1917 About December of 1916, a brother of our William H Towles attended a meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Buffalo, NY. He was so favorably impressed by this visit that he aroused the enthusiasm of "Bill", who determined that Washington should have a Kiwanis club. He thereupon inquired as to the modus operandi for the organization of such a club in this city and arranged for one of the organizers to come here for that purpose. A nucleus for the new club was gathered together and the first meeting was held early in February, 1917 at the Burlington Hotel. There are no existing minutes of this meeting nor of any other meetings until May 2, 1917. At this first meeting there were present about 10 men, five of whom are still members of the club, namely William H Howles, Roe Fulkerson, Eugene G Adams, William C Worthington, and Frank L Wagner. The organizer was also present. A temporary organization was effected. Mr Towles was offered the position as President but declined Mr Fred Cochran was then elected President and Mr John I Hoffman, Secretary. The second meeting was a dinner at The Ebbitt, where committees were appointed and future plans discussed. Subsequent meetings were held at the Cochran Hotel Under the Original contract made with the organizer, it was agreed to secure 150 members. This was afterwards reduced to 100 For the first few meetings the attendance was between 15 and 20. Civic work this year consisted in canvassing for the sale of Liberty Bonds, a generous subscription towards the war Daddy movement, and the holding of several dances for the soldier boys. On January 16, 1918, International President George M Hixson was present and delivered the charter, which bears date May 19, 1917. There does not seem to have been any special celebration in connection with this presentation George said, Here's your charter and Roe said, Darn if it ain't. In January the club dropped 30 members for non-attendance Ever since that time the Washington Club has believed in dropping those who do not attend. 1918 The annual election of the club was held on April 10, 1918, 1st VP John J Boobar, 2nd VP Charles W Easterday, and Directors George C Shaffer and Franc E Sheiry With the exception of Elmer E Simpson, deceased, all are active members of the club. By-laws were changed, the annual election thereafter being held in December, so that these new officers held their positions for only eight and a half months The principal public service of the club during this year was in connection with the sale of Liberty Bonds In November the committee in charge reported sales to the members and by them to others amounting to $1,320,560 A contribution was made for the relief of the Minnesota fire sufferers The club had eight members in service in the army this year 1919 During 1919, the club established the custom of attending church at least one a year at Sky Pilot William W Shearer's church, and later, when Rev John C Palmer became a member of the club, of attending at each church They had a Baltimore to Washington excursion by boat Had a ladies' luncheon, appropriated $100 for the relief of the flood sufferers at Corpus Christi, Texas Raised $1100 to help Trinity Community Service Drive Presented a curtain at a cost of $450 to the auditorium of the Central High School Subscribed $73 subscriptions for the relief of the widow of a murdered policeman On April 30, the club moved to Hotel Washington At the close of the year, all of the officers were re-elected 1920 Two outstanding events, the District Convention October 9 and the Christmas charity The expenses of the convention were met by an assessment of $15 per member and the various committees were from the Washington Kiwanians The convention was most successful and the visiting Kiwanians and their ladies were very generous in their praises for the entertainment The club carried Christmas cheer to all of the orphan asylums and children's hospitals in the city, of which there were 22 At each place there was a Santa Claus, Christmas tree and presents The ladies were of great assistance not only in making and executing the Clans but also in securing gifts for the children The first death in the Washington Club occurred on August 9, when Sheriff Edward F Cook died This was followed on September 20 by the death of our beloved Secretary, Elmer E Simpson The present Secretary, George H Winslow, was elected to fill the latter vacancy, Franc E Sheiry filling the position by appointment for about one month in the interim. Howard W Phillips and F Archie Meatyard entertained the club at an oyster roast at Archie's Kensington home. 1921 Entertained Alexandria in April and Hagerstown in June. We were entertained at a barbecue and picnic by the Hagerstown Club. Two companies of the Motor Corps were organized from the Kiwanis Club as an auxiliary to the police force We entertained 94 soldier patients from Walter Reed Hospital at one of our meetings Took about one hundred shut ins for