Capital District Kiwanis History

CLUBS Old-Divisions-New Regions Site Map, Leadership People

Organized April 21 1932 Chartered May 19 1932
Key #01980 52nd District Club
Sponsor Havre de Grace Kiwanis
Divisions 06 07 11 06
Regions DelMarVa | Mason Dixon
Population (1932) 3329

(Volume 4)
Division 06
President Dr J LeRoy Trone Secretary Howard C McClintock
Membership April 21 - 25 Attendance 93%

Shortly after its organization, the club started the "big brother" movement Corrected the eyes of an 8 year old child and gave a Christmas dinner to 44 Under-privileged Children Sponsored 2 boys entering the Olympic Games try-outs and entertained at a regular luncheon 7 college boys home for the holidays

During the year succeeded in founding City Planning Commission and fostered
movement to have citizens decorate their homes in the interest of a brighter Christmas The club had one program devoted to the importance of Agriculture

Was guest of the local Rotary club at one meeting Attended meetings at Rehoboth, Seaford and Havre de Grace, and was host to Washington, Baltimore, Westminister, Rehoboth, Havre de Grace and Towson on the occasion of being the recipient of the District Loving Cup For its own entertainment the club made its Charter Night an interclub Ladies Night, and organized a Bowling Team Represented at the District and International Conventions

President J LeRoy Trone Secretary Howard C McClintock
Membership Jan 1 - 16 Attendance 70%

The club had one meeting at which the activities of 4-H Clubs were explained Suggestions were made that the Armory might be used for community purposes The formation of a boys club called the junior Kiwanis Club, in which 40 boys met once a week, having the use of the drill floor for two hours and a half for basket ball and indoor baseball and the use of the lounging room for checkers and other games Later in the year a Boys Harmonica Band was organized with a membership of 40 A like band from Philadelphia was brought to Elkton for a concert which netted $80 which was used for the expenses of the local band, including instruction The club took 30 boys for an all day outing at a nearby beach and gave the usual Christmas dinner to a large group of underprivileged children In a joint meeting with Rotary 10 boys and 10 girls home for the holidays were entertained at luncheon.

Members attended an interclub at Towson on the occasion of the visit of International President Carl Endicott and the District Governor A delegation put on a program at Towson Entertained LTG Training School for Club Officers.

Celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, entertained the District Governor, and entertained Representative Frank Keen, and was host to the Division Meeting of the Sixth Division.

Two Ladies Nights, one in combination with a Shore Outing at Betterton Beach, and another combined with a Card Party, and two joint meetings with Rotarv at one of which the Rotary club was the guest of the Kiwanis club.

President C Ellis Dicbert, Secretary Howard C McClintock
Membership Jan 1 - 17

Sent 15 needy children for a two weeks stay in the country Entertained 400 at a Christmas movie Gave a Christmas party with turkey dinner and gifts to 60 children Sponsored the Kiwanis Boys Harmonica Band (25 boys) Had a program devoted to Boys and Girls Work entertained the High School Baseball Team, and gave a dinner to 26 boys and girls home from college for the holidays Had 5 joint meetings with Rotary (at one of these the Boys Band furnished he program) Had a joint meeting with the Chamber of Commerce, a program on the NRA and gave prizes for the best decorated houses at Christmas time.

Club visited Havre de Grace twice, taking the Boys Band along once and was host to Havre de Grace once The club held two Ladies Nights, a Lawn Party with the ladies present and a Stag Shore Party.

The club had a Kiwanis Education Meeting, celebrated Constitution Week, was host to the District Governor and the Lieutenant Governor at an inter-club meeting and was host to the Lieutenant-Governors Training School for Club Officers.

President Horace B Lilley Secretary Howard C McClintock
Membership Jan 1 - 14 Attendance 90%

Found homes in which 25 Fresh Air Children were given two weeks in the country Surveyed the under-nourished needy children in the schools and furnished them milk for lunches Raised $203 from a Minstrel Show for the milk fund Gave a Christmas Party to 50 underprivileged children.

One program was given on the value of Sports for Children Organized a junior Boys Harmonica Band, sponsored Marble Contest and sent the winner, an 8 year old crippled boy to the National Contest Entertained at luncheon the college students who were home for the holidays One program was devoted to Better Relations between the Farmer and the City Man, and another to Good Citizenship.

