1921 There was no luncheon club in our city and the names of Rotary, Civitans, Lions, and Kiwanis conveyed but meager meaning as to the big part they played in the civic life of their respective communities. We are indebted to the Washington Club for our organization. Their Inter-City Relations Committee, aided and abetted by Roe Fulkerson and Claude Woodward came to Alexandria and hitched our wagon to their star. A nucleus of our most progressive businessmen was quickly formed and shortly thereafter we visited the Washington Club at one of their weekly luncheons and there first learned the spirit and merit of Kiwanis. In May we learned to walk and the Washington Club returned our visit. At that time and for that occasion we published a special edition of the Alexandria Gazette, a local newspaper, and that feat yet remains the champion publicity stunt of the Capital District. Organization completed on May 9, 1921 with the following officers: George Warfield, Cashier of the First National Bank, President; Julian Y Williams General Manager of the Alexandria Fertilizer and Chemical Company, first Vice-President; and Urban Lambert, President of the Alexandria Water Company, Second Vice-President Thus at the outset, three of the human senses were embodied in the life of our organization-touch, smell and taste We were heard from later. Charter was presented June 16, 1921. Under the leadership of George Warfield, our club prospered and grew in the esteem of the community. Our first real service consisted in raising $1000 for the Playground Association of our city. By this charity, a trained instructor was secured to direct the play of the children for a full six months. 1922 Julian Y Williams succeeded to George's throne His reign was of short duration for he became District Governor upon the resignation of Jack Boobar. But Julian made a fine president and the club continued to show its metal under his leadership. When Julian became Governor, Urban Lambert slipped into his shoes and served faithfully until January 1, 1923. Thus, in a period of approximately one and a half year's time, we had three presidents. The standing of these men in our community added to the prominence and dignity of our club. They had the respect and support of the members and a well balanced, progressive organization was the result. The club ontributed to the success of the District Convention in Washington when the delegates and guests were entertained at luncheon in Alexandria prior to the automobile pilgrimage to Mt Vernon. No visitor here on that occasion will ever forget the parade through town when both sides of the main thoroughfare were lined with thousands of school children, each one waving an American flag. These hardy youngsters are the stuff from which we build and our club felt a justifiable pride in this inculcation of respect for our national emblem. 1923 Since the first of the year, J Randall Caton Jr has served as President, with Gardner L Boothe, President of the First National Bank, 1st Vice President, and Kenneth W Ogden, of Graham & Ogden, Realtors, 2nd Vice President. The club has prospered splendidly under its new leaders. Probably increased attendance is directly the result of the system of lunch books now in operation at our weekly meetings. By this system, recently outlined at length in an issue of the Kiwanis Magazine, we have added to the revenues of the club and at the same time, enjoyed the rekindled interest which increased attendance. We sponsored the Japanese Relief Fund drive, have contributed to several civic charities and are functioning in the fulfillment of a definite club program adopted in early winter. Visited Fredericksburg, Winchester and Washington. By these contacts with other clubs our perspective of Kiwanis service has been broadened and helped. We meet every Thursday at the Chamber of Commerce building at 12:30 pm. We are served by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the YWCA. We have had as our guests the League of Women Voters, the Business and Professional Women's Club andthe Interational Convention of City Managers. In turn, we were the guests of teh Professional and Business Women at a Halloween party, an affair which now promises to be annual. Each year we award a medal to the Alexandrian contributing most to the advancement of our city. An honor this year conferred upon Charles H Callahan, author of' "Washington, the Man and Mason" and the genius of the great Masonic Memorial to George Washington now in process of construction upon a hillside over looking our city and the Potomac River. We reward the star students of the local high school, thus giving an impetus to education. Thus ours has been a full two and a half years existence. Our membership now totals 97 and comprises the business and professional acumen and integrity of the community. We have contributed to the civic betterment of the city and with our present personnel will accomplish greater things. Our most notable contributions to the history of the Capital District consists of a District Governor and Ring Easter. But we are growing and expect in time to stand at it the head of our class. It is pretty hard to write a history which has just begun. This is, therefore, merely an introduction. Ten years from now the historian will be able to get a full volume from us for his archives. 