Capital District Kiwanis History

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Organized July 24 1925 Chartered September 3 1925
Key #01408 52nd District Club
Sponsor Crewe Kiwanis
Division 02
Name changed 1938 to Victoria - Kenbridge

( Volume 2)

Organized July 24, 1925, with 35 charter members, consisting of prominent business and professional men of Victoria, Kenbridge and other sections of Lunenburg County.

Division 02
President J A Banks, Vice President D H Lewis
Secretary J T Waddill Jr
Treasurer L D Hatch, Trustee R S Weaver Sr

The club was sponsored by the Crewe Kiwanis Club Much interest was shown by the members in the many progressive matters which have been considered by the club during the year A great spirit of cooperation and good fellowship between the people of the several towns and other sections of the county has been developed by the Kiwanis Club All of the members are working harmoniously for the up building of their county and state They are sponsoring better schools, good roads, a clean community morally, and more cordial relations among the citizens of Lunenburg County.

Among other progressive moves made by the club is the establishment of Tourists Camps for the comfort of strangers who come within our borders Probably the outstanding work of the club has been the establishment of clinics at Kendig Brothers Hospital in Victoria for the rehabilitation of crippled children and unfortunate citizens of the county Where they are unable to pay, this service is given free of charge and already many cases have been treated and much happiness has come to the citizens benefited by these clinics.

(N S Turnbull and R S Weaver Jr)

The club was founded in the middle of 1925 All officers the first year were re-elected for 1926

At the beginning of the year, the club had in view certain definite objectives The first of these was a continuation of the fight against the lease of the Virginian Railway by the Norfolk & Western Railway Company The second, the promotion and establishment of free camping grounds at Victoria and Kenbridge And the fourth and probably the most important, was the putting closer together all the people in Lunenburg County, and getting the different sections to work as a unit for the development and improvement of the county.

The club was greatly gratified at the decision of the Interstate Commerce Commission in the early summer, refusing the application of the Norfolk & Western Railway to lease the Virginian Railway We felt that this decision was largely due to the work of the club in presenting the facts to the Commission and in arousing other communities to the effect that such a lease or absorption would have on these communities through which the Virginian Railway runs.

Our clinic was definitely established and put on a sound working basis, with its headquarters at Kendig Brothers Hospital, and under the direction of Dr Thomas Wheeldon, of Richmond, Virginia, who is a recognized authority in work of this kind The clinic was held regularly once a month and a large number of crippled children were treated with most beneficial results The clinic was growing and gradually reaching out to every section of the county It is the belief and hope of the Victoria Kiwanis Club that within a short time every crippled child in Lunenburg County will receive treatment.

The club also appointed two committees for the establishment of free camping grounds at Victoria and Kenbridge Sites for free camping grounds for tourists were secured at both points and partially developed.

Probably the most signal success along material lines during this year was in getting the State to re-locate the road between Victoria and Kenbridge by which the distance between the two towns was shortened about two miles and several dangerous grade crossings were eliminated.

As a result of the meetings of the club with the leading men in all lines of endeavor and from all sections of Lunenburg County, and the discussion of public affairs ' the whole county has been bound together as a unit and the entire county has been behind each project which is for the benefit of any section of the county The club has also fostered a feeling of friendship and the people have at last realized that what is for the benefit of one section of the county is for the benefit of all sections Lunenburg County now stands together as a whole and this result is largely the work of the Kiwanis Club.

President D H Lewis, Secretary C W Beard
Trustee J R Adams

This club draws its membership from Victoria and Kenbridge, an 8 mile distant Meetings including part of our Ladies Nights are held in Kenbridge The first program for the year 1927 was put on by the four most recent additions to the club.

We celebrated Father and Son Night, the program having special reference to the Boy Scout movement There were present 48 members and as many guests We were sponsoring this movement in Lundenberg County Dr Thomas Wheeldon, Orthopedic Surgeon, who has charge of the clinic we support, spoke to us.

We inaugurated a movement to employ a county nurse, but failed in our efforts.