Sponsored the local Baseball team It appointed a committee to act with the town officials and the Chamber of Commerce in the interest of Town Planning and had a program on that subject It celebrated Washington's and Lincoln's Birthdays and Armistice Day and had programs of interest on City Management, Taxes, the N R A, General Hygiene and the CC Camps The club put on a Christmas Lighting Contest and awarded prizes to the winners in five instances.

Visited Havre de Grace putting on the program in one instance Attended the Georgetown, Delaware Charter Night Host on December 5 an inter-club meeting of the 6th Division where 13 clubs attended and International President Bill Carrington was the speaker This meeting was the LTG Training School for Club Officers.

The club held five Ladies Nights, an outing at Past President Crone's cabin and several joint meetings with Rotary The club celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, its own anniversary (with another Lady's Night), Constitution Week, entertained the LTG, held Kiwanis Education programs and was represented at the Officers Training School, the Mid Winter Conference and the District Convention.

President Harold T Perkins, Secretary Howard C McClintock
Membership Jan 1 - 14 Attendance 90%

The club held twenty-nine 100% meetings during the year.

Furnished a half-pint of milk and graham crackers to 60 undernourished children each school day during the session Gave a Minstrel Show for the benefit of the milk fund A kiddy Christmas party was given to 40 children.

The club discussed entering the National Marble Contest It put on a Boy Scout program It brought several big league players to a meeting and put on the Picture, "Play Ball" for boy fans The boys at home from college for the holidays were entertained at luncheon The Boy Scouts put on a Flag Day program Other programs Support of Churches, Local Government, Fingerprinting, The Problem of the Magistrate, Aviation, Sports, Public Health, and Modern Road Construction.

Attended Charter Night of the North Baltimore club, sent delegations to Dover, Westminster, Rehoboth Beach, and Wilmington, attended a Division Meeting at Towson, and was host to a Division Meeting at which 12 out of 14 clubs were represented.

Held 2 joint meetings with Rotary, one at the Boy Scout Camp, and 4 Ladies Nights Had 4 Kiwanis Education meetings Sent representatives to the Mid Winter Conference and International and District Conventions.

Division 06
President C A Ringgold, Secretary Howard C McClintock
Membership Jan 1 - 17 Attendance 93%
LG Dr J Leroy Trone

The club sponsored the President's Ball for the Warm Springs Fund and its underprivileged child work and later held a Milk.

Fund Ball netting $150 Furnished 80 children with milk and wafers every school day and it gave its usual Christmas Party for the kiddies The club entertained the Boy Scouts and had a program put on by a Jamboree Scout Held one luncheon at the Scout Camp, and entertained the college students home for the holidays One program was on Vocational Guidance.

Collected a car load of clothing for the flood sufferers and contributed $25 to the Red Cross Furnished speakers for 15 minute talks at the High School every day during Holy Week Other programs were on Highway Planning, Highway Safety, Forestry, Taking the Profit out of Crime, Unemployment Insurance, The Cost of Education, Game Preservation and Police Legislation.

The club had a Stag Night with 30 guests from the Blackwood, N J, club Played softball with Dover and received the Log from Towson Delegations attended inter-club meetings at Towson, Rehoboth, Georgetown, Baltimore, North Baltimore and Blackwood, N J Held 4 Ladies Nights and 1 Lawn Party Had Kiwanis Education programs Celebrated Charter Night Sent representatives to Officers Training School.

(Volume 5)
President Edwin C Dorcas, Secretary Horace B Lilley
Membership Jan 1 - 23 Attendance 79%

A benefit movie raised funds for milk and crackers to undernourished children in the schools Later, a Milk Fund Ball raised $15000 Thus the club was enabled to furnish two pints of milk a day to 80 children throughout the school session A Christmas party was given to the poor children.

The club raised funds for Scouting to leased an old station and the surrounding grounds as a meeting place for the Scout troop One luncheon was held at the Scout camp and a number of members of the club served on the Troop Committee Entertained the graduating high school class and had a Home-for-Christmas dinner for college students.