an auto ride Raised among our members $8206 for the work of the Roy Scouts. Contributed $525 to our Christmas charities Entertained the Baltimore Club, 64 were in attendance Contributed $100 for the Colorado Flood sufferers Co-operated with the Citizens Committee in the entertainment of delegates to the Conference on the Limitation of Armaments. Entertained Sergeant Samuel Woodfill, cited by General Pershing as the greatest individual hero of the World War. 1922 In January the club celebrated the seventh anniversary of the of the first club, Roe Fulkerson as speaker gave an historical sketch of the organization and growth of Kiwanis. In May we entertained the Hagerstown and Alexandria Clubs at a Ladies' Night. We had a float in the parade and had painted on all the crossings in the business part or town huge footprints with the legend A budget system for the club was put into operation this year. Besides the Christmas charity, the following was given during the year $100 to the Central Union Mission, $100 for Music Week $38 for the Belleau Wood Memorial, $80 besides gifts of merchandise for Camp Good Will Which is maintained for summer outings for poor mothers and their small children $154 for tickets for a ball game for the benefit of Trinity Community House $100 for the relief of the Kiwanis Club of Astoria, Oregon, where so many members lost their business and their homes by fire In December one of the members gave special boosts to those who had had new babies during 1922, and a roll call developed the fact that ten members were qualified to receive these boosts 1923 The Budget Committee recommended the following items which were approved by the club: Christmas activities $1000; some special project $5000; children's work $500. It was decided that the item of $500 be devoted to orthopedic work for crippled children. Entertained the Winchester, Frederick, Alexandria Clubs Presented a silver cup as one of the prizes at the field and track meet of the American Legion Supplied automobiles for the International Civitan Convention and for the International Photographers Association Convention. Held a memorial service for President Harding, at which the male quartette of Calvary Baptist Church, the President's church, furnished the music The club was also represented in the funeral procession. The Inter-Club Relations Committee recommended that the club secure a loving cup which should be moved around clubs, the Washington boys carried it to Alexandria The Alexandria Club took it to Winchester, to Hagerstown, and from there to Frederick Frederick carried it to Baltimore on September 6 Baltimore passed on the cup to Wilmington, and they went with it to Seaford This completed the clubs in the first zone and Seaford therefore returned it to Washington It was present at the District Convention in Baltimore. Washington started the cup on its visits in Zone 2 by taking it to Covington on November 30, its charter presentation date Covington carried it to Clifton Forge on December 31, where it was presented at a Watch Night meeting Franc E Sheiry sent out a newsletter called Kiwanisgrams This met with such signal favor from the members of the club that Franc was appointed the official editor The name was shortened to Kigrams This weekly paper consists of pates and cover and is extensively used as an advertising medium by club members 1924 A Program Committee was inaugurated by the President Under the new plan, a committee was appointed for each quarter of the year and a committeeman was responsible for only one meeting The new scheme worked well A delegation visited the club at Chester, PA. Speaking of changes leads to comment on the turnover of club personnel During 1924, 14 new members were elected, 12 resigned, 6 were permanently dropped for non-attendance, 2 died, a net loss of 7. International President Edmund F Arras and his wife were the guests of the club on March 27, 1924 Present were Presidents of several nearby Kiwanis Clubs At another meeting we entertained 26 members of the Fredericksburg Club Participated in the simultaneous Inter-Club meetings, held for group at Alexandria, the District officers and committee chairmen of the Zone 1 met with LG Merle E Towner and attended the Baltimore regular meeting. During May the club met with a serious loss when Claude H Woodward, Past President and District Governor was transferred to New York by the GlobeWernicke Company, necessitating his resignation from the Governorship and from the club A farewell dinner was tendered him at the City Club prior to his departure Later he was made an honorary member of the club The Capital District Loving Cup, property of the Washington Club, visited a number of the clubs during the year as is set out in detail in the District part of this history. 