activities during the year, treating approximately 300 cases of orthopedic afflictions and sending 9 to hospitals for operations Inter-club meeting was held with Hampton with 84 farmers present 22 members of Hampton paid us a surprise visit Attended a meeting at Norfolk and 61 of us were at the Division Meeting at Williamsburg Cooperated with the Chamber of Commerce in advertising the Peninsula A joint meeting was held with Rotary, the Chamber of Commerce and Cosmopolitan Club, We assisted in Paint-up and Cleanup Week The graduates of the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company Apprentice School were entertained A movie night was held for Under-privileged Children An outing on the Fourth of July proved very enjoyable We helped the Boy Scouts raise their budget Needy children were remembered at Christmas with toys, candy, etc We were the first service club to contribute to the Newport News Unemployment Relief Fund We contributed $100 as a club donation, in addition to liberal personal contributions 1932 Attended the Orthopedic Clinic for Under-privileged Children with 86 new patients A cabaret show raised $550 Gave toys and others gifts to the children of 50 families The club held a unique Farmers Night at which 41 farmers were guests The stage of the hall was banked with an exhibit of farm products purchased from local farmers The exhibits were used as attendance prizes, the chickens and pigs being given to the farmers and the fruit and vegetables given to the Kiwanians The club also held a meeting at Smithfield, the home of the Smithfield ham In public affairs the club joined in a "Clean-up, Paint-up" movement, had a program on Forestry, one on the Value of the Railroads, and joined the Save-a-Life Campaign It held a joint meeting with the Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary and Cosmopolitan clubs, entered a singing contest with Rotary and Cosmopolitan, Had 45 girls of the high school physical Education classes, and entertained the city officials at lunch Joined an inter-club meeting at Hampton Attended one at Ocean View where the Norfolk club was host to Hampton, Newport News, Portsmouth, and Emporia was host to Hampton, and Norfolk, and attended the Division inter-club meeting at Williamsburg The club held two successful Ladies Nights with dancing and had a surprise program put oil by the wives and sweethearts which was a great success Had a golf match with Rotary and entered a team in the Division Golf Tournament The club celebrated its own anniversary All-Kiwanis, Night, and sent five representatives to the District Convention 1933 Continued Orthopedic Clinic for under-privileged children, treating 249 cases of which 74 were new Gave a musical show to raise money, and Christmas gifts to children in 40 families Entertained last year's football team in January and this year's team in December The girl graduates of the school and the school trustees were also entertained by the club Assisted in financial drives for Boy Scouts, the Red Cross and Salvation Army Fostered a movement for building an Armory Sponsored the NRA Aided the highway approaches to the city Sent a delegation to the Arlington County club, was host to Hampton, Norfolk, and Portsmouth at an interclub meeting The District Governor put on a Kiwanis Education program Host to the Division Golf Tournament and attended the Division Meeting at Williamsburg in the evening 1934 Each member contributed $5 to the work of Orthopedic Clinic rather than to give a benefit show The clinic was repaired and refitted and was carried on through the year with all average of 28 patients treated each month and was visited by an average of 73 The club played Santa Claus to 40 U P children and cooperated with other organizations in the Red Cross Drive and in financing the Community Christmas Tree, Entertained the girl graduates of the High Team, held a Father and Son Night and entertained 100 graduates of the Apprentice School of the Newport News Shipping and Dry Dock Company and the yard officials One meeting was held in the county The club welcome the fleet on its return from the Pacific Coast in furnishing entertainment for officers and men, held its annual joint meeting with Rotary, Cosmopolitan, Lions and the Chamber of Commerce Had 2 programs of the working of tile Federal Housing Act and one on City and County Planning 1935 The club continued the Orthopedic Clinic, treating during the year more than 300 cases Secured new quar-ters at the Civic Center It entertained the surgeon and the nurses and presented Resolutions of Appreciation for his services to the surgeon The club co operated with other organizations in the general Christmas pro-gram but carried out its own program of sending food, clothing, fuel and toys to the Under-privileged at Christmas The club held a Father, Son and Daughter Night It promoted Boy Scout Work, several member, and it entertained as usual the graduates of the Newport News Ship building and Dry Dock Apprentice School Cooperated with the State Chamber of Commerce, endorsed the State Safety Conference, visited and cooperated with the US Training Camp Host to West Point and visited West Point and Hampton Held a joint meeting with Rotary Organized a Golf Team and played with Rotary Went to Mid-Winter Conference, International and District Conventions, the Division meeting and the