1924 Kiwanis backed the movement to build a first class hotel with money and effort. Every member gave his time to the drive for funds and likewise every member subscribed to its stock. The Northern Virginia Hotel Corporation was organized with Julian Y Williams as its President and Kiwanians Hammond, Weil, Pierce and Warfield on the Board of Directors. Today it is the boast of Alexandria that the George Mason Hotel, erected and operated by this company, is the equal of any in this section. The club definitely adopted a club objective and centered its endeavors on the work of Crippled Children. With the co-operation of that wonderful orthopedic surgeon, Dr William Tate Graham, of Richmond, we held clinics for crippled children. The Red Cross visiting nurse and the school nurse assisted. A number of cases were located and sent to Richmond for operations and hospital treatment at the expense of the club. Thirteen hundred dollars were raised and expended for this purpose during the year. The club followed an annual custom of entertaining the graduating class of the Alexandria High School and of giving gold medals to the valedictorian and salutatorian of that class. A committee was appointed to assist in the Boy Scout movement in the city. The committee secured a deputy commissioner for Alexandria and arranged for Courts of Review for the purpose of passing scouts to higher grades. Kiwanians constituted the courts and the scout movement was materially assisted As in previous years, the club entertained the Business and Professional Women's Club at a most delightful affair and enjoyed a return dinner as guests of the ladies. The spring Inter-Club Day meeting was held in Alexandria with Washington and Fredericksburg as guests Washington turned out in full force and the program was up to the usual standard. Sponsored the organization of a Kiwanis Club at Manassas, and as a result, that town of 1500 people has a real live club. Delegates from Alexandria were in attendance at both the District Convention in Norfolk and the International Convention at Denver. We closed the year's activity with a big Christmas party for the city's underprivileged children. The party was held on Christmas Eve and more than 200 happy kids were given toys, fruits and candies. It was Christmas for the children, but not a charity from Kiwanis. 1925 First offical act of Carroll Pierce was to appoint a budget committee to place the club and all its activities on a proper financial basis. The committee with Ed Feldkeller as chairman functioned promptly, the budget was adopted, the club hewed to the line and closed the year with a surplus. The State Federation of Business and Professional Women held their annual convention in our city and Kiwanis assisted in entertaining the visitors by providing an automobile trip to Mt Vernon, a buffet supper, entertainment and dance at the newly organized Belle Haven Country Club. Boy Scout work was continued. The High School graduates were our guests as usual and to the class leaders we again presented medals. At these entertainments for the school graduates, the program is always put on by the boys and girls. Inter-Club and Conventions - Alexandria, Manassas and Fredericksburg were the guests of Washington at the Inter-Club meeting, Alexandria furnishing one of the speakers for the occasion. Full delegations were sent to the District Convention at Staunton and the International Convention at St Paul. Death of Kenneth W Ogden - In August, the Alexandria Club and all Kiwanis suffered a real loss of our beloved former President Kenneth W Ogden. The sweetest tenor voice in Kiwanis was stilled when Ken passed on. 1926 An inter-club was held at Alexandria with the Washington Club as our guests. This was one of our first meetings in the new George Mason Hotel, in the erection of which so many of our members were interested. We attended the meeting with Fredericksburg on InterClub Day Attended a meeting in Washington with 69% of our members present. Crippled Children - A free clinic for crippled children was held on April 11 by Dr William Tate Graham, of Richmond. The Kiwanians carried the children in their cars from and to their homes We made arrangements with the Manassas Club to care for any cases which they might send us. Dr Graham also addressed the club, outlining the work being done to restore to useful activity children who otherwise would be helpless cripples for life. Another crippled child was sent to Richmond in June for treatment by Dr Graham. In October we sent a boy to Richmond for treatment of a tubercular hip. Three infant children suffering from rickets were sent to the hospital for treatment in November and a colored girl under treatment for infantile paralysis was sent there to have new braces fitted. Provided a sliding board at the Municipal Swimming Pool. Entertained the members of the newly elected City Council. Contributed to the relief of the Florida sufferers Held our annual Ladies' Night. On Christmas Eve held a party for the 251 poor children. Each child received a package containing candy, fruit, nuts, three toys, a pair of stockings, a book and a born. Santa Claus was present in person to make the distribution. This annual party is not given with club funds but with money raised by member contributions. 