1925 The $11,460 budget provided for Club expenses $ 5,445, Orthopedic work $2,000, Visiting nurse salary $1,600, Public Affairs $1,400 The expense of the orthopedic work exceeded the budget allowance, the difference was taken care of from the Public Affairs budget Dues were raised to $60 per year, thus doing away with the necessity for an assessment Of the 7 directors elected for 1925, only one had ever served on the Board before and he only for part of a year to fill a vacancy Certainly there was no "clique" running the Washington Club. The principal work of the club was the continuing of its orthopedic and welfare work, and the beginning of our work at the Tuberculosis Hospital, both of which will be detailed later One notable program during the year was furnished by the Rhonda Welsh Chorus, which was introduced by Honorable James J Davis, Secretary of Labor, and himself a native of Wales. On May 14, the Washington Club was host to the clubs of Alexandria, Fredericksburg and Manassas, on District Inter-Club Day, with 240 Kiwanians. 1926 The budget for the year total of $10,780, of which $4,600 was for orthopedic and welfare work and public affairs The club operated well within its budget for the year. Substantial donations were made to Children's Hospital, Friendship House, Central Union Mission, and to the Miami Kiwanis Club at the time of the Florida disaster. The orthopedic work of the club, which had barely been started in 1923, was car-ried on with great success thereafter Franc E Sheiry was in charge of this work from 1924 until his death in 1926 At the International Convention held in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1923, four men met one evening at dinner where they held a fanning fee They were Jess Gowan, Secretary of Caldwell, Idaho, Lu Reynolds, Secretary of Salt Lake City, Utah; Bayard Griffith, Secretary of Boise, Idaho, and Franc E Sheiry of Washington The Washington Kiwanis Club regretfully announce the sudden passing last night of Franc E Sheiry, now truly an Immortal The Board of Directors of the club unanimously decided that Ki-Grams must be continued, published In the spirit of Franc Sheiry, and appointed a committee to carry on the work 1927 The most important club activity is our work for crippled children During 1927, the number of cases increased from 152 to 200 Orthopedic work was handled by Dr Custis Lee Hall We received the co-operation of the Instructive Visiting Nurses and paid the salary of one of them Some of our crippled children spent time during the summer at Camp Good Will, a fresh air camp maintained by the Associated Charities We maintained a nurse at this camp during the time our children were there A few years ago the Kiwanis Club had erected two buildings at this camp One of the buildings, containing the dining room and kitchen, was in need of ventilators in the roof A large delegation attended the Ladies Night of the Fredericksburg club 88 members went to Alexandria, Virginia 62 members journeyed to Baltimore At the time of the meeting in Washington of the U S Chamber of Commerce, we had present 29 visiting Kiwanians from 14 States Our Inter-Club Relations Committee carried the Loving Cup to Cumberland and South Norfolk Cumberland Club carried it to Havre de Grace The committee accompanied LTG Kimball on his official visits to clubs of the First Division We were host to the five finalists in the National Oratorical Contest, laid a wreath on the tomb of the Unknown Soldier on May 29, in the name of Kiwanis International, and were well represented at the Memphis and Wilmington conventions There were with us at one meeting 20 officials of the leading railroads of the country 1928 The great work of the Washington Club this year was its crippled child work The report of the committee on this work shows that ninety-one new cases were undertaken, bringing the total to 296 The number under active care and treatment at the end of the year was 175 We expended on surgical appliances and hospitalization the sum of $2,796 and the nurse's salary of $1,600 making a total of $4,396 against the budget allowance of $4,400 The services of the doctors and surgeons were all donated The club presented a new automobile to the Instructive Visiting Nurse Society They were instrumental in having two nurses sent to Boston for training in orthopedic work So that they could co-operate with us to better advantage in handling our cases, giving massage treatments in the home in same cases and instructing parents in the proper care and treatment of the crippled child The club was instrumental in having installed at the Children's Hospital a warm water tank for more efficient treatment of paralysis cases We succeeded also in securing the permanent addition to the clinic staff of an additional physiotherapist Through Inter Club Relations Committee the club was active in maintaining friendly relations with other clubs by visiting with Alexandria, Manassas, Frederick, Fredericksburg, Rehoboth Beach and Victoria Washington was host to Alexandria, Fredericksburg and Manassas during Inter Club Week Two Ladies' Nights and a Ladies' Luncheon were held At the second Ladies' Night the program