Training School for Club Officers It entertained the LTG and Governor 1936 The club continued the Orthopedic Clinic, treating hundreds of cases Supported the Presidents Ball Raised $300 for child work A Farmers Night Alecting was held in the country with county officials also as guests Held a joint meeting with Rotary, Lions, Cosmopolitan and the Peninsula Chamber of Commerce Host to West Point At another time was host to Hampton, Norfolk, South Norfolk and Portsmouth with the District Governor as guest speaker The club held three Ladies Nights with dancim, It played Soft Ball with the Lions and Golf with Rotary and held joint meetings with Rotary, Lions, and Cosmopolitan Entertained the LTG and the District Governor It celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, All-Kiwanis Night and Constitution Week, lield four Kiwanis Education Programs and was represented at the District and International Conventions and the Division Meeting, 1937 Continued to hold its Crippled Childrens Clinic monthly and decided to extend this work and provide hospitalization; also furnished braces for one child and milk for another The sum of $100 was contributed to the Instruction Visiting Nurse Campaign and $159 to the Christmas Aid Fund The club also gave $80 to the Red Cross Flood Relief Fund The club had several representatives on the Steering Committee for the Community Boys Camp It sponsored 4-H Club Work in Warwick county, entertained the girl graduates of the High School, the graduating class, and the High School football team Spent $100 for a Vocational Guidance Library at the High School, conferred with the school authorities, distributed pamphlets and addressed the Patrons League and other groups of citizens and had conferences with individual boys and girls There were programs on Social Diseases, The Uses and Value of Milk, Prevention of Tuberculosis, Fossils, Shipping, The National Parks, The Work of the Chamber of Commerce, Peace and Crime Prevention The club aided the Rotarians in their District Convention held in Newport News and it held a joint meeting with the C of C The club had three inter-club meetings with Hampton and one Golf Match The Golf Team played also against the local Rotary Club Soft Ball and Bowling Teams were organized and entered in the Civic League Entertained the Governor and the LTG, celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary Attended the Mid-Winter Conference, the District and International Conventions the Division Meeting and the Officer Training 1938 The club formed and sponsored a 4-H Club in the country, worked for a community camp, aided the Boy Scout drive for funds, contributed $36 toward uniforms for the Junior Drum and Bugle Corps, and field a fine Father, Son, and Daughter Night The club put on weekly broadcasts on civic matters for two months It put on a program and a broadcast on Vocational Guidance, and furnished a speaker on that subject to the local Lions Club The club had a joint meeting with the other civic clubs and the Chamber of Commerce Attended an inter-club meeting at West Point host to Hampton and was represented at Richmond on the occasion of the visit of the International President The club's Bowling Team, Golf Team and Softball Team competed with other teams in the vicinity Held an outing at Yorktown, a Ladies' Night, and a Christmas meeting with gifts for each member It held three Kiwanis Education meetings, was represented at the School for Club Officers, the Mid-Winter Conference, and the District Convention, and entertained the Lieutenant Governor and the District Governor 1939 The club held its regular monthly Crippled Children's Clinic, averaging about 30 patients, and also took care of tonsil and adenoid operations, furnished glasses where needed, and treated other cases that needed attention This clinic is the oldest of its kind in the United States The club also had a program on the care and prevention of Tuberculosis Organized a Kiwanis Boys' Baseball team, and entertained it after it had won the local championship Entertained at luncheon the State Champion High School basketball team Had programs on 4-H club work, worked with two different 4-H clubs, entertained each of them at a luncheon, and sent a delegation to attend the 4-H Club Fair At one meeting of the club, a debate on the subject, Shall Vocational Guidance Be Taught in the Schools' was held The club also aided the High School in its attempts to aid pupils in choosing vocations and in securing employment Hosted a large delegation from Portsmouth, bringing the plaque, which was later carried to Richmond The club visited Portsmouth and Hampton Entertained both the District Governor and the LG and was well represented at the Training School for Club Officers, The Mid-Winter Conference, the International and the District Conventions, and the big Division meeting at Williamsburg One of its members was elected Lieutenant Governor for 1940 Held an inter-club meeting with Hampton, Portsmouth, Norfolk, and South Side Norfolk Host to Hampton, West Point, and Richmond Delegations visited Hampton, Norfolk and West Point, carrying the plaque to the latter Bowling and Golf teams were entered in the Civic Club League A special golf match with Rotary was held Two Ladies' Nights and an outing at Yorktown completed the social activities of the club The club furnished the