Capital District Kiwanis History

CLUBS Old-Divisions-New Regions Site Map Leadership People

Organized March 5 1918 Chartered May 23 1918
Key #00009 2nd District Club
Sponsor Field Representative Arthur Malkin
Divisions 01 06 12 06
Region Mason Dixon
Population (1918) 804,874

(Volume 1)
H S Custer and Howard C Hill)

The preliminary meeting with the organizer working under the Brown contract was held September 1917, at the office of A G Goodrich manager of the Baltimore agency of the National Life company of Vermont. Those present were Harry E Karr and organizer Arthur Malkin. At the request of Eugene G Adams of the Washington Club, Mr Malkin came to see Mr Goodrich. Adams and Goodrich were in the same line of work. The meeting was called by Mr Goodrich to ascertain whether a Kiwanis Club could be formed in Baltimore.

The next meeting was held at the Emerson Hotel on Thursday, September 20, 1917, after Mr Malkin had interviewed a number of business and professional men. The original members paid the organizer a fee of $15, out of which the expenses of the club were met until the charter was presented. Regular weekly meetings were held on Thursday and the organizer was soon able to announce that the necessary number, 125 had been secured.

The organization meeting was held on November 22, 1917 at the Emerson Hotel, at which there were present 53 members and 5 guests. The nominations committee presented its report and an election was held. Elected officers and directors:President A G Goodrich, Vice President Harry E Karr, Treasurer Wilmer Black, Secretary Harold S Custer. Directors: W W Emmart, David R Millard, George R Bullen, Willam G Horn, Wilbur N Vansant, Charles L Reeder, William W Norman, Harry W Classen and C Morgan Marshall.

At a business meeting held January 17, 1918, on a motion of the Board of Directors, the club voted to reduce the number of directors to 6 and should be divided into three classes, two directors to hold office for 1 year, two for 2 years and 3 for three years. It was further voted that the 6 men who had received the largest number of votes in November should remain as directors. This resulted in Millard, Marshall, Emmart, Classen, Horn and Norman remaining on the board.

The Charter Meeting was held May 23, 1918, with 74 members present. Roe Fulkerson of Washington International Trustee was expected to present the charter but was unable to attend. President Eugene G Adams of the Washington Club proved a very capable and acceptable substitute.

The temporary officers were elected permanent club officers and the president and vice-president were elected delegates to the International Convention to be held at Providence, Rhode Island, June 25 - 27 1918.

President Harry E Karr Secretary George G Young
Governor Alfred G Goodrich

The club assisted in the Liberty Loan drives, and contributed to the Fresh Air Farm.

From the Birmingham, Alabama Convention, May 20-21 and 22, 1919, steps were taken to purchase Kiwanis from Allen S Browne From the book "We Build, The Story of Kiwanis" by John H Moss and Merton S Heiss, it states that the Baltimore Club "subscribed $50,000" by President Karr towards the purchase of $17,500 from Allen S Browne within 24 hours.

President Harry E Karr Secretary C Parker McPherson
Governor Alfred G Goodrich

We engaged in the following activities: entertained 200 newsboys at Carnival of Workshop for the Blind, visited 'Boy Scout Camp and treated the boys; established road signs at the approaches to the city; donated to the Boy Scouts two row boats, which were named Kiwanis No 1 and Kiwanis No 2.

President William G Horn, Secretary C Parker McPherson
Executive Secretary Howard C Hill
District Treasurer John N Dimling

The position Executive Secretary was a new one, the club decided to add a paid secretary to the working force.

During this year a sad loss was sustained by the Baltimore Club, the Capital District, and Kiwanis International in the death of Gus Goodrich, first president of the club Gus had not only made for himself a place of importance in Kiwanis by his untiring activities and devotion, but had also gained the affection and esteem of all those with whom he had worked.

The election of Harry E Karr, immediate past president of the club, as International President, was a well deserved recognition of his outstanding services in Kiwanis. Under his leadership a high ideal of ethics and service was set which has been the keynote of its wholesome progress for the past two years.

President C Morgan Marshall, Secretary C Parker McPherson
Membership Jan 1 - 243

We completed our donation for and dedicated the Kiwanis Dining Hall at the Fresh Air Farm Paid our annual visit to the Maryland School for the Blind, and took the pupils and teachers for an auto tour. Furnished teams of workers in a drive for $300,000 for additional buildings for the Hospital for Crippled Children. Co-operated in Boys' Week and opened savings accounts for nearly 100 boys. Made donations of clothing to the Prisoners Aid Association and assisted in securing employment for discharged prisoners Supplied games to recuperating patients at Fort McHenry Hospital.

The club and individual members supplied 75 needy families with Christmas baskets. Offered a reward for the capture of an escaped murderer. Adopted new by-laws and a budget, fixed a limit of 260 to our membership 35 members attended the Canadian Day celebration at Washington; entertained Kiwanians from the south en route to Toronto and arranged for a President's Special to the International Convention; had a large delegation at the District Convention; took part in Stunt Night and won two prizes.

Extended an invitation to hold the 1923 convention in Baltimore. Held two joint meetings with the Merchants and Manufacturers Association Gave an idea of the care with which this club selects its new members to state that during 1922 we received 63 applications, of which only 19 were elected to membership and two to transfer membership.

President John N Dimling, Secretary C Parker McPherson

We appropriated funds to erect a Kiwanis Lodge at the YMCA summer camp; gave a prize of a full scholarship in Baltimore Business College; co-operated in Boys Week; made donations of clothing to the 'Prisoners' Aid Association; had Father and Son Day; Ladies' Night; two theater parties. Also began a survey for sponsoring clubs in Westminster, Annapolis and Havre de Grace.

Delegation attended an inter-city meeting at Philadelphia; entertained the clubs of Frederick and Winchester. Received a delegation from Frederick bringing the District Loving Cup, and a delegation from this club carried the cup to Wilmington.

Division 01
(Volume 2)
President J Thomas Lyon, Secretary C Parker McPherson
Trustee John N Dimling
LG Merle E Towner

The membership changes: New members 21, died 3, resigned 13, dropped 4, a gain of 1

Under the auspices of the Entertainment Committee there was broadcast a Radio Contest which was participated in by 25 children from 6 - 13 years of age 65 girls from the Rosewood State Training School, 32 boys and girls from the General German Orphan Horn, and 12 crippled children from the Children's Hospital School were entertained at a matinee at one of the theaters and transportation furnished them Established under the supervision of Dr William Stephenson Baer, a scholarship to be known as the Kiwanis Scholarship for Research Work as Applied to Crippled Children Scholarship cost was $1,500.