1927 We received a visit from District Governor Russell S Perkinson on February 3. Another 12 year old spinal case was sent to the hospital for treatment In March another clinic was held by Dr Graham, at which 37 children were examined, 14 of who were new cases. A joint meeting was held in Alexandria on March 10, with 85 Washington members present besides Kiwanians from Milwaukee, Chicago, Portland, Maine, and New Haven, Connecticut. On May 12 (District Inter-Club Week) we were hosts to the Washington, Fredericksburg and Manassas Clubs. On this occasion Fredericksburg presented the Loving Cup to the Manassas Club. We held a Mothers' Day meeting 35 boy scouts were our guests and we heard an address by Houston Thompson, former President of the National Organization of Boy Scouts, on the training and developing of boys. Frank Bane, State Superintendent of Public Welfare, talked to the club on the care of mental and physical defectives. Mrs Robert M Reese talked on bird life. The club was invited to Fort Washington to witness a review and drill of the 500 men of the Civilian Military Training Camp. Our club was very active during the entire year in the aid of underprivileged children having contributed considerably to the triplets who were in the Florence Crittenden Mission in Washington. We held several clinics during the year at which time Dr Tait Graham of Richmond was present and examined a considerable number of children. 1928 On March 8, we presented a medal to a policeman in recognition of his heroic efforts in saving the life of a child in imminent danger of being run over. On May 10, we entertained the Boy Scouts. May 17 was observed as Mother's Day. On May 24, we were the guests of the Washington Club and on May 31, we entertained the graduating class of the high school. Mr C E Pleasants, President of the Childrens Home Society of Virginia, addressed the club. We took part in the celebration in Washington of the Tenth Anniversary of the Capital District. A Farmers' Day was held on August 30. Our annual Ladies' Night was held on November 8. It was one of the most successful ever held by the club. 1929 The Baby Health Center, sponsored by our club, continued its great work of giving free medical attention to babies and instructions for their care to their mothers. A large sign bearing the name of the center and the Kiwanis emblem was erected over the entrance. The Committee on Crippled Children reported that practically all of the crippled children of our city had received treatment or were being treated. Members of the club had a prominent part in the proceedings, which resulted in the annexation of additional territory by the City of Alexandria. Host to Washington and Manassas during Inter-Club Week. We entertained the Rotary Club on June 13. Our annual Ladies' Night was held in November. The annual Christmas party was held, at which clothing and toys were distributed to 130 underprivileged children. The Distinguished Service Medal, which is presented each year by the club to some citizen of our city in recognition of services rendered the community, was awarded to Hon Charles C Carlin. 1930 At the beginning of the year the club decided on two main objectives for 1930, to continue our work with the Baby Clinic and to sponsor the Boy Scouts, who had been in need of strong leadership. The Baby Clinic, in care of Kiwanian Dr William Lewis Schafer, showed the following report for the year: Two clinics were conducted, one at the Health Department, and one at Potomac, Virginia. The cost of the nurse was $75 a month. This was taken care of by the Kiwanis Club through 1930 and was then turned over to the city. The Potomac Clinic was started in July 1930. Visible evidence of our baby clinic work was presented to the club when 12 clinic babies, accompanied by their mothers, attended a regular meeting. The clinic nurse described each case in detail and showed the actual improvements. We played baseball with Rotary for the benefit of the Child Welfare work of the two organizations. Raised $2,300 for the Boy Scouts. The club presented to the city when the city assumed responsibility for the clinic, all of the equipment therein, which had cost the club about $400. An appreciation luncheon was held with Major General Fred W Sladen, commanding officer of the Third Army Corps Area, and Hon Charles H Callahan as honor guests Col H H Dodge, Superintendent of Mt Vernon, spoke on that national shrine. A delegation from Washington accompanied LG Hill in a visit to us in April, while in May during Inter-Club Week we were host to Washington and Fredericksburg. Roe Fulkerson was the speaker on the latter occasion. Our annual Christmas Party for the under-privileged children was given for 110 children who received toys and warm clothing. Our annual Ladies Night was a most enjoyable affair, with Jules Brazil as the speaker and entertainer. 