We held a meeting in the interest of securing new industries for our town, had fifty farmers as guests at a meeting, and entertained the county officers In May, we attended the Inter-Club Meeting with Chase City and Crewe On the latter occasion we entertained the bands of Victoria and Blackstone Four Ladies' Nights were held, one of them being in Kenbridge, and we had our annual picnic We started a movement to secure a concrete road between Victoria and Kenbridge This road was completed in 1928.

Division 02
(Volume 3)
President E L Gee, Secretary R S Weaver Jr
Trustee L N Gary
LG John R Adams

    January The Kiwanis Education Committee gave the club a quiz on Kiwanis facts The club grade was 71% A committee was appointed to visit every church, service and social organization in the county and deliver brief addresses on the ideals and objectives of Kiwanis We sponsored a drive to obtain from the General Assembly a bill to compel testing of all petroleum products sold in Virginia.

    February The Boy Scout troop, Kiwanian Sapp is leader, the boys demonstrated their knowledge of Scout matters A musical comedy netted us $115 for the benefit of our crippled child clinic We started work to obtain a municipal golf course.

    March Very interesting meetings were held this month with addresses by prominent men on such subjects as The Agricultural and Industrial Outlook for Virginia, The Value of Health," "Louis Pasteur and His Development of the Theory of Immunity," etc The glee club of Blackstone College for Girls entertained with instrumental and vocal selections.

    April Met with the Crewe Club Sponsored a play to benefit the County Nurse Fund Worked with the American Legion Post to secure a World War trophies for the county and appointed a committee to secure funds for Cripple Child Clinic from the County Board of Supervisors and the Town Councils of Kenbridge and Victoria.

    May The club went to Lynchburg to attend a meeting of the clubs of the Second Division We stood first in number present and first in total mileage traveled Following up the work inaugurated the previous month, 20 Kiwanians accompanied American Legion representatives to Richmond to request the Governor of Virginia to use his good officers to secure for Lunenburg County one of the World War trophies It resulted in getting a German field piece We worked to abolishment unsightly highway signs.

    July Sponsored a baseball game for the benefit of our clinic We made a statistical study of Lunenburg County Used our offices to procure the improvement of certain rural roads in Columbian Grove and Lachleven Magisterial Districts.

    September At our Ladies' Night held at Kenbridge on September 13, a delegation from Washington headed by Harry G Kimball, presented the District Loving Cup District Governor Robert Kime was also present at this meeting The club at a series of meetings acted as host to all the public school teachers of the county The purpose of these meetings was to promote and make more complete the work of the clinic by bringing about a closer relationship between the club and the local schools We also entertained all the ministers of Victoria and Kenbridge.

    October Members attended the Richmond Convention Our clinic confined to the county was extended to the adjoining county that did not have a service club A committee was appointed to erect a roof top sign on the tallest building in town with the club’s name for aviators who fly in this vicinity We took the loving cup to Crewe.

    November raised $125 for crippled child work.

    December A Ladies' Night was held Dr Hart, Professor of History at Hampton-Sidney College, gave an address on "The Glory and Destiny of a Nation" The college glee club performed The Underprivileged Child Committee secured from the Board of Supervisors a good appropriation from county funds for crippled child work.

(From the Efficiency Report)
President N S Turnbull Jr, Secretary R S Weaver Jr
Trustee W P-Reed

The Victoria Kiwanis Club enjoyed a prosperous and successful year in 1929 under the administration of N S Turnbull, Jr Perhaps the outstanding accomplishment of the year was the securing of the County Nurse to promote the health conditions of Limenburg County Attendance was stressed throughout the year The underprivileged child work continued to be the major objective of the club There follows below a somewhat specific enumeration of the work done in 1929:

1 Underprivileged Child:

    There were twelve clinics held during the year under the auspices of Dr Thomas Wheeldon of Richmond, Virginia Clinics held on the first Friday of each month at Kendig Bros Hospital, Victoria, Virginia.