The Welfare Committee recommended an appropriation to furnish milk and ice stations of the Milk and Ice Fund with a protein milk which has been found vital in saving the lives of babies during the hot weather The appropriation having been approved by the club, the committee took up the matter with the manufacturers of this product. The Mead Johnson Co who donated enough milk, cod liver oil and barley flour, three things vitally necessary to the well being of undernourished children, to take care of the season's needs without using any of the appropriation 1500 Easter eggs were distributed to various children's institutions.

The club remodeled and refurnished the school room at this home, transforming a dull, uninviting room into a bright, cheerful one with proper equipment in which these unfortunate children, none of whom are over six years of age, may be better started on their educational journey The work consisted of painting, a new floor, blackboard, tables, chairs and sand-box.

Division 01
J E Gary
President William B Fallon, Secretary Charles F Feast
Trustee John N Dimlin
LG Merle E Towner

The Kiwanis Scholarship for Research Work as Applied to Crippled Children" was again taken care of by an appropriation of $1,500. An additional sum of $1,500 from a private source was made available through our activities.

The committee gave careful and thorough consideration to the need of St Vincent's Orphan Asylum for a more adequate dining hall and was convinced that the need justified our assistance. A sum of $500 was made to the committee and our contribution to this cause totaled $1500. Plans were adopted to place in this dining hall a Kiwanis scroll or tablet indicating the interest of the club.

The completion the previous year of a kindergarten and playground at the Nursery and child's Hospital was so fruitful of good that the committee undertook the establishment of an isolation ward for this institution. With the financial assistance of certain Kiwanians, the committee constructed a well appointed and adequate isolation ward with plumbing and other essential features. The total cost was approximately $800.

A number of requests for assistance received during the year were investigated and were placed in the hands of the proper agencies. Several situations were secured fruit, books, magazines and clothing were collected and forwarded to various institutions.

Division 01
President George R Donaldson, Secretary C Parker McPherson
Trustee George B Donaldson
Governor Merle E Towner
Sponsor Havre de Grace Club

The changes in membership with 12 new members and 3 transfers, 1 died, 6 dropped and 11 resigned, a net loss of 3, leaving the membership at the close of the year 233 Average attendance was 53%.

The club endorsed a plan for the extension of one of the city streets $1,500 was appropriated to continue the Kiwanis scholarship at Children's Hospital School $1,000 was contributed to Franklin Square Hospital for equipment for an infants' ward, conditioned on the hospital raising a like amount to complete the equipment.

Two or three years previously the Goodwill Industries, one of the Missions of Baltimore, erected a fireproof building, an up to date workshop, wherein they reclaimed both merchandise and humanity. The roof of this building was intended to be used as a playground but could not be so used because of lack of equipment. This year the Kiwanis Club provided one-half, namely $400, of the necessary amount, the Mission providing the rest, and the roof was equipped for a playground for the children in overcrowded East Baltimore.

Two orthopedic cases were cared for through the help of the Guild for Crippled Children. Took 18 famlies at Christmas by the committee, and many others were helped by individual Kiwanians Many requests for food and clothing were turned over to the Family Welfare Association and cared for by them. We provided clothing and coal in addition to food and paid the cost of a blood transfusion to save the life of a woman too poor to pay for such an operation $200 was contributed to Red Cross work in Florida. Spent $3,600 and were instrumental in securing additional funds of $5,500.

The first issue of Kinotis, the weekly bulletin of the Baltimore Club, appeared April 22, 1926 W Reid Hayden was appointed editor, with J Thomas Lyon, Sidney Greenfield and George B Donaldson as assistants.

(Volume 3)
President Harry L Price, Secretary George B Donaldsen
Trustee C Parker McPherson

Organized a bowling league of 6 teams of five members each, to bowl once a week. Held a joint meeting with Washington in Baltimore on April 28. A delegation of 20 attended the District 1nter-Club Day meeting in Wilmington. A delegation headed by President Price and Trustee McPherson visited the baby club, Havre de Grace and presented them with a bell for use at their meetings Thirty-one members attended a joint meeting at Frederick on August 31 Entertained the Alexandria Club. Attended the meeting of the 11 clubs of the First Division at Washington Subscribed $100 toward the National Vaudeville Artists Fund. Appropriated $1,800 to build a modern dormitory, 40 by 60 feet, glass enclosed, at the preventorium, known as The Miracle Home, conducted by the Maryland Tuberculosis Association at Claiborne, MD. To be known as the Kiwanis Pavilion. We also donated $1,000 to the Salvation Army to help remove the mortgage on their nursery.

The annual Ladies' Night was held, with 441 Kiwanians and guests. Arranged 2 concerts by the US Marine Band held in the new stadium for the benefit of the school children of Baltimore, the cripples from the Children's Hospital and 200 blind children. Present were 30,000 children, State, city and Kiwanis dignitaries.

Division 01
President Wilbur Van Sant Vice President Walter F Kneip
Secretary George B Donaldson, Trustee Harry L Price
Sponsor Towson Club

On February 22 we held our annual Ladies' Night on May 24, we celebrated our tenth anniversary, our charter having been granted on May 23, 1918. It was a night meeting with good attendance. A special edition of Kinotis, our official publication, was issued, giving some of the highlights of the past 10 years Claude W Owen, of Washington, was the principal speaker on this occasion.

19 Kiwanians and their wives attended the International Convention at Seattle.

During the summer the Baltimore and Washington golfers played a series of tournaments. Following each tournament there was a dinner and entertainment with prizes for the winners. Forty-eight Kiwanians were present at a two days' fishing party at Solomon's Island. We held our annual River Day for Kiwanians and their families.

In conjunction with Washington, we arranged for the celebration of the Tenth Anniversary of the formation of the Capital District and 42 of our members attended the meeting in Washington. Sponsored a concert by the US Marine Band for the benefit of Miracle House of the Maryland Tubercular Association at Claiborne, Maryland 36 members and their wives attended the District Convention at Richmond.

The bowling season got under way with 10 teams, a total of 60 men. The wives also have a league of 6 teams of 5 ladies each. At the meeting of October 18, Harry E Karr discussed the Howard Street Extension and Franklin Street Bridge proposals. The club went on record as endorsing both of these projects to be voted on Election Day.