Had Vocational Guidance programs and worked with the teachers, business and professional men.

Organized a school safety patrol, worked with the city for a swimming pool and a softball diamond.

The club had a successful bowling team, held two Ladies Nights and put on two boat trips which netted a considerable amount for the welfare fund.

Sent representatives to Mid-Winter Conference, Division meetings and was host to the LG's school for club officers.

President William C Kirk, Secretary Horace B Lilley
Membership Jan 1 - 28 Attendance 81%

Furnished milk and crackers to public school and parochial school children Collected and repaired more than 600 used toys for the Christmas party.

Seven members served on the troop committee Arranged a 10-day camping trip for the troop to the World’s Fair.

The club continued to interview the graduating high school students for vocations.

Inter-clubs went to the Charter Nights of Milford and Salisbury and entertained a delegation from Bridgeville.

Entertained the District Governor and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference.

Division 07
President John J Maloney, Secretary Horace B Lilley
Membership Jan 1 - 31 Attendance 83%

Furnished milk and crackers to undernourished school children at a cost of $354, took care of 13 Fresh Air children for two weeks, collected and repaired 2,000 toys for a Christmas party provided by the club.

The Boy Scout Troop sponsored by the club has 7 members on its board The troop was sent to camp for two weeks, while there the club had a luncheon at the camp The club entertained the boys and girls home from college for the holidays.

Had a meal at a CC Camp and attended several benefit suppers During National Defense Week it had a program put on by a member of the National Guard.

Delegations visited Baltimore and Wilmington and the club was host to Seaford.

The president held training for club officers and committee chairmen The club had four joint meetings with Rotary, sent in an achievement report, and entertained the LG.

President Sayers D Booth, Secretary Horace B Lilley
Membership Jan 1 - 32 Attendance 73%

The club held a carnival, a moonlight excursion and a Milk Fund Ball to raise money for its 61fare work Thus it was enabled to give $13000 to the Children's Aid Society, spend $28000 for milk and crackers for undernourished school children, recondition and distribute 2,000 toys to poor children, give a Christmas party to 150 and to bring 12 Fresh Air children to the country for two weeks.

The club gave $40 to the Scout organization, continued sponsorship of the local troop, began the Sea Scouts organization and formed a Cub Pack Supported a softball league with uniforms Night games were played in a lighted field.

Vocational Guidance work continued through the cooperation of businessmen and teachers arranging interviews with members of the graduating classes.

Contributed to the Red Cross emergency drive, visited CC Camps, furnished the committee for putting on the President's Ball and had programs on Democracy, Radio, Religion, Patriotism, National Defense and Peace After War.

Had Inter-clubs with Bridgeville, Halethorpe, Baltimore, Seaford, and Milford.

The club entertained the District Governor and the LG.

President Walter F Cooling, Secretary Horace B Lilley
Membership Jan 1 - 36 Attendance 74%

A carnival, a spring dance and the annual Milk Fund Ball furnished sufficient money to care for the welfare work With teacher cooperation 85 children were supplied with 10,000 bottles of milk and 250 lbs of Graham Wafers at a cost of $29148 $100 was given to the Cecil County Child Welfare organization, and with the American Legion cooperation a Christmas party was given to 350 children at a cost of $135 One child was fitted with glasses.

Continued to sponsor the local Scout troop Raised $300 and decided to raise additional funds for a permanent meeting place for the Boy and Girl Scouts A cabin 30 feet by 60 feet, with a fireplace and kitchen, is two-thirds completed at a total cost of $4,500 Of this amount $700 was raised by a scrap collection drive, $400 from the carnival and the remainder of the money raised by subscription.

The club has been quite active in war work It turned over its lighted soft ball field to one of the war plants to be used for recreation for war workers Programs were given on Defense, Background for War, Control of Fire Bombs, Patriotism, the Support of Churches, Special Military Police, Religious Attitudes of Germany and Russia, All Out for War, Our War Effort, and Oil Rationing.

The club visited Dover and was host to an inter-club meeting at which Wilmington, Milford, Dover and Baltimore were guests.

The club had two Ladies Nights, moonlight cruise, crab feast, a Halloween party and a joint meeting with Rotary.