consisted of a minstrel show with Kiwanis talent We had a joint meeting with Rotary during Thanksgiving week Father and Child Day was celebrated 1929 The great work of the Washington Club, as has been the case for many years last past, was our crippled children The Kiwanis Clinic in charge of Dr Hall recorded 842 visits of crippled children 20 new crippled children cases were treated during the year, bringing the total to 315 children 160 cases are still active and require continued service in transportation, supply of special shoes, braces and casts, and 20 cases spent time in the hospital The expenditure of the club's funds for the tangible part of this work, amounted to $4,02475 This did not include any toys, gifts, nor any expense outside of the service connected with the medical attention Individual Kiwanians, aided by the automobile committee, transported underprivileged children and their mothers to Camp Good Will Four trips were made transporting 160 children on each trip Two schools were opened in the fall of 1929 Now, the crippled child can get both an education and his treatments and the question of transportation to the clinic has been eliminated at least in respect to the children of school age A special medical electric lamp was presented to the school together with rolling chairs and an arrangement for providing hot lunches was worked out by the members of the club Golf tournaments were held with Baltimore, Alexandria, Manassas, while our players took part in triangular play with Towson and Baltimore Inter-club visits were made by the club or by members of the committee to 13 other clubs with a total of 18 visits We entertained 1095 Kiwanians and other guests during the year The small cash balance in the general fund is largely accounted for by the following: The Board of Directors authorized the expenditure of seven hundred dollars for the purpose of publicity at the Milwaukee Convention of the desire of the Washington Club to secure the International Convention for 1932 1930 The Washington Kiwanis club had four major activities during 1930, as follows: We continued our crippled children's work under the direction of Dr Custis Lee Hall, orthopedic surgeon The clinic was held at the Children's Hospital each Friday morning, and we continued to pay the salary of an instructive visiting nurse and thereby secured the services of all of the nurses Delegations accompanied LG Edwin F Hill on his official visits to the clubs of the First Division. Sent representatives during Inter-Club Week to Alexandria. Host to all inter-club meeting of the First Division arranged for and president over by LTG Edwin F Hill The Committee on Kiwanis Education held meetings at which talks on Kiwanis matters were made to new members Washington won first prize at the District Convention for attendance in the Gold Division. A memorial service was held in memory of deceased Kiwanians of the Washington club After the meeting we went to Arlington National Cemetery where Governor Binford placed a wreath on the tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the name of Kiwanis International 22 members of the club maintained all attendance record of 100% during the year. The November 13 meeting was held in honor of the 10th anniversary of the installation of George Winslow as secre-tary-treasurer of the Washington club All past presidents of the club, except two who have resigned praised the work of the secretary. 1931 The club continued its work, which it has been doing since 1923 for crippled children, the number of cases being handled by the club at the close of the year being 91 The amount spent for orthopedic work, which included equipment, medical care, hospitalization, and the salary of an instructive visiting nurse was $3,500 Members furnished transportation to carry children and their mothers to and from Camp Goodwill, which is a fresh air camp operated in Rock Creek Park by the Associated Charities They were taken in groups of 160 every two weeks during the summer, Entertainments, including moving pictures and musical numbers, were given at the camp for each group of children 25 children of the Weightman School for Crippled Children were taken on a trip to the Zoo, and 12 boys were taken to see their first baseball game Furnished transportation to a group of children from the Central Union Mission where a Girl Scout troop was entertaining for the children Children at the Weightman School for Crippled Children were furnished money with which to buy fresh vegetables for their lunches The usual Christmas party for crippled children was given this year, with 96 crippled children present, 61 of whom were Kiwanis cases Presented 138 children with gifts In addition to the children, there were present at this party about 300 adults The club expended $300 on this Christmas party Activities of the Inter-Club Relations Committee resulted in a total of 215 members visiting 21 clubs during the year, Fredericksburg, Manassas, Frederick, Arlington County, Hagerstown, and Havre de Grace Members were present at the Charter Anniversary of the Rehoboth Beach club An inter-club song festival featured a meeting at Manassas with delegations present from Fredericksburg, Arlington County and Winchester. We supplied the talent to meetings at Fredericksburg, Alexandria, Ashland and Richmond. The visiting Kiwanians on this occasion totaled more than 100. The club endorsed the project of the Washington Post to the effect that the District should have its own flag as have all of the states Resolutions were passed offering aid to the President's Committee to the circus. 