Appropriated $400 to the Day Nursery of the Church of the Guardian Angel to help pay for oil burning equipment recently. Installed $500 to the Salvation Army for their Day Nursery $140 for a radio receiving set for the tubercular children at the State sanitarium $250 for treatment of infantile paralysis cases in Garrett and Alleghany Counties $50 for Christmas. Entertainment patients at the Green Street Babies' and Children's Clinic. A Christmas Party 346 Kiwanians, their wives and children were present Appropriate decorations, entertainment and favors were provided for this celebration.

President Walter F Kneip, Secretary George B Donaldson
Trustee Wilbur Van Sant

In January, Rev John C Palmer, of the Washington Club, addressed us on Progress and Outlook of Kiwanis. Fifteen members attended the charter meeting of the Towson Club on January 23. Baltimore sponsored this new club. Our Harry E Karr Past International President made the principal address on this occasion.

On June 6, we were host to the Towson and Havre de Grace clubs Twenty members of the Baltimore Club visited the Hanover, Pennsylvania Club on August 22, playing gulf in the afternoon and attending their meeting at night. A like number from Hanover visited us on September 11. Golf tournaments were also played with Washington and Towson.

An appropriation was made for a Christmas treat for the Babies and Children's Clinic of the University of Maryland. The sum of $500 was presented to the Happy Hills Convalescent School for the purpose of equipping the Kiwanis Dental room. One hundred dollars bought shoes, clothing for the poor children at the State Sanitarium at Sabillsville, Maryland Our annual Family Day and Christmas Party was held on December 26, with over 300 Kiwanians, their wives and children present.

Division 06
(Volume 4)
President Merle E Towner Secretary George B Donaldson
Trustee Daniel S Neill

The Kiwanis club of Baltimore City Incorporated, during the year 1930, followed out industriously its previous policy of carefully analyzing its work, particularly in understanding the objectives of Kiwanis and applying them through tile efforts of it committees.

In all of the work for under-privileged children the Baltimore club has consistently associated itself with first class institutions or organizations, wherein a direct investment can be made and in such manner as to identify Kiwanis with the accomplishment. This action has very definitely made possible accomplishing a great deal for each dollar invested. Throughout the year one of the outstanding efforts has been that of increasing friendship and good will, a basic investment in human psychology which always brings excellent results.

Our outstanding work is the continuance of the special Kiwanis Fellowship at the Children's Hospital School, Green Spring Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland. This is a great Orthopedic Institution managed by Dr William Stevenson Baer. Startling discoveries of world wide interest have been uncovered in this institution. This fellowship is $1500 per year.

Public School Foundation; placement work in public schools-fund to clothes, furnish car fare and thus keep poor and worthy children in school; Boys' Home Society; temporary housing and care; Babies' and Children's Clinic; University of Maryland Christmas fund; two boys in dire need of outdoor privileges sent to Camp Conoy a YMCA camp for two weeks Total spent for above activities, $1,144.

Under the able guidance of Kiwanian Rev Oscar F Blackwelder, this work was started, the chairman personally assisting in placing a number of young men and women in suitable positions, thus laying the foundation for real activity in the Baltimore Kiwanis club for vocational training and placement work, the future plans including contacts and addresses or lectures of helpful interest to students

Inter-club meetings to Wilmington, Towson, Havre de Grace and Washington clubs. The Kiwanis club of Baltimore City was represented at both the International and District Conventions. Past International President Harry E Karr a member of our club, was the speaker during Kiwanis Anniversary Week and reviewed the history of International and of the Baltimore club. A large number of other prominent and interesting men appeared before the club during the year.

Division 06
President G Frank Young, Secretary John L Whitney
Trustee Lee D Mahon
LG Charles Linhardt

We continued our annual contribution of $1500 to the Children's Hospital for the maintenance of a research laboratory. The sum of $150 was appropriated for equipment in an examination room at the Salvation Army Day Nursery and Baby Clinic, the room to be known as Kiwanis Room. We also contributed for the purpose of supplying materials in the Vocational Department of Kernan's Children's Hospital, and for the annual Christmas party of the Baby Clinic Department of the University of Maryland.

A member personally contributed $10,000 for additional buildings and equipment at the Miracle House in Claybourne, MD. An institution for the care of children in the early stages of tuberculosis. This same member contributed $5,000 for equipment and improvements at the Happy Hills Convalescent Home for children.

A contribution of $438 was made for the installation of a heating plant in a Salvation Army Building. We provided $150 for the purchase of an artificial limb for a young woman.

Our club held no regular inter-club meeting in 1931, but visited all clubs in the Sixth Division Larger delegations made special visits to Towson and Seaford as well as being in attendance at the inter-club picnic at Braddock Heights.

The Baltimore Kiwanis Bowling League started its season in September consisting of 14 teams of men and 6 of women. The season ran to May Meeting every Thursday night with an average attendance of 100. Closed the season with a banquet, prizes awarded, and without cost to the club.

The Baltimore club prepared and acted as host to the District Convention.

President John A Fricker, Secretary D S Neill
Membership Jan 1 - 195 Attendance 49%

The Baltimore club kept up its activities in Under-privileged Child work and Boys' and Girls' Work, spending more than $2,500 on this work besides time and energy $1000 was added to the Educational Aid Fund $1,500 donated to the Children's Hospital School $5000 to the University of Maryland Clinic, and $28 spent for shoes and braces for two crippled children.

The club fostered 4-H Clubs of Howard County and put on a Kiwanis Day at the Live Stock Show.

To create serviceable citizenship, the club had programs on Better Moving Pictures, Our Penal System, Cooperation vs Competition, Chemistry in Regard to Health.

The club urged citizens to cooperate with the President of the United States to bring boarded money back into circulation.

The club sent a large delegation of Kiwanians and ladies to the charter night meeting of the Westminster Club Had inter-club meetings at Towson and Havre de Grace. Host interclub meetings for Towson, Havre de Grace and Westminster.

Club celebrated the l7th anniversary of Kiwanis. Sent delegates to District and International Conventions and celebrated the fourteenth birthday of the club.