    The following statistics are an index to the scope of the work:
    1 Number of treatments made by Dr Wheeldon, 66
    2 Number of persons treated, 47
    3 Number of operations, 6
    4 Amount of money expended $51280

    For several years the Victoria Kiwanis Club had endeavored to secure for Lunenburg County a full-time County Nurse The County had long needed such a nurse as an overseer of general health conditions, and it was thought that such a nurse would be of inestimable benefit to the clinic; especially in locating children who needed the advantages of the clinic This objective was realized on November 1st, 1929, when Miss Gertrude Lovell opened her office in Victoria Miss Lovell immediately came into effective co-operation with Dr Wheeldon and the clinics became immediately, more than ever, a community asset It is estimated that the office of County Nurse will cost approximately $250000 The Victoria Kiwanis Club has made itself directly responsible for this amount.

2 Citizenship:

    A number of distinguished speakers were brought to the county to speak on the duties, responsibilities, and privileges of citizenship Notable among these talks was that of the Honorable P H Drewry of Petersburg, Virginia, representative of the Fourth Congressional District of Virginia in Washington Mr Drewry addressed the club on September 26th and chose as his subject Our Government

    In all elections, both county and State the local membership made an effort to get every eligible voter to the polls The appeal was mad: to exercise the right of franchise regardless of party affiliations or choice of candidates The club has emphasized the importance of jury service, and has urged all members when called to serve.

3 Business Standards:

    The Committee on Business Standards functioned with telling effect during the year A spirit of happy co-operation and friendly though keen rivalry between men in competitive lines of business was continued Mr C A Eichelberger, prominent businessman of Petersburg, addressed the club on December 13tb on the subject "The Romance of Business".

4 Rural and Urban Relations:

    On June 13th and August 15th, farmers' meetings were held at Meherrin, Virginia Each member brought a farmer guest, and at the August meeting, the farmers put on the program, which was designed to portray the farm point of view The club sponsored the Lunenburg County Fair, which was held the first week in October.

5 Vocational Guidance and Placement:

    The Committee on Vocational Guidance and Placement had at least one speaker to appear in practically every school in the county.

Civic Improvement:

    A new fence was erected around the County Fair Grounds The club members acted as carpenters and furnished all materials It took three weeks to complete this work and the result was a very good fence with many a blistered and sore thumb.

Total percentage for the year 1929 was 90 %

The Board of Directors met 12 times during the year All standing committees met at the same time At each weekly meeting, a club member made at least one talk The committees usually arranged the program in line with the particular duties and functions of that committee which happened to he in charge Four Ladies' Nights were held, on March 14th, June 27th, September 26th, and December 12th, respectively.

On June 6th, the Victoria Club was host to two neighboring clubs, Chase City and Crewe There were eleven Kiwanians present from Crewe and five from Chase City The local club continued its consecutive run of meetings with all members present.

On July 26th, Chase City was host to South Boston and Victoria Thirteen Victoria Kiwanians made the trip to Chase City.

Both meetings were decidedly enthusiastic and resulted in generating a Kiwanis spirit between local communities of greater obviousness than heretofore.

J R Adams, chairman of the District Committee on Inter-Club Relations, made visitations to all Second Division clubs and clubs throughout the Capital District.

The Victoria Club sent five men to the Midwinter Conference held in Alexandria in January, one delegate to the International Convention at Milwaukee and five men to the District Convention held in October in Hagerstown, Maryland All monthly, semi-annual, and special reports were forwarded to District and International Headquarters All District and International dues, as well as magazine subscriptions were paid.

(Volume 4)
President John R Adams, Secretary R S Weaver Jr
Trustee B E Nevins

The clinic was directed by Dr Thomas Wheeldon of Richmond A committee of 5 attended the clinic each month.

We heard an address by W M Harris on tile Naval Disarmament Conference and a lecture on "The Magic of Modern Chemistry," by Dr Sydney Negus.

The Petersburg Rotary Minstrels came to Victoria and gave a performance for our county nurse fund, which netted $553.

We were host to the Chase City club Traveled 150 miles to attend the Martinsville club.