1931 We turned over to the city last year our baby clinic. This has been one of our major projects. We provided hospitalization for a baby which saved it from the blindness. Dental treatment was supplied for a young boy Vocational Guidance was introduced into our public schools. The Boy Scouts who were acting as city officials for one day were entertained at lunch We sponsored a drive for funds for the Boy Scouts and had a Boy Scout, Girl Scout Day. The Arlington Hall School for Girls, Ballston, Virginia, graduating class was our guest at a meeting. Among them were representatives from 30 states and one foreign country. After the meeting they were taken on a sight-seeing tour. We also entertained 92 seniors from two city high schools. A baseball game between Kiwanis and Rotary was played for the benefit of charity. At a meeting held at Woodlawn Community House 40 farmers were our guests. Medals were presented to honor high school students. We assisted the Rotary Clubs of Arlington and Alexandria in conveying the students of Arlington Hall to Wakefield. We were glad to receive visits from LG Linhardt, of Division 6, and our LTG Hutchison. Kiwanian Clyde Lamond entertained us at an oyster roast An inter-club meeting was held with Manassas. We attended an inter-club meeting at Fredericksburg, VA. Our annual Ladies Night was field with 175 in attendance. This was a great party. The committee in charge saved $100 on expenses and at the conclusion of the party requested the Treasurer of the Alexandria Associated Charities to come to the platform. The committee then presented the $100 to this organization. A child was sent to tile hospital for observation. A bowling match was held with Rotary. We sponsored tile organization of Arlington County Club. The Club attended an outing at Braddock Heights, Maryland A school of instruction was held for Board and Committee members. 1932 In under-privileged child work the club furnished medical aid to enable children to attend school and furnished three children with glasses. Held a Christmas party at which 137 children were each given a complete outfit of clothing as well as toys, candy and fruit. In boys' and girls' work, one meeting as devoted to a lecture by Col Jones "How civic Clubs Can Benefit Boys and Girls". Another meeting the club entertained tile graduating class of the City High School. The club devoted one meeting to an address on the "Necessity of Supporting the Government in a Time of Crisis". Held its annual Farmers' Day luncheon with many farmers as guests. In public affairs tile club was quite active. The Mayor explained city finances Entertained members of the City Council Had the Chief of Police explain the value of the police short wave radio. Aided in the opening of a new industrial plant in the city Celebrated the opening of the new broadcasting station. Devoted one meeting to "Garden Day" exercises in aid of the City Beautiful campaign. Had a float portraying under-privileged child work in the Washington parade on February 22. Attended inter-club meetings at Arlington County, Manassas and Washington, and had the Arlington County Club as its guest on one occasion. 1933 In this year the club was strong on under-privileged child work. Collected old clothes throughout the city and distributed them to the needy. It held an "Old Woman in the Shoe 11 parade and collected 10 pairs of shoes for them, and entirely. Outfitted four children with clothes and shoes it contributed liberally to the United Charities Cooperation with Rotary "Review and Minstrel" to raise money for child welfare work. Early in the year plans were outlined for a Summer Camp for Under-privileged children. The land was bought and the construction of the camp went on, most of the labor being done by members of the club, and the camp was finished in time to be used during the summer months. The club contributed to the "Soul Kitchen" fund to furnish hot lunch to children in school and during December. Furnished 75 children with shoes so they might continue in school. For under privileged boys and girls the club furnished curtains for the stage in the new high school auditorium and entertained a lunch for officers and graduating students. At one luncheon Kiwanian Freeman the Washington club made an a dress on Vocational Guidance Conducted two groups of students through the Potomic Freight Yards. Club attended two inter-club meetings at Washington and hosted Washington and Arlington County. Two meetings with Rotary held a Mothers Day meeting with mothers of Kiwanians as guests. Had a Ladies Luncheon and a Ladies Night. The club celebrated Constitution Week. Entertained LTG Park Loy on his official visit sent delegates to both International and District Conventions and entertained the LG training school for club officers. 