President Lee D Mahon, Secretary Dan S Neill
Membership Jan 1 - 174 Attendance 48%

The club continued 4-H Clubs of Howard County and entertained members of the 4-H Clubs at luncheons Sent delegates to District and International conventions The club was active in Kiwanis Education, district and international affairs

Installed officers at Towson and Havre de Grace. Attended membership development meeting at Elkton. Sent 15 members includiing a speaker to the Annapolis Charter Night. Sent a delegation to Wilmington and put on program. Attended an inter-club meeting and bowling contest at Westminster. An inter-club meeting and golf match at York, PA . Carried the "Golden Rule" to Towson. Attended other inter-club meetings at Towson, Elkton, Arlington County, Rehoboth and Seaford. Was also hosted Wilmington.

On the purely social side the club entertained the Baltimore Ice Hockey team. Held its annual Bowling Banquet with 200 Kiwanians and guests present. Won the championship in the Rotary, Civitan, Kiwanis Golf League. Had a Thanksgiving party at the Howard County Hunt Club and closed the year with the annual Christmas party.

President J Ben Robinson, Secretary Daniel S Neill
Membership Jan 1 - 160 Attendance 54%

The club had two programs devoted to Under-privileged Child Work with some children present A program was devoted to Boys and Girls Work The 4-H Boys and Girls of Howard County put on a program and a delegation from the club attended the annual Bull Roast of the 4-H Clubs and the 4-H Club Banquet.

The club was host to the 6th Division Meeting, installed the officers of the Towson club and sent delegations to visit Havre de Grace, Towson, Westminster and Morgan County, West Virginia.

Held a Ladies Night, a bowling league, a Thanksgiving meeting with Rotary, a Family Day Christmas party with gifts for the children of Miracle House.

Programs on Kiwanis Education, celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, Charter Day, All Kiwanis Night and Constitution Week and entertained the International President and International Secretary, the District Governor and LTG and sent delegates to both District and International Conventions.

Division 06
President Wilmer C Carter, Secretary Daniel S Neill
Membership Jan 1 - 170 Attendance 56%
LG Dr J Ben Robinson

A program devoted to Under-privileged Children. Paid $250 for a sterilizer for the Nursery Children’s Hospital Spent $300 for crippled child appliances and bought magazines for the Children’s Hospital Schoo.l Through the cooperation of the theatre manager it took the children from nine orphanages to the matinee twice, once 90 children and now 185.

The club put on a Hobby Show with 400 entries. Visited by more than 1200 people Under-privileged children and crippled children were encouraged to exhibit. Some exhibits were valuable for the rehabilitation programs used for disabled veterans and all were valuable for their relation to interesting employment for the new leisure as well as for vocational guidance suggestions.

The club secured employment for the son of a deceased Kiwanian, and set aside $50 to take a scout troop to Washington during the National Jambo-ree. Bought tickets for 4-H boys to attend the University of Maryland Field Day and held a Father and Son Night. The club held 2 agriculture meetings where 4-H boys had their fathers and the County Agent as guests.

Delegations from the club installed the officers of the Havre de Grace, Seaford and Westminster clubs Delegations visited Annapolis, Dover, Pikesville, Rehoboth, Reisterstown, Towson and Washington.

President W F Wooden, Secretary Daniel S Neill
Membership Jan 1 - 181 Attendance 62%

Spent $240 for beds an mattresses for the Nursery and Children’s Hospital $85 for braces for crippled children. Donated $50 to the Red Cross. Loaned money to a student to complete his education. Sent 10 boys to the YMCA Camp Too 324 orphans to theater. Furnished transportation to orphans to the Roland Park Women’s Club for Christmas entertainment.

Entertained 20 4-H Club boys. Furnished judges for the 4-H Drama Contest and the Committee on Rural and Urban Relations. Attended a Camp Fire Meeting on the 4-H club. Contributed $20 to the Safety Campaign.

Sent delegations to visit Reisterstown, Westminster, Towson, North Baltimore, Pikesville, Annapolis and Washington. Had joint meetings with Rotary. Held a Bowling Banquet. Sent delegations to the Mid-Winter Conference, District and International Conventions New officers attended LTG Training school.

President J F Shafer, Secretary Adam R Miller
Membership Jan 1 - 182 Attendance 64%

Spent $1200 to establish a Baby Clinic. Gave 2 Theatre Parties for orphans with 238 at one and 275 the other. Gave 15 boys two weeks at camp. Organized Bowling Teams. Held four Kiwanis Education programs.

Held a Father and Son meeting, welcomed and entertained a group of Boy Scouts from Oklahoma on their way to the National Jamboree, and loaned a student $388 to complete his education. The club made and had printed for free distribution a list of books on Citizenship in the Public Libraries It continued its efforts to place young men in positions suitable for them and placed several.

The club organized Bowling Teams, held contests with other clubs and closed the season. With the usual Bowling Banquet. It organized a Vocal Quartette which was well received and in much demand by other organizations. The clubs celebrated Valentine's Day and Mother's Day, field a family party and a most successful Ladies Night Ladies were also present at the Bowling Banquet.

The club field four Kiwanis Education programs. Sent representation to Mid Winter Conference, International and District Conventions, and Division meetings.

(Volume 5)
President Waitman F Zinn Secretaries Stuart N Phillips and Jacob Gross Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 174 Attendance 67%

The club sponsored a lecture, and a concert by the Johns Hopkins orchestra, 2200 from various homes for the aged were given tickets for this concert and carried to and from the concert in cars and buses.

Instituted a Baby Clinic at a local hospital and gave $900. Contributed $150 to the Salvation Army summer camp. The club fostered and kept in touch with the Red Shield Boys Club.

Joined in numerous inter-club meetings furnishing the speaker in a number of instances, making altogether 484 individual visits to other clubs. Having as its guests 420 from other clubs, several members flying to Florida to attend a Maryland Day celebration of a Florida Club. Published and circulated a directory showing the time and place of meeting of each club in the Capital District.

The club held education meetings, won the Attendance Cup in the Gold Division and was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International Convention, the District Convention and the school for officers.

President W H Clifton, Secretary Robert W Test
Membership Jan 1 - 182 Attendance 69%

Spent $200 to equip the Kiwanis Library at the Boy Red Shield Club with 500 books and prepared a bronze plaque for the room. Secured quarters in the South Baltimore General Hospital, in which it equipped a Baby Clinic and a Baby Ward. Helped raise $75,000 for additions to the hospital. Sent a boy to summer camp and gave a theatre party to 700 orphans and had a Christmas party for kiddies and underprivileged children.