Rev G F Gale delivered a forceful address on Attendance We also heard Dr Linwood King, a professor, of Ohio; Kiwanian John J Wicker, Jr, of Richmond, and Dr Hart, a professor at Hampden Sydney College.

Efforts were made to assist the farmers who were sufferers from the drought.

President Dr H E Whaley, Secretary R S Weaver Jr
Trustee M E Gee

The club assisted the Red Cross in emergency work for drought relief

We heard a talk by J T Waddell, Jr, superintendent of schools Nineteen farmers were our guests

We attended an inter-club meeting at Chase City Lieutenant-Governor Barnwell paid us a visit

Division 02
President B E Nevins, Secretary D H Lewis
Membership Jan 1 - 20 Attendance 91%
LG R S Weaver Jr

The club kept up regular meetings with good attendance throughout the year and had a number of interesting speakers on topics of general interest

All members but one attended the Interclub meeting at Danville (luring Inter-club Week

No activities were reported

President M E Lee, Secretary R S Weaver Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 17 Attendance 89%

During this year the club studied the school situation in Virginia It boosted a project for re-surfacing road 48

It entertained as guest speaker the District Governor

Entertained representatives from Richmond, Petersburg, Hopewell, Lynchburg, and Chase City at an inter-club meeting with 100 Kiwanians present

President B L Winn, Secretary E R Carter Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 12 Attendance 92%

The club discussed the possibility of a summer camp for the under-privileged Children Sponsored the Girl Scout troop Had a program on the high school glee club

Held six meetings in the county fostering rural and urban fellowship

Sponsored roadwork in the neighborhood, aided the Red Cross drive and held one meeting at a nearby CCC Camp

The club visited Chase City and Lynchburg and was host to Chase City

Held a Kiwanis Education Meeting, celebrated All-Kiwanis Night and Constitution Week Entertained the District Governor and LTG was represented at the Officers' Training School

President W M Harris, Secretary E R Carter Jr and Roscoe Carden
Membership Jan 1 - 31 Attendance 89%

The club undertook as its object for the year the immunization of all children in Lunenburg County to diphtheria It brought the Blackstone Rotary Minstrels to Victoria and raised other funds from the community, holding numerous clinics until 801 out of 1200 children between the ages of six months and ten years had been immunized.

The club entertained the girls from Blackstone College at a Ladies Night.

It held three meetings in the county with neighboring guests.

Had programs on The Work of Southside Virginia, Inc, Red Cross, Good Will, and Government

Sent delegations to Petersburg, Danville, and Lynchburg and was host to Chase City Entertained the District Governor and LTG Held two Kiwanis Education Meetings

President George M Masten, Secretary Joseph E Hardy
Membership Jan 1 - 32 Attendance 82%

The club had a program on the Big Brother Movement and adopted this as a major objective for the year It held a bridge party to finance this work

Sponsored an amateur hour at the high school Entertained 32 boys at a luncheon

Held 3 county meetings and one joint meeting with the Dairymen’s League The club organized a softball team, and held a Ladies Night

Had programs on the Principles of Government, Fire Prevention, The Duties of the Supervisors, The Prevention of Disease, The Trial justice System, Crime Prevention, Rehabilitation, Social Security, Recent State Legislation, and The Moral Duties of Public Affairs

Visited Crewe and Chase City and was host to representatives from Washington, Richmond, Petersburg, Danville, Lynchburg and Crewe

Entertained the LTG and was represented at the Mid-Winter, District and the International Conventions

President D Y Paschall, Secretary Joseph E Hardy
Membership Jan 1 - 19 Attendance 85%

This year the club resumed the diphtheria prevention clinics which were started in 1935 but not carried on in 1936 The club studied the conditions of crippled children in the community, and furnished transportation for them to and from the clinics The club also planned a summer recreation camp for boys

The club put on a high school essay contest

One meeting was held at the home of a farmer in the county

The club had a Ladies Night and a meeting at a school followed by a social hour with the teachers and patrons

Entertained the LTG, the District Governor and Secretary Sent representatives to Mid-Winter Conference, the Division Meeting, and the District Convention

( Volume 5)
Change name to Victoria-Kenbridge VA