1932 The under-privileged child work of the club included caring for over 100 cases at the Children's Clinic with a number of operations The Kiwanis Clinic at the Children's Hospital averaged 7 to 8 cases week The visiting nurse made more than 600 visits and 40 pieces of orthopedic apparatus were donated to the children More than 30 members of the club furnished their cars with drivers to carry children and mothers to and from the camp operated by the Associated Charities, and the transportation of over 400 children and mothers was taken care of in this way Eighty children, inmates of a hospital, were taken The club organized a K-Club at St John's Episcopal Orphanage and furnished badges and insignia of office Sent delegations to Fredericksburg, Manassas, Harrisonburg, Winchester, Alexandria, and Arlington County; Martinsburg, WVA; Elkton, Westminster, Towson, Baltimore, and Rehoboth Beach Attended the Charter Night at Westminster, the eleventh anniversary at Alexandria and carried the Loving Cup to Elkton It arranged a tour of the city for the Florida delegation en route to the International Convention, entertained 29 boys and 3 directors of a Kiwanis pilgrimage from Oklahoma, and it provided speakers for meetings at 12 other clubs Awards were presented to 18 members who had 100% attendance for the year 1931 1933 As usual the club was very active in under-privileged child work, The Kiwanis Clinic was held at the Children's Hospital regularly every Friday at least one member of the club was in attendance Ninety-nine cases were taken care of and 80 pieces of orthopedic apparatus furnished Contributed $1,600 for the nurses salary The Kiwanis bandstand at the Tuberculosis Hospital was rebuilt and a series of band concerts were held to entertain the patients An under-privileged child meeting of the club was held the speaker was Mrs Franklin D Roosevelt A Christmas party was given at which 91 under-privileged children were guests, and a program of entertainment with Santa Claus distributed gifts to the children The weekly vocational guidance broadcasts were continued over WRC and 19 Kiwanians and 29 other businessmen took part in them Members made talks to the high schools and at the YMCA and as a result the YMCA furnished a group of vocational councilors to put individuals in touch with business and professional men who could give the information and advice sought In inter-club relations the club was very active A delegation attended the organization meeting of Annapolis, MD, Other club visits were Alexandria, Arlington County, Alexandria, Manassas, Fredericksburg and Frederick, MD. Representatives attended the Mid Winter Conference, the International and the District Conventions The club celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary and Constitution Week, held a luncheon in honor of International President Carl Endicott and sent a large delegation to the Fifteenth Anniversary Celebration of the Capital District at Bay Ridge Officers attended the Division 1 Training School for Club Officers 1934 The club continued weekly clinic treating on the average of 80 patients Purchased 26 pieces of orthopedic apparatus and the nurse visited an average of 70 homes a week Carried 500 mothers and children to and from camp Sent delegations to the meeting of Arlington, Annapolis, Alexandria, Baltimore, Fredericksburg, Hagerstown, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Prince Georges County and Winchester, to the Charter Night of Prince Georges County, and to the organization meeting of Morgan County, West Virginia The club was host to Arlington and Alexandria Placed a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Entertained the International President, the International Secretary, and the District Governor Winter Conference and tile International and District Conventions 1935 File crippled children's, clinic was continued this year, each week Ninety children were furnished with shoes The visiting nurse made an average of go visit-, a month 30 crippled children were taken to a picnic, and a bus-load was entered in the Halloween parade and given refreshments afterwards One hundred were given a Christmas party and gifts were sent to 50 colored children The club spent $120 in transportation for bands with 18 concerts in the Kiwanis Band Stand at the Tuberculosis Hospital It furnished two