Entertained the District Governor and the LG and was represented at the International and the District conventions.

President Albert C Buckworth, Secretary Willard Vernon
Membership Jan 1 - 37 Attendance 77%

Finished the Boy Scout building at a total cost of $35,000, and was dedicated on October 10 A program was given on Scouting, and at another meeting the program consisted of the Tenderfoot Scout Investiture. Ceremony 20 college students, home for the holidays, were entertained at a luncheon.

Had 2 "Go to Church" Sundays, worked for and obtained suitable dormitories for war workers and gave help where needed, and engineered social gatherings and athletic contests as recreation for them.

Interclub visits with Baltimore and Milford.

Was represented at the District Convention and the Training School for Club officers Entertained the LG, and had several programs on Kiwanis Education On December 31, there were four members in the armed forces.

(Volume 6)
President Dewey F Patterson, Secretary Willard Vernon
Membership Jan 1 - 51 Attendance 86%

President Alfred L Peters, Secretary John H Dixon
Membership Jan 1 - 50 Attendance 82%

President Willard Vernon, Secretary Marple H Lynch
Membership Jan 1 - 51 Attendance 79%

President H b Alexander, Secretary J L Scott
Membership Jan 1 - 58 Attendance 77%

President Marple H Lynch, Secretary Harold E Collins
Membership Jan 1 - 55 Attendance 88%

President John J Ward Jr, Secretary Harold E Collins
Membership Jan 1 - 61 Attendance 88%

Sponsor Newark Club
District Chair Public Relations J LeRoy Trone

President Aaron L Reynolds, Secretary Harold E Collins
Membership Jan 1 - 63 Attendance 85%

(Volume 7)
President Harry F Patterson, Secretary Dr Harold E Collins
Membership Jan 1 - 63 Attendance 82%

District Chair Key Clubs J LeRoy Trone

President C Warren Kennard, Secretary John H Irwin
Membership Jan 1 - 62 Attendance 83%

Division 07
President Franklin C Coburn, Secretary Carroll K Eder
Membership Jan 1 - 53 Attendance 94%
LG Marple Lynch

President Dr Harold E Collins, Secretary Francis Bathon
Membership Jan 1 - 54 Attendance 93%

President Benjamin T Geary, Secretary Kenneth A Wilcox
Membership Jan 1 - 60 Attendance 93%

President , Secretary

Division 07
President Michael J Scibinico, Secretary Kenneth A Wilcox
LG Benjamin T Geary

President Thayer B Seese, Secretary Henry Bouchelle

President Ernest Snodgrass, Secretary Horace L Scott

President William R Edmanson, Secretary Horace L Scott

President Carl C King, Secretary Henry W Bouchelle Jr

President Edward D E Rollins Jr, Secretary W Merritt Pennock

President Julius Jodibauer, Secretary Ben Hillsman

PresidentWilliam F Burkley, Secretary Ben H Hillsman

President Horace L Scott, Secretary Charles B Benner

President Merritt W Pennock, Secretary Orville J Crouch

President Leonard Frang, Secretary John B Kelly

President William B Calvert, Secretary J Evans McKinney

President H Davis Rittenhouse, Secretary J Evans McKinney

1969 - 1970
President Charles B Benner, Secretary Thomas E Willett

1970 - 1971
President Jesse P Boyd, Secretary Robert F Gasaway

1971 - 1972
President Lyle A Ramer, Secretary Thomas E Willett

1972 - 1973
President Patrick McAllister, Secretary John Wells

1973 - 1974
President Julius A Jodbauer, Secretary Nelson Stubbs

1974 - 1975
President Roanld A Marking, Secretary Freeman N Galoff

1975 - 1976
President William M Moore, Secretary Steve H Asplen

1976 - 1977
President David T Pinder, Secretary Richard A Biggs

1977 - 1978
President O Robert Lidhuns, Secretary Richard A Biggs

1978 - 1979
President Dale E Collins Secretary Richard A Biggs

1979 - 1980
President H Norman Wilson Jr, Secretary Richard A Biggs

1980 - 1981
President Roldon R Dermyer, Secretary Richard A Biggs

1981 - 1982
President Richard E Jackson, Secretary Richard A Biggs

1982 - 1983
President Demps L Brawley, Secretary Richard A Biggs

1983 - 1984
President Kenneth R Grubb, Secretary Richard A Biggs

1984 - 1985
President John E Judway, Secretary Richard A Biggs

1985 - 1986
President John L Jodihauer, Secretary Richard A Biggs

1986 - 1987
Division 07
President Kevin K Grubb, Secretary Richard A Biggs
LG Dale E Collins
Sponsor Glasgow Club