1934 The Kiwanis Camp for Under-privileged children was conditioned and put in shape. The Boy Scouts used the camp for the first two weeks and helped put it in shape for the second two weeks. The camp was turned over to the Alexandria Children's Home and Day Nursery for its under-privileged children and for two months more the club operated it for a total of 110 children, a dental clinic being held in connection with it and follow-up dental work done after camp was over. Besides this the club took care of the hospitalization of one child in an industrial school, furnished six with shoes, took 80 children to the Junior Horse Show, gave Christmas presents to 50 children and furnished food and clothing to several families. The club gave First Aid talks in the schools, carried out weekly tours for school children to the public buildings in Washington City and took a group of boys to Fort Humphrey for a demonstration of Army Engineering. The club sponsored a Boy Conference with parade, athletic meet and banquet It gave Kiwanis Merit Medals to the honor graduates of the two high schools and also entertained the officers and honor pupils of the graduating classes. The club held a successful Farmers Day with 35 farmers as guests. The club celebrated with appropriate programs Lee's Birthday, Washington's Birthday, St Patricks Day, Mother's Day (at which mothers of Kiwanians were guests), Memorial Day, Flag Day, Army Day, Navy Day, Thanksgiving Day and the Fourth of July and National Education Week. It had special programs on Local Public Affairs and on the Red Cross Drive, and it had the city officials as guests at a meeting at which a Kiwanis Merit Medal was given to a member of the police force for outstanding service to the children of the city. The club sent delegates to visit the clubs at Washington, Fredericksburg, Prince George County, and Berkeley Springs, W Va, and was host to Washington, Fredericksburg and Arlington at one meeting and to Washington, Arlington, Manassas and Prince George County at another. Sent representatives to the Mid-Winter Conference, the District and International Conventions, was host to the District Governor's Training School for LTG and sent its officers to the LTGs School for Club Officers. Host to the International President, the District Governor and the Lieutenant-Governor. 1935 The club through the manager of the Alexandria Amusement Company arranged for 120 children per week to attend a movie free of charge. Tickets were issued so 480 children were given this privilege each month. Took 150 children to Fort Meyer to see the riding exhibits put on by government troops 76 boys were taken care of in the camp during June and July. These were examined for teeth and tonsils and deficiencies corrected before they were admitted. The club put on Donkey Baseball games to help finance the camp. A crippled child was treated and furnished with braces and 2 children were furnished clothing and shoes. The club celebrated Easter, the Fourth of July and Armistice Day and had a joint meeting with Rotary and Lions to celebrate Thanksgiving. It also had interesting programs on World Affairs, Foreign and Domestic Commerce and the work of the CC Camps It sent delegations to Manassas and Washington. The club celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary and Constitution Week, had several programs on Kiwanis Education, entertained the District Governor and the LTG and sent delegates to the District and the International Conventions 1936 265 children were carried to the Horse Show at Fort Meyer. The dedication of the addition to the camp was the occasion of a Ladies Night meeting at the camp. A Bingo Party was put on for the benefit of the camp fund. A total of 103 boys were cared for at the camp during the summer. One poor boy was completely outfitted with clothing. At the Christmas party a humorous presentation of toys to the members of the club was carried on for a half an hour and then the toys were collected for the Under-privileged Child Committee for distribution to children. The club entertained the officers of the graduating classes at the High Schools, had programs on the Cost of Crime, and Crime Control It celebrated its annual Farmers Day with 40 farmers as guests. The club celebrated Navy Day, Easter and Labor Day and held its joint Thanksgiving with Rotary and Lions. Another joint meeting with Rotary and Lions was held at the camp Interesting programs were given on Conservation and on Infantile Paralvsis Kiwanis road signs were placed on the highways leading into the city. The club had a bowling team, 2 Family Nights, Halloween Party at the Camp and a formal Ladies Night. The club celebrated its own anniversary. It entertained the District Governor and the LTG and sent delegates to the Mid-Winter Conference and to the District and International Conventions. 1937 The club donated 480 tickets to selected movies to under-privileged children every month. It took 60 children to the Military Horse Show at Fort Meyer. During the season 140 boys and 40 girls were given two weeks at the club's Summer Camp Organized and operated a boys' clinic during the year It was so effective that before the end of the year. it was necessary to move to larger quarters. To include girls as well as boys, and the name was changed to The Community Clinic. All the city physicians and dentists cooperated by donating their service when needed. Hosted Arlington County, Prince Georges County, Washington, Manassas and attended Baltimore. The club had a successful bowling team. It held a joint meeting with Rotary and Lions at the Summer Camp, and another celebrating Thanksgiving. It had a Valentine Party with wives present, two Family Nights, and a big Ladies Night Entertained the District Governor and the LTG. It was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the International and the District Conventions, had one of its members, Irving Diener elected as District Governor for 1938 and was host to the Governor's School for LGs. 1938 Gave 480 movie tickets per month to selected movies to underprivileged children. The Summer Camp took care of 178 boys and 50 girls. The Clinic treated 600 patients and 70 operations were performed. The Kiwanis Medal for scholastic excellence was awarded to a member of each of the February and June graduating classes of the George Washington High School. Attended an inter-club meeting of men and ladies to the Maryland Day Celebration of the Pikesville Club. The club had a program on Kiwanis Educations, entertained the LG, was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the International and the District convention. 