buses to carry children from the orphanage to and from the Play Day Meet The club also had four cripples to tell the club what the clinic had done for them Vocational Guidance talks on the radio were made on Mail Advertising, Accounting, Medicine, Law, Teaching, Secretarial Work, Optometry, Express Transportation, An Easter meeting was held and some of the interesting programs were on The Parole System, The Meaning of the Constitution, talking Books for the Blind, and Fire Prevention Forest Service Members of the club visited the following named clubs: Prince Georges County, Arlington, Alexandria, Annapolis, Philadelphia, Hagerstown, Manassas, Miami, Coral Gables, St Petersburg, Cumberland, Westminster, Syracuse, Winchester, Shepherdstown, Richmond, Baltimore and Frederick, and attended the charter nights of Pikesville and Reisterstown The club held one big inter-club meeting with representatives from ten other clubs present The club held two Kiwanis Education Meetings, unveiled a tablet in commemoration of the Rush-Bagot Treaty, entertained the International President and the District Governor, furnished the LTG, celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary and Constitution Week, was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the International and District Conventions, the Division Meeting and the Officers' Training School 1936 The club put on an under-privileged child program at the Prince Georges County club The club continued the weekly clinic, the wives of members of the club carrying the children to and from the clinic 70 children at the Wightman School for crippled children were treated and hundreds of visits made by the visiting nurse 200 books were given to the school Children traveled by bus to the Zoo One child was operated on and kept in the hospital three months at a cost of over $200 150 children were carried back and forth to camp and left for a period of two weeks, making in all 8 trips Fifty pairs of shoes were furnished for these children Two busses carried 75 boys from the Episcopal School to Field Day The School Board was asked to set aside a fund for carrying crippled children back and forth to the school and to furnish other special schools for children suffering from non-communicable ailments Kiwanians and their families put on a Christmas party for 125 children, over 700 being present, and each child was in charge of some family The club continued its program of broadcasting vocational guidance talks and sending out literature to interested listeners The club sent delegations to Arlington, Alexandria, Annapolis, Richmond, Fredericksburg, Manassas, Hagerstown, Winchester, and Reisterstown, in many instances putting on the program for them A large delegation attended the Charter Night of North Baltimore The club entertained the International President and the International Secretary, the District Governor and the LTG It held four Kiwanis education meetings, celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, United States-Canada Week and Constitution Week The club was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the District Convention, at which it won the District achievement contest, and it was host to the International Convention 1937 The club held its regular weekly clinic for crippled children, treating from 70 to 90 children a month, the children being carried to and from the clinic by Kiwanians or their wives Hundreds of visits to the homes were made by the nurse and more than a hundred pieces of orthopedic apparatus and special shoes were purchased The club furnished a series of entertainments at the Wightman School for Cripples and donated a radio to the school Fifty-eight boys from St Joseph's were given a Valentine party, 50 boys from St John's Episcopal Orphanage were given a party The weekly broadcasts on the choice of a vocation were continued as formerly The club sent visiting delegations to Arlington, Alexandria, Baltimore, Prince Georges County, Westminster and Winchester and in several instances furnished the program The club held a number of Kiwanis education meetings, celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, United States-Canada Week, Constitution Week, its own anniversary (at which time a wreath was placed on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier), was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the International and District Conventions and the Officers Training School, and won the District achievement trophy in the Gold Division 1938 Had a Crippled Childrens Day program to which the ladies were invited, orthopedic surgeon showed how the clinic was conducted, after which movies of the improvement of patients were shown The clinic was held each Friday during the year Had a Bowling Team in the winter months, a Golf Teani in the spring and summer months It had a Ladies' Dav and Night, joint a Ladies' Night, a Stag a meeting with Rotary, a big Christmas party and a Family Day Celebrated All Kiwanis