The club had a Father and Son day at which the sons put oil the program. Had a program on Vocational Guid-ance. Then worked with the Boy Scout troop. Three special musical programs were given with the ladies present during regular club meetings. The same chorus aided in a program known as Victor Herbert’s Day at a Christmas program, an inter-club meeting.

Attended the charter night of the Salisbury. The Inter Club Relations chairman accepted an invitation to address the Clarksburg, W Va, club at noon and the Grafton, W Va, club in the evening. Members made 239 visits to other clubs and 304 members of other clubs were guests of the club.

The club was host to the Mid-Winter Conference and the District Convention, entertained the Lt. Governor and the District Governor and represented at the International Convention.

Division 06
President John R D Hedeman, Secretary Robert W Test
Membership Jan 1 - 178 Attendance 64%
LG Dr Waitman F Zinn

After careful examination of the conditions at the South Baltimore General Hospital where the Baby Clinic was set up, improvements were undertaken for enlarging and refitting the children's ward this was done at a cost of $7,200 giving a new children's ward, redecorated in an attractive way, having 21 beds for children up to twelve year old, a special kitchen attached and a play porch with toys.

Programs of particular interest were given on Student Pilot Training, City Planning, Mexico, Chemistry for the Treatment of Infection, Wild Life, Democracy, The Futility of War and Natural Defense, The Situation in the Far East, The Chinese Situation, Peace in the Pacific, Industry and Defense.

Had an interclub meeting with 39 different clubs The club received the Kiwanis Ideals Plaque and delivered it to Reisterstown delegations accompanied the LTG on his visits to Reisterstown, North Baltimore, Westminster, Halethorpe and Towson, carried the Mileage Plaque to York, PA, and attended the charter presentation at Ellicott City.

President Claude B Hellman Secretary Robert W Test
Membership Jan 1 - 193 Attendance 64%

The club undertook to furnish the nursery and the formula room at the South Bailtimore General Hospital in connection of the Baby Clinic. At a cost of $2,650 and to outfit a dental examination room at the Red Shield Boys Club at a cost of $400. Spent $150 for additional books and magazines for its library. Sent 10 boys to the YMCA camp. Gave $150 to Camp Misty Mont, a day camp for underprivileged children. Bought a Christmas tree for the Marine Hospital.

The club was host to two big inter-club meetings, at one of which the International President addressed 295 Kiwanians. The other 16 clubs were represented by 300 Kiwanians and the District Governor and LTG. At the inter-club bowling banquet there were 64 present Delegations attended meetings in New York, Pennsylvania, Rehoboth and Seaford, Delaware, and Ellicott City, Towson, Taneytown, Westminster, Reisterstown, Halethorpe and Maryland. One member made a record by attending 156 Kiwanis meetings during the year. Members made 575 visits to other clubs and 747 visits from other Kiwanians were recorded.

Entertained the International President, the District Governor and the LTG, was represented at Mid-Winter Conference, the International Convention, the District Convention and the training school for club officers, and one of its members was elected District Governor for 1942.

Division 06
President Charles G Reigner, Secretary Robert W Test
Membership Jan 1 - 200 Attendance 64%
Governor Dr Waitman F Zinn

The club completed its program at the South Baltimore General Hospital by constructing and equipping the Kiwanis Babies Ward at a cost of $2,500, thus bringing to a conclusion a project which has involved an expenditure of $12,500. A Kiwanis plaque was displayed at the entrance of the ward. The club appropriated $110 for carrying on its work with the Red Shield Boys Club. Continued to work at the dental examining room in South Baltimore, and a plaque was placed on the Miracle House at Claibourn, where tubercular children are treated.

The club sponsored a supper and breakfast at the USO headquarters serving about 1,000 men. It contributed $100 to the Governmental Efficiency and Economy Council and $10 to the Safety Council Members of the club were active in war projects wherever possible Many programs had to do with war effort and defense.

The club held two inter-club meetings, one on Kiwanis Anniversary, with 300 present, and the other with 18 other clubs. The club furnished speakers for a number of nearby clubs and in many instance several members accompanied the District Governor, a member of the club, on his visits to other clubs in the District. Sent representatives to inter-clubs at Seaford, Dover, Towson, Annapolis, Westminster, Ellicott City, Taneytown, Prince Georges County, Elkton, Salisbury, Washington, Charlottesville, Staunton and Roanoke.

Furnished the District Governor, had a number of Kiwanis education meetings, and was represented at the training school for club officers, the Mid Winter Conference and the International and the District conventions, and presented an Achievement Report.

President William R Evitt, Secretary Robert W Test
Membership Jan 1 - 203 Attendance 66%

The club sent a number of children to summer camps. Spent $1,000 for equipment of the Kiwanis Ward and nursery in the South Baltimore General Hospital, buying awnings, screens, sterilizers, and nine bassinets.

The club gave $170 to buy books for the Red Shield Boys' Club library, and spent $525 on a library for the Glenn Martin Boys' Club.

A large portion of the club's activities was centered on the war effort. Twice a breakfast and dinner for service men were given, more than 500 served at each meal, $25 was given towards a radio for the recreation of officers at the Hamilton Street Club $100 was given to the Red Cross, and $100 spent for four sea chests, to be handled by the Red Cross. The club aided in the War Fund drive and other war work. Among the programs given were: The Current International Situation, The 48 Hour Week, Citizenship and Rationing, Prisoners of War, Our Troops in North Africa, Candy in the War Effort, the US Navy, and Socialized Medicine.

Representatives went to Richmond on the occasion of the visit of the International President, to Annapolis at the 10th anniversary of the founding of that club, and to North Baltimore. The club held one big inter-club meeting, at which visitors from fifteen clubs, a total of 124 were present.

The club was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference and the District Convention Past International President Harry Karr took part in the War-time Conference which was held instead of the International Convention. On December 31, the club had ten members in military service.