1987 - 1988
President Romald L Herron, Secretary Richard A Biggs

1988 - 1989
President Darrell W Cloud, Secretary Richard A Biggs

1989 - 1990
President Harry D Clewer, Secretary Richard A Biggs

District Chair HOBY Dale E Collins

1990 - 1991
President Stephen J Baker, Secretary Richard A Biggs

1991 - 1992
President Donald S Remington Jr, Secretary Howard Reardon Jr

1992 - 1993
President Kerry S Grubb, Secretary Richard A Biggs
Membership Oct 1 - 42

1993 - 1994
President Robert S Hoosier, Secretary Dale E Collins
Membership Oct 1 - 32

1994 - 1995
President W James Callahan, Secretary Dale E Collins
Membership Oct 1 - 33

1995 - 1996
President Robert Schick, Secretary Dale E Collins
Membership Oct 1 - 36

1996 - 1997
President Carroll Hamilton Secretary Dale E Collins
Membership Oct 1 - 40

1997 - 1998
President Donna L Brinkman, Secretary Dale E Collins
Membership Oct 1 - 41

1998 - 1999
Division 07
President David W Cloud, Secretary Dale E Collins
Membership Oct 1 - 34
Capital District Foundation Director Dale E Collins
LG Dale E Collins

1999 - 2000
President John R Marcheski, Secretary Dale E Collins
Membership Oct 1 - 33

Capital District Foundation President Dale E Collins

2000 - 2001
Division 07
President Thomas J Barkley, Secretary Dale E Collins
Membership Oct 1 - 31
Capital District Foundation President Dale E Collins
LG Carroll "Ford" Hamilton

2001 - 2002
Division 07
President James Canty, Secretary Dale E Collins
Membership Oct 1 - 32 Attendance 51%
Capital District Foundation Director Dale E Collins
LG Carroll "Ford" Hamilton

Year End: 167 Projects Completed, 518 Service Hours, $8,065 Spent, 30 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President Derek W Cloud, Secretary Dale E Collins
Membership Oct 1 - 36 Attendance 53%

Year End: 161 Projects Completed, 408 Service Hours, $10,536 Spent, 11 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
President John Melvin, Secretary Dale E Collins
Membership Oct 1 - 35 Attendance 48%
Meet TH 7:00 PM Bentley's Restaurant

(From E-Builder, Sep 2004) Raised $5,600 selling lemonade at the Cecil County Fair in Fair Hill, Maryland The success was due to the outstanding efforts of our members and members of our youth Over 400 hours of work was needed to prepare the stand and to run it for the week of the Fair

Year End: 49 Projects Completed, 306 Service Hours, $9,523 Spent, 8 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
President John Melvin, Secretary Dale E Collins
Membership Oct 1 - 35 Attendance 47%
Meet TH 7:00 PM Bentley's Restaurant

E-Builder, Feb 2005: For over 14 years the Kiwanis Club of Elkton has run its Mr Reader program at Gilpin Manor Elementary School. The club as contributed approximately $15,000 over the years to purchase story books for each child in the Pre-K and Kindergarten classes. The Club has not only provided money for the purchase of books, but also club members go to the school twice a week for an hour at a time and read a book to the Pre-K and Kindergarten children. The program usually runs for about an 8 week period. The response from the children has been wonderful. They really love having Club members come in and read to them and then that book is given to the children. The Club members find the experience of being a “Mr Reader” fantastic because the children really appreciate the members coming in to read to them. The program has been such a success, the Club is looking to expand it to include another local elementary school.