Night, had several Kiwanis education programs, one program by Charter Members, entertained the District Governor and the Lieutenant Governor and was represented at the Mid Winter Conference and the International and the District Convention 1939 The club continued the Wednesday and Friday morning clinics, adding new cases from time to time, giving treatments and furnishing braces as needed, with regular visits by the nurse It carried a number of crippled boys to swimining party at the YMCA had a program on the crippled children, cured in the clinic Gave a Valentine party to the children of St Joseph's Orphanage, carried 150 children to the T B Camp, gave a Halloween party to 2 bus loads of children and initiated a movement for a new school for crippled Children, and it strongly supported the President's Birtliday to raise fund, to combat infantile paralysis Members attended inter club meetings at Arlington and at Alexandria, were hosts to North Baltimore, and a meeting including Arlington, Alexandria, Manassas and Prince Georges Coumv The club had four Kiwanis Education meetings, entertained the Lieutenant Governor and was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International and District Conventions and the Training School for Officers 1940 Continued the Crippled Children's Clinic through the year on Wednesdays and Fridays, supplemented by visits by the Kiwanis Nurse, parties were given from time to time during the year for the children attending the clinic and for the orphans at St Joseph's and St John's Groups of children were taken to the movies and to see baseball games always with a treat of sonic sort, and a Christmas party for children was given The movement initiated by the club in 1939 was continued until the new school for crippled children became an accomplished fact Gave material aid to the Police Boys Club It held an inter club meeting with Arlington, Alexandria and Prince Georges County, and on the occasion of the International President's visit was host to Ridgewood, NJ, received the plaque from Prince Georges County, delivered to Alexandria, and sent delegations to meetings at Reisterstown and Baltimore Had active bowling and golf teams It had a joint meeting with Rotary, a Ladies' Day, a Ladies' Night, a Stag Night, a Christmas party and a Family Day It celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, held four Kiwanis Education meetings, entertained the International President, the District Governor, and the Lieutenant Governor and was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International and District Conventions and Training School for Officers 1941 The club continued its clinics on Wednesday and Friday through the year employ¬ing a full time nurse for this work and for visiting the Patients in their homes ' Through the efforts of the club a branch of the Crippled Children's Society was formed in the city The club maintained several children at the Rehabilitation School It gave a party for 100 children frorn St Rose School, a garden party for the children from the Crippled Children's School, a Halloween party for the children of St Joseph's Orphanage, and a big Christmas party for children The club employed a part time worker in the field of Vocational Guidance, bought a set of teeth for a girl suffering an inferiority complex because of not having them, bought a typewriter to increase the efficiency of one boy, got another a job, and a scholarship to an Art School for a crippled boy Attended an inter club meeting at North Baltimore, furnishing the speaker and sent a delegate to Arlington Had a nurnber of Kiwanis Education meetings, entertained the District and Lieutenant Governors and was host club to the District Convention 1942 Through underprivileged child work, the Crippled Children's Clinic, the Orthopedic Clinic, and the Occupation Therapy Clinic, 159 patients were taken care of The total number of patients attending all clinics during the year was 401 The home visits during the year numbered 1,110 Included medicine, X ray pictures, braces, crutches, ultra violet treatments, and transportation to clinics and schools, amounted to $3,224 For the Anson Mills Foundation $3,417 was spent, for the District Chapter of the National Chapter for Infantile Paralysis $4,035, making a total of $10,69891 expended through the agency of the club for underprivileged work, besides which special building alterations, costing $500, to the clinic at the Children's Hospital was paid for by the club During the year 100 boys at St Joseph's Horne 90 children at the Episcopal Homefor Children, 50 children at the Health School were entertained with games At Christmas stockings filled with goodies for the children at the colored Health School, and a Christmas part ' v was given for the children at St John's Episcopal Orphanage. A special committee arranged the annual Christmas party 171 gifts were provided Kiwams clinic chil¬dren, with refreshments for them, their friends, and families