Division 06
(Volume 6)
President J Henry Frick Secretary Robert W Test
Membership Jan 1 - 225 Attendance 72%
LG Claude B Hellman

Spent $200 in organizing a Young Builders Club in connection with the YMCA, $285 for books for three Boys' Clubs, and $100 for an asphalt tile floor for the library of one of them; took care of 648 children in the Kiwanis Chiildren's Ward, and 833 babies in the Kiwanis Nursery at the South Baltimore General Hospital; donated $1,500 to furnish a delivery room adjoining nursery, and gave a Christmas party in the Children's Ward; cooperated with the USO and the volunteer Port Security Forces; provided song sheets for service men in the Aberdeen Hospital; donated $100 to the work of the Navy League; and aided in Bond Sales; contributed to the Baltimore Safety Coun¬cil; cooperated with the work of the Commission on Governmental Efficiency and Economy and contributed $100; carried on an outstanding activity on citizenship, which is described in detail as follows: Spent $500 on the publication of an original 12-page booklet, "The Good Government is to Vote," for use in neighborhood meetings, and furnished cach member with several copies; a demonstration how to conduct neighborhood meetings was given at a regular meeting of the club; a number of members purchased 1000 or more copies and distributed them; then the meetings were held in various neighborhoods, led by members of the club; special meetings were held for women at which they were urged to register and vote; the city became cognizant of citizenship responsibility, and registrations in Baltimore were increased.

President Wilbur Behymer, Secretary Howard L Bradley
Membership Jan I - 223

Continued support of the Young Builders Club, founded last year, contributed $344 for books and supplies, started Hobby Club; sent boys to camp and paid memberships in the YMCA for 13 of them; continued support of the Boys Club of Baltimore for the eighth year, contributing $166 for new books and magazines; contributed $25000 to Fathcr Flanagan's Boys Home at Boystown, Nebraska, in support of its activities; continucd its work at the South Baltimore General Hospital in support of thc Kiwanis Children's Ward, Nursery, Sick Babies Clin~c and the Delivery Room, which was completed at a cost of $3,239 The work is under the direction of physicians who are mcmbers of the club, 1,452 children being cared for during the year); a Christmas party was given for these children with Santa Claus distributing stockings and other gifts; served dinner and brcakfast to 827 service men at the US; sent 375 gifts to mcmbers of the armed forces; assisted the Baltimore Safety Council; contributed $100 to the Red Cross; gave support to the Maryland T B Association, the Central Civic Association the Governmental Efficiency and Economy Bureau, and the City Committee on Traffic Improvement; mem¬bers purchased War Bonds and Stamps amounting to $597,012 and took part in all war drives and other worthwhile civic activities.

Division 06
President Reginald G Mobray, Secretary Howard L Bradley
Membership Jan 1 - 224 Attendance 69%
Governor Claude B Hellman

Sponsored for the third year a Young Builder's Club at the YMCA, for whom the club pays the membership fee and other expenses raising $375. Made arrangements for the boys to use the howling alleys at Grace and St Peter's Church Parish House. Sent 8 boys to the YMCA Camp for 2 weeks each at a cost of $126 "The Way to Good Government is to Vote"; continued its work in behalf of conservation in cooperation with the Univ of Maryland and forwarding the work of the 4-H Clubs. Contributed $512 for swings and other playground equipment to Camp Francis M Wood, the Negro boys'and girls' camp by the Department of Public Affairs. Expended $195 on a Christmas party to 38 children from the Cylburn Home. Appropriated $1550 for the establishment of the playground in South Baltimore. For the 9th year continued support of the Kiwanis Children's Ward and the Kiwanis Nursery at the South Baltimore General Hospital contributing $7800 for refinishing beds in the Children's Ward, Continued its support of the Baltimore Safety Council.

President Howard E Demuth, Secretary Howard L Bradley
Membership Jan 1 - 224 Attendance 74%
District Chair Achievment Reports, Convention, Finance, Past Governors Claude B Hellman

District Chair Classification and Membership J Henry Frick
District Chair International Convention Waltman Zinn
Sponsor Highlandtown Club

Collected $364 for the March of Dimes Campaign; provided additional playground equipment for the Leadenhall Street playground for colored boys and girls at a cost of $245 Continued sponsoring of the Red Shield Club, The Glenn L Martin Club, Camp Black Rock, and Camp Puh-tox expending over $300 on various projects. Cooperated with an state and local agencies for the conservation of the state’s natural resources, both on land and in the sea; put on for the fourth year a "Get Out the Vote", Campaign; continued support of the Baltimore Commission of Government Efficiency and Economy, contributing $100 to this work; contributed $100 to American Cancer Society; aided in sponsoring a new club at Highlandtown; provided booklets and Bible "The Sermon on the Mount" placed on breakfast trays of patients of one of the leading hospita1s on Christmas morning; gave special Lenten programs of sacred music on Holy Thursday; to which neigh¬boring Kiwanis Clubs were invited, about 400 attending and special Christmas music a grogram to which the same groups were invited; established a trust fund for underprivileged child work, the amount in fund December 31, was $4,050; expended $20,000 in establishing the Kiwanis Pedatric Ward for 1202 treatments and held a party there for 27 underprivileged children and spent $1,175, where 880 children were treated during the year Contributed $225 for additiona1 equipment.

President George Y Klinefelter, Secretary Joseph S Knapp
Membership Jan 1 - 227 Attendance 74%
District Chair Club Programs Wilbur Van Sant
District Chair International Convention Waltman Zinn
District Chair Vocational Guidance Robert C Thompson

Spent $100 for new books and magazines for the Red Shield Boys Club libraries, sent 18 underprivileged children to the Red Shield's Circus, and a number also to its Minstrel Show, cost $70; provided for the continuation of the YMCA's Junior Hi-Y Clubs, $900, and sent 10 boys to the Baltimore Peace Centre for the Children's Fresh Air Farm, donated a piano, painted the Kiwanis dining room, and enlarged the swimming pool, cost $950; provided a $100 ice box for the Gunpower Youth Camp; sent 25 boys for two weeks to the SA Camp, and 15 boys to YMCA camp; collected $400 for the Mile of Dimes; contributed $400 to the Rheumatic Fever Campaign; prepared entertainment and lunches for 2700 boys and girls of Downtown Week Youth Day; spent the following named sums: $500 for a dish washing machine for St Gabriel's Convalescent Home, $439 for cribs and mattresses for the Children's Hospital School, $258 for cribs and mattresses for the Baltimore Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, $50 for phonograph records for the pediatric ward at the South Baltimore General Hospital, $175 for a Christmas party for the 335 children in the pediatric ward there, $200 for milk and eggs for needy children, $200 for the Red Shield Club, and $40 for the Boys' Club banquet for their fathers and mothers.