Lieutenant Governor for the year, and upon his removal to another Division, furnished his successor Several Kiwanis Education meetings were held; the District Governor was entertained; and the club was represented at the Training School for Club Officers, Mid Winter Conference, International and District Conventions 1940 The club carried on monthly clinic during the year with an average of about 30 patients each monh Early in the year it conceived the idea of owning a building for the clinic and for offices for the visiting nurses It formed and obtained a charter for the Kiwanis Clinic Corporation, acquired title to a lot, bought furniture, and completed the construction of the building, quite an accomplishment for one year The club sponsored a Kiwanis boys' baseball team in the city league, bought the boys Kiwanis caps and sweaters, and had the pleasure of seeing the team win the city championship 1941 The new Kiwanis Clinic building, completed and furnished in 1940 at a cost of approximately $10,000 was dedicated with appropriate ceremonies, and the regular monthly clinic was held throughout the year with an average of 30 patients each month Sponsored a social and athletic club for teenage boys, furnishing athletic equipment, and organizing a baseball team that played in the city league The club had the boys as its guests at the annual luncheon Continued work with a nearby 4-H club and kept the accomplishments of this club before the public Sent delegations to Hampton and Portsmouth and was host to Hampton and West Point Two successful Ladies' Nights were held, and also a joint meeting with Lions Entertained the Lieutenant Governor, was represented at the Training School for Club Officers, Mid-Winter Conference, International and the District Conventions 1942 The monthly clinics were held regularly, and $470 was spent for hospital expenses for needed operations The club entertained the High School basketball team, which won the State championship, and presented the coach with a watch The sponsorship of the 4-H club was continued Sponsored a Civil Aeronautic Administration Ground School with an enrollment of 54, and joined with other civic clubs sponsoring the Lee Naval Volunteers, by having a boat built and placed at 28th Street and Washington Avenue Furnished transportation for British sailors to Williamsburg, participated in the Scrap Drive, and entertained movie stars, selling $16,000 in Defense Bonds Held an inter-club meeting with Hampton in celebration of the 21st anniversary of the founding of the club The club had a Ladies' Night, an oyster roast, joint meetings with Rotary and Lions, a number of golf matches, and it joined with Rotary in entertaining the officers of the Hampton Roads Port of Embarkation, Entertained the LG, was represented at the Training School for Club Officers, Mid-Winter Conference, International and the District Conventions 1943 Due to the limited accommodations for holding dinner meetings, it became necessary for the civic clubs of the city to meet together Lions Club held its semi-monthly meetings with Kiwanis most of the year, and the Rotary Club its weekly meetings for the past few months This fostered a closer relation between the clubs There have been 12 clinic meetings, presided over by Dr Foy Vann, of Norfolk, Va, 244 treatments have been given at the clinic Two of the patients required operations at a total cost of $213, and two required X-ray treatments at a cost of $10 At each of the clinics, the services of the Visiting Nurses of Newport News were most faithfully performed The outstanding achievement of the year was the final payment of $1,295 on the Clinic Building, which, along with the equipment, is valued at $8,500 Contributed $25 for child treatment at the Mayo Clinic Entertained the Newport News High School basketball team, winners of the State championship also the Newport News High School football learn along with the coaches and school officials Continued to sponsor a 4-H club at Morrison, Va, and held Father, Son and Daughter Night, at which the sons and daughters put on the program The club held a successful Farmers' Night, at which wartime problems were discussed Sent 100,000 cigarettes to the armed forces, made donations to the Red Cross, the local T B Association and the Camp Patrick Henry Band, aided the Victory Book Campaign, and the Community Fund, and the collection of scrap There was a Ladies' Night, the annual golf tournament with Rotary, and an oyster roast Entertained the District Governor and the LG and was represented at the District Convention, Training School for Club Officers Eight members were in the armed forces on December 31 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1969 - 1970 1970 - 1971 1971 - 1972 1972 - 1973 1973 - 1974 1974 - 1975 1975 - 1976 1976 - 1977 1977 - 1978 1978 - 1979 1979 - 1980 1980 - 1981 1981 - 1982 1982 - 1983 1983 - 1984 1984 - 1985 1985 - 1986 1986 - 1987 1987 - 1988 1988 - 1989 1989 - 1990 1990 - 1991 1991 - 1992 1992 - 1993 1993 - 1994 1994 - 1995 1995 - 1996 1996 - 1997 1997 - 1998 1998 - 1999 1999 - 2000 2000 - 2001 2001 - 2002 Year End: 88 Projects Completed, 381 Service Hours, $925 Spent, 12 Interclubs 2002 - 2003 Year End: 68 Projects Completed, 414 Service Hours, $1,060 Spent, 14 Interclubs 2003 - 2004 Year End: 18 Projects Completed, 15 Service Hours, $2,435 Spent, 8 Interclubs |