Tickets were provided for the Shrine Circus and Gene AturvRodeo Periodic visits were made to the Health School and educational films and transportation for both educational and pleasure trips were provided The money spent on these projects during the year amounted to over $750 Sent delegations to Arlirigton, Annapolis, Charlottesville, Baltimore, and Manassas, and received visitors from Arlington, Alexandria, Baltimore, Prince Georpes County, and Manassas Host to a large inter club meeting at which 23 different clubs were represented on the occasion of the visit of the International president Attended Mid Winter Conference, the International and District Conventions, and at the Training School for Club Officers At the close of the year 7 members of the club were in the armed forces 1943 Held its usual clinics for crippled children, furnishing hospitalization, braccs, shoes, etc Gave a Christmas party for over 200 crippled children and smaller parties were given at St Vincent's Orphanage, St Josepli's Horne, and also for colored children. Raised $4,997 for the Red Cross, and in one Drive sold $1,486,931 in Bonds The club purchsed a $1,000 Bond Collected 500 books for the Victory Book Carmpaign In another drive the club sold $2,500,000 worth of Bonds Furnished a room known as the Corpsman's Quarters for Naval personnel stationed at St Elizabeth Hospital Furnished a pool table, radio phonograph, davenports, cliairs, lamps, and so on. Put on a program at Alexandria and other delegations visited Annapolis, Arlington, Baltimore, and Manassas Entertained the District Governor, was represented at Mid Winter Conference, District Convention, and Training School for Club Officers End of the year 10 members in the armed forces. 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 Kiwanis Administration 54 members had 100% attendance 57 inter-clubs to other clubs with 464 members attending, furnished 29 speakers and programs, and a total of 2,479 miles traveled one way 129 interclubs from Kiwanis clubs, 475 Kiwanians visiting and a total of 68,948 miles were traveled one way Held 18 socials Inducted 16 new members and deleted 11, leaving a net gain of 2% Built a new club in Northeast Washington DC August 8, 1951 Held 174 committee meetings and wrote 9,200 lines in local and suburban press and national trade journals Presented 8 radio and television shows. Boys and Girls Work achievements: Took 40 St John's Orphanage children to a farm; 25 Grant School children to a farm; 20 crippled children to a circus and movies;' refreshments were provided for 80 girls at the house of Good Shepherd; gave a St Valentines party for 40 children at St John's Orphanage; a St Patrick's party was held for 70 crippled children at a DC Health School; a sight seeing tour for 35 crippled children at National Museum; graduation party for 27 colored crippled children at Anthony Bowen School; sight seeing tour and lunch for 21 orphans of U S Korean Soldiers; outing and sight seeing tour at Mount Vernon for 90 crippled children and 15 teachers; National Kids Day for 300 boys and girls; Halloween party for 101 children at St Vincent's Home; Halloween party for 95 children at St Joseph's Home and Orphanage and 4 Christmas parties at various homes. Organized a Key club at Woodrow Wilson HS; sent a delegate to Miami Convention; a sight seeing tour, entertainment, overnight lodging and meals were furnished to 4 Montreal, Canada Key club members en route to Miami convention 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1969 - 1970 1970 - 1971 1971 - 1972 1972 - 1973 1973 - 1974 1974 - 1975 1975 - 1976 1976 - 1977 1977 - 1978 1978 - 1979 1979 - 1980 1980 - 1981 1981 - 1982 1982 - 1983 1983 - 1984 1984 - 1985 1985 - 1986 1986 - 1987 1987 - 1988 1988 - 1989 1989 - 1990 1990 - 1991 1991 - 1992 1992 - 1993 1993 - 1994 1994 - 1995 1995 - 1996 1996 - 1997 1997 - 1998 1998 - 1999 1999 - 2000 2000 - 2001 2001 - 2002 Year End: 65 Projects completed, 805 Service Hours, $ 25400 Money Spent, 0 Interclubs 2002 - 2003 Year End: 48 Projects completed, 1731 Service Hours, $ 30500 Spent, 0 Interclubs 2003 - 2004 Year End: 59 Projects completed, 2076 Service Hours, $65 Spent, 0 Interclubs 2004 - 2005 Year End: 134 Projects completed, 4432 Service Hours, $21,416 Spent, 0 Interclubs 2005 - 2006 Year End: 140 Projects completed, 1611 Service Hours, $73,765 Spent, 5 Interclubs 2006 - 2007 Year End: 11 Projects completed, 224 Service Hours, $135,000 Spent, 0 Interclubs 2007 - 2008 Year End: 19 Projects completed, 347 Service Hours, $109,000 Spent, 0Interclubs 2008 - 2009 Year End: :22 Projects completed, 297 Service Hours, $230,300 Spent, 0 Interclubs 2009 - 2010 Year End: 2 Projects, 115 Service Hours, $16,000 Spent, 0 Interclubs, $200 CD Foundation 2010 - 2011 Year End: 7 Projects, 502 Service Hours, $57405 Spent, 1 Interclubs, $190 CD Foundation 2011 - 2012 2012 - 2013 2013 - 2014 2014 - 2015 2015 - 2016 2016 - 2017 2017 - 2018 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 |