President J Walter Turner, Secretary George D Penniman
Membership Jan 1 - 245 Attendance 79%

District Chair Public and Business Affairs William Barnes Hall

Spent $663 on the Neighborhood Jr Hi Y Clubs, neighborhood meetings, and YMCA; gave $350 for an outdoor basketball court at the McKim Service Centre; sponsored the Red Shield Club, spent $500 to send 30 boys to Camp Puh-Tok and $129 for books and magazines for the clubs library; manned the March of Dimes booth collecting $612; sent 75 Police Club boys to the "Outdoor Sportsman's Show"; spent the following named sums: $564 for beds and bed-tables at St Gabriel's Convalescent Home, $17 for beds and mattresses for the Children's Hospital School, $150 for a Christmas party for 32 children at the South Baltimore General Hospital, $324 for expenses of parents and child while in Baltimore for an operation (the Bilox, Miss, club paid transportation costs and for the operation), $400 to the campaign fund of Maryland Rheumatic Fever and Heart Association Campaign, $250 for refrigerator for the Fresh Air Farm, $150 to send 12 Red Shield boys to Camp Puh-tok for two weeks each and $100 toward general expenses of the camp, and $60 for the reading fund of public school # 9; contributed $130 to the Maryland Committee Against Un-American Activities and took great interest in a bill appearing before the legislature, discussing and sometimes recommending action thereon; contributed $100 to the Commission on Governmental Efficiency and Economy; sponsored a meeting in connection with American Education Week at which public school problems were discussed; and contributed $100 to the American Cancer Society and $140 toward the reactivation of the USO.

Division 06
President N Kenneth Totman, Secretary George D Penniman Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 255 Attendance 76%
LG J Henry Frick

The club contributed $800 to YMCA and Hi-Y neighborhood clubs, mostly used to bring boys to the central Y for workouts and swims; contributed $500 to Red Shield Boys Clubs, to send 20 boys to camp and $150 to buy books and magazines for the libraries of these clubs; celebrated Scout Anniversary, and was able to find suitable places for overnight camp; 37 for Scout Troops; gave a minstrel show, clearing $4,257 for youth service work; increased the Kiwanis Trust Fund, through voluntary contributions from members of the club, by $81-0; made contributions to a youth with palsy to continue his edu¬cation, $100; towards the cost of a dam at Gunpower Youth Camp, $100; to the Fresh Air Camp, for repairs to a building, $100; to the Salvation Army's Christmas Project, $200; distributed 200 tickets to the stadium on the Annual Amateur Day, to the younger boys of the neighborhood clubs; gave students of music a chance to appear before an audience by having them sing at the club luncheons; distributed pamphlets urging the adoption of the recommendations of the Hoover Report; sponsored the Fourth Annual Farm Tour in connection with the observance of Soil Conservation week; contributed money to enable 4-H bovs to attend the International Royal Dairy Cattle Show in England; purchased 14 radio transcripts to be broadcast over local radio station; secured speakers for the open air services of the Salvation Army during Holy Week; placed 1000 copies of the Gospel of Luke, on trays of hospital patients on Christmas morning; secured 100 Bibles for the Maryland General Hospital; contributed $212 for equipment at St Gabriel's Convalescent Home; on National Kids Day, took entertainment to 395 youngsters in the Happy Hills Home, the Child Study Centre and the Maryland Training School for Boys; as¬ assisted in the formation of a nursery school for underprivileged children, and contributed $100 for paid instruction; continued to sponsor the Children's Ward at the South Baltimore General Hospital, and gave the usual Christmas party to the childeren there.

Division 06
(Volume 7)
President C Adam Bock, Secretary Albert R DeFord
District Chair Kiwanis Education and Fellowship J Henry Frick
Kiwanis President Claude B Hellman

President William C Rogers, Secretary William L McFarland
Membership Jan 1 - 266 Attendance 75%

President Robert I Peltz, Secretary William L McFarland
Membership Jan 1 - 262 Attendance 77%

Division 06
President George O Blome, Secretary William L McFarland
Membership Jan 1 - 266 Attendance 79%
LG William C Rogers

President J Gaillard Frey, Secretary William L McFarland
Membership Jan 1 - 270 Attendance 80%

President ?, Secretary

President L Mercer Smith Secretary Leon A Talbott
District Chair District Convention Host L Mercer Smith

President Robert C Embry

Division 06
President H Hicks Obrecht, Secretary Frederick C Aumann
LG Dr Charles G Reigner

President Frank T Von Rinteln, Secretary Frederick C Aumann

Division 06
President N Page Wothington, Secretary Frederick C Aumann
LG Frank T Von Renteln

President Edwin M Lockard, Secretary Frederick C Aumann

President C Read Carter, Secretary Frederick C Aumann

President Rindell B Stoll Secretary Frederick C Aumann

President K Brantley Watson, Secretary Frederick C Aumann

President Foster W Talbott,Secretary Frederick C Aumann

Division 06
President John S Huff, Secretary Rindell B Stoll
Governor Frank T Von Rinteln

President Norman V Waltion Jr, Secretary Rindell B Stoll

President Norman V Waljen Jr, Secretary Rindell B Stoll

1969 - 1970
Division 06
President George Kahl, Jr Secretary Rindell B Stoll
LG Clyde S Hartlove

1970 - 1971
President Frederick C Aumann Secretary Rindell B Stoll

District Chair New Club Building Burger T Thistel

1971 - 1972
President Frederick A Weiss Jr, Secretary Rindell B Stoll

District Chair Inter Club Relations Clyde S Hartlove
District Chair Inter Permanent Convention Frederick C Aumann

1972 - 1973
President Howard K Thompson, Secretary Rindell B Stoll

District Chair Membership Development Clyde S Hartlove

1973 - 1974
President Frank H Thatcher, Secretary Rindell B Stoll

1974 - 1975
President John C Ruxton Secretary Rindell B Stoll

1975 - 1976
President John K Burkley Jr, Secretary Edwin M Lockard

District Chair Music Joseph H Dowling

1976 - 1977
President Nicholas Van Sant, Secretary Edwin M Lockard

District Chair Music Joseph H Dowling

1977 - 1978
Division 06
President Stuart R Wilcox, Secretary Edwin M Lockard
District Chair District Convention Henry J Roesser
LG John C Ruxton