Year End: 39 Projects Completed, 77 Service Hours, $4,270 Spent, 4 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
DelMarVa Region
President John Melvin, Secretary Dale E Collins
Membership Oct 1 - 34 Attendance 46%
Meet TH 7:00 PM Bentley's Restaurant
District Chair Administrator aKtion Club Ford Hamilton

Year End: 32 Projects Completed, 108 Service Hours, $4,810 Spent, 2 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
Division 11
President John Jodlbaur, Secretary Dale E Collins
Membership Oct 1 - 33 Attendance 49%
Meet TH 7:00 PM Ninos Restaurant
District Chair Administrator aKtion Club Ford Hamilton

Year End: 50 Projects Completed, 187 Service Hours, $7042 Spent, 10 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
President Patricia Justice Secretary Dale E Collins
Membership Oct 1 - 28 Attendance 51%
Meet TH 7:00 PM Ninos Restaurant
District Chair Administrator aKtion Club Ford Hamilton

Year End: 51 Projects Completed, 269 Service Hours, $5,058 Spent, 14 Interclubs

2008 - 2009
Division 11
President William Alphin, Secretary William McQuiston
Membership Oct 1 - 32 Attendance 38%
Meet TH 7:00 PM Ninos Restaurant
District Chair Administrator aKtion Club Ford Hamilton
District Trustee Dale E Collins

Year End: 48 Projects Completed, 447 Service Hours, $4,371 Spent, 11 Interclubs, $310 CD Foundation

2009 - 2010
Division 11
President William J McQuiston, Secretary Sharyn Jodbauer
Membership Oct 1 - 35 Attendance 24%
Meet TH 7:00 PM Ninos Restaurant
District Trustee Dale E Collins

Year End: 2 Projects Completed, 209 Service Hours, $320 Spent, 3 Interclubs, $175 CD Foundation

2010 - 2011
Division 11
President William J McQuiston, Secretary Sharyn Jodbauer
Membership Oct 1 - 33
Meet TH 7:00 PM Ninos Restaurant
District Trustee Dale E Collins

Year End: 0 Projects Completed, 138 Service Hours, $716 Spent, 5 Interclubs, $1024 CD Foundation

2011 - 2012
Division 11
President Dale E Collins Secretary Sharyn Jodbauer
Membership Oct 1 - 33
Meet TH 7:00 PM Ninos Restaurant
LG Patricia Justice

2012 - 2013
Division 11
President Emido Taylor, Secretary William McQuiston
Membership Oct 1 - 44
Meet 2nd 4th TH 6:30 PM Nino's Restaurant
LG Patricia Justic

2013 - 2014
Division 06 Mason Dixon Region

President Emido Taylor, Secretary William McQuiston
Membership Oct 1 - 46
Meet 2nd 3rd 4th TH 6:30 PM Elton Diner

District Chair Budget & Finance Dale E Collins

2014 - 2015
President Patricia Croce, Secretary William J McQuiston
Membership Oct 1 - 31
Meet 2nd 3rd 4th TH 6:30 PM Elton Diner

District Chair Budget & Finance Dale E Collins

2015 - 2016
President William J McQuiston, Secretary Dale E Collins
Membership Oct 1 - 25
Meet 2nd 3rd 4th TH 6:30 PM Elton Diner

District Chair Budget & Finance Dale E Collins

2016 - 2017
President William J McQuiston, Secretary Dale E Collins
Membership Oct 1 - 21
Meet 2nd 3rd 4th TH 6:30 PM Elton Diner

District Chair Budget & Finance Dale E Collins

2017 - 2018
Division 06
President William J McQuiston, Secretary Dale E Collins
Membership Oct 1 - 21
Meet 2nd 3rd 4th TH 6:30 PM Elton Diner

District Chair Budget & Finance Dale E Collins
LG Dale E Collins

2018 - 2019
President Patricia Croce, Secretary John L Jodlbauer
Membership Oct 1 - 21
Meet 2nd 4th TH 6:30 PM at Pat's Select Pizza and Grill

2019 - 2020
President Sharyn Jodlbauer, Secretary John L Jodlbauer
Membership Oct 1 - 19
Meet 2nd 4th TH 6:30 PM at Pat's Select Pizza and Grill

2020 - 2021
President Sharyn Jodlbauer, Secretary John L Jodlbauer
Membership Oct 1 - 20