1978 - 1979
President Stuart R Wilcox, Secretary Martin P Stephen

District Chair Music Joseph H Dowling

1979 - 1980
President J Carey Martien, Secretary Martin P Stephen

District Chair Music Joseph H Dowling

1980 - 1981
President Douglas W Cassel, Secretary Richard J Renner

1981 - 1982
President Donald F Murphy, Secretary Richard J Renner

1982 - 1983
President Leslie S Wilson Jr, Secretary David P LeKites

1983 - 1984
President Felix F Tarasco, Secretary David P LeKites

1984 - 1985
President Gary J Hurley Secretary David P LeKites

District Chair Programs and Music Joseph H Dowling

1985 - 1986
President Philip W Chase Jr, Secretary Joseph A Esposito

1986 - 1987
President Clarence Taylor Jr, Secretary Joseph A Esposito

1987 - 1988
Division 06
President Robert A Montenegro, Secretary Joseph A Esposito
LG Gary J Hurley

1988 - 1989
President Robert J Thieblot, Secretary Joseph A Esposito

1989 - 1990
Division 06
President Gary J Jurley, Secretary Joseph H Bosch
LG John C Ruxton

1990 - 1991
President Jeff M Schumer, Secretary Joseph H Bosch

1991 - 1992
Division 12
President Joseph E Esposito, Secretary Joseph H Bosch

1992 - 1993
President Clark H Carter Secretary Wayne L Belsinger
Membership Oct 1 - 54

1993 - 1994
President Glenn L Klavans, Secretary Wayne I Belsinger
Membership Oct 1 - 53

1994 - 1995
President Hurst R Hessey, Secretary Joseph L Farrell Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 48

1995 - 1996
President Bobby G Edmondson, Secretary Wayne L Belsinger
Membership Oct 1 - 44

1996 - 1997
President Sandra W Allen Secretary Joseph A Esposito
Membership Oct 1 - 41

1997 - 1998
President Dwight S Warren, Secretary Joseph A Esposito
Membership Oct 1 - 40

1998 - 1999
President Jeffrey M Schumer, Secretary Joseph A Esposito
Membership Oct 1 - 37

1999 - 2000
President Hurst R Hessey, Secretary Joseph A Esposito
Membership Oct 1 - 38

2000 - 2001
President Dwight S Warren, Secretary Joseph A Esposito
Membership Oct 1 - 37

2001 - 2002
President Armond J Thieblot, Secretary Joseph A Esposito
Membership Oct 1 - 34 Attendance 52%

Year End: 35 Projects Completed, 250 Service Hours, $4,450 Spent, 6 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President Purcell Wylie, Secretary Joseph A Esposito
Membership Oct 1 - 35 Attendance 42%

Year End: 37 Projects Completed, 157 Service Hours, $800 Spent, 6 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
President Glenn Klavans, Secretary Joseph A Esposito
Membership Oct 1 - 34 Attendance 44%
Meet TH 12:00 PM Trattoria Petrucci Restaurant

Year End: 6 Projects Completed, 64 Service Hours, $5,600 Spent, 3 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
President Glenn Klavans, Secretary Joseph A Esposito
Membership Oct 1 - 30 Attendance 49%
Meet TH 12:00 PM Trattoria Petrucci Restaurant

Year End: 1 Projects Completed,10 Service Hours, $2,500 Spent, 3 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
Mason Dixon Region
President Mary Brady, Secretary Joseph A Esposito
Membership Oct 1 - 28 Attendance 48%
Meet TH 12:00 PM Trattoria Petrucci Restaurant

Year End: 1 Projects Completed, 22 Service Hours, $2,500 Spent, 2 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
President Mary Brady, Secretary Joseph A Esposito
Membership Oct 1 - 29 Attendance 51%
Meet TH 12:00 PM Germanos

Year End: 0 Projects Completed, 0 Service Hours, $0 Spent, 0 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
President Michael J Schaefer, Secretary Clark H Carter
Membership Oct 1 - 25 Attendance 42%
Meet TH 12:00 PM Germanos

Year End: 0 Projects, 42 Service Hours, $0 Spent, 0 Interclubs

2008 - 2009
President Purcell Wylie, Secretary Clark H Carter
Membership Oct 1 - 29 Attendance 40%
Meet TH 12:00 PM Germanos

Year End: 11 Project, 60 Service Hours, $600 Spent,0 Interclubs $0 District Foundation

2009 - 2010
President James Heslin, Secretary Clark H Carter
Membership Oct 1 - 22 Attendance 41%
Meet TH 12:00 PM Germanos

Year End: 0 Projects, 32 Service Hours, $0 Spent, 0 Interclubs $0 District Foundation

2010 - 2011
President James Heslin, Secretary Clark H Carter
Membership Oct 1 - 23
Meet TH 12:00 PM Germanos

Year End: 0 Projects, 0 Service Hours, $0 Spent, 2 Interclubs $0 District Foundation

2011 - 2012
Division 12
President Richard Dale Horn, Secretary Clark H Carter
Membership Oct 1 - 23
Meet TH 12:00 PM Germanos
LG Sandra W Allen

2012 - 2013
President Richard Dale Horn, Secretary Clark H Carter
Membership Oct 1 - 16
Meet TH 12:00 Noon Germanos

2013 - 2014
Division 06
President Dwight Warren, Secretary Clark H Carter
Membership Oct 1 - 14
Meet TH 12:00 Noon Germanos

2014 - 2015
President Dwight S Warren, Secretary Clark H Carter
Membership Oct 1 - 13
Meet TH 12:00 Noon Germanos

2015 - 2016
President Dwight S Warren, Secretary Clark H Carter
Membership Oct 1 - 13
Meet TH 12:00 Noon Germanos

2016 - 2017
President Dwight S Warren, Secretary Edward M Ranier
Membership Oct 1 - 14
Meet TH 12:00 Noon Germanos

2017 - 2018
President Sandra W Allen Secretary Edward M Ranier
Membership Oct 1 - 12
Meet TH 12:00 Noon Germanos

2018 - 2019
President Sandra W Allen Secretary Edward M Ranier
Membership Oct 1 - 10
Meet TH 12:00 Noon Germanos

2019 - 2020
President Sandra W Allen Secretary Edward M Ranier
Membership Oct 1 - 11
Meet TH 12:00 Noon Germanos

2019 - 2020
President Dwight S Warren, Secretary Edward M Ranier
Membership Oct 1 - 11