1939 The Community Clinic was incorporated Furnished 480 movie tickets to under privileged school children each month. Had a Moonlight Dance Cruise to raise funds Ran. its summer camp as usual to full capacity giving the boys not only the benefits of the camp but movies and admission to the swimming pool twice weekly. Club members paid weekly visits to the camp, joining in games. A Christmas dinner was given to 72 boys with gifts of clothing, shoes and candy and a visit to the movies. Host to Arlington, Washington and Prince Georges Counties clubs, and attended a like meeting at which Washington was host club. A bowling team and a softball team were organized and each won the championship in the Civic Club League, the club had its annual joint meeting with Rotary and Lions at Thanksgiving, the club had an evening meeting at the camp with ladies present and besides had a big Ladies Night. Visits from the LTG and District Governor. Sent representatives to the District Convention and hosted club officer training. 1940 This club joined with other organizations in purchasing artificial feet for a colored boy, it carried on its summer camp, taking care of 80 boys during the summer, had a program on the needs of the Community Clinic and put on and carried to successful completion a drive for funds to build a new building for the Clinic. It gave a Christmas dinner to 60 boys, each receiving sweater and a pair of shoes, and took them to the movies afterwards. The club presented a medal to the salutatorian of the mid-year graduating class of the George Washington High School, paid the expenses of a boy to Boy State. Attended the meeting of the Washington Club on the occasion of the visit of International President, sent a delegation to the big inter-club meeting of the Baltimore Club at which thirty clubs were represented, and was itself host to North Baltimore and Arlington County. For the second year the club had a bowling team, champion in the Civic Club League, had a joint meeting with the Rotary and Lions, had a picnic at the summer camp with ladies present, had a frolic for Kiwanians, their families, and friends Entertained the District Governor and the LTG. 1941 The club collected and sold scrap iron and added the proceeds to the under privileged Child Fund. It ran its usual summer camp taking care of 60 boys and loaned the ground and equipment to a supervised group of girls for two weeks. It bought a wheel chair for a colored boy and gave a Christmas party for 61 boys at where each boy was given toys, candy, shoes and clothing Sent a boy to Boy State. Offered its campground and equipment to the Regional Defense Council, to be used as a hospital or an evacuee camp. Hosted a large delegation from the Arlington Club. Eentertained the LG and the District Governor The club had two bowling teams in the Civic Club's League, one of which won the championship. The club had a picnic frolic at the camp. It had a joint meeting with Rotary and Lions at Thanksgiving and held a successful Ladies Night 1942 The club gave its usual Christmas party at which clothing and shoes were given to 35 children. The camp this year was used by the Virginia Protective force, and is kept in repair for any other need of the community. Activities centered around War Effort $50 was used for the purchase of wool for sweaters for the VPF. Going-away parties were given for selectees with the gift of a pipe and a can of tobacco for each. The club took part in Defense Bond sales, in the collection of scrap, in Community Defense Councils and in planting Victory Gardens. The club attended inter-club meetings at Washington, Arlington and Manassas. Had a Valentine Party and another Ladies Night, held Kiwanis education meetings and celebrated its own Charter Night. 1943 The club contributed $20,000 to the Visiting Nurses' organization to furnish equipment so that it may function in the city. The usual Christmas party for underprivileged children was given There were two programs on Boys' and Girls' work. A large delegation, attended all inter-club meeting in Washington. On December 31, there were 8 members in the armed forces. Celebrated its Charter Night, held two Kiwanis Education meetings, entertained the LTG, and was represented at the District Convention. 1944 The club held its annual Horse Show; provided guidance and a complete outfit for a teen-aged boy in order to keep him in school; gave Christmas party to underprivileged children; made contributions to the Red Cross, the Community Chest, and the local Canteen Service; and set aside the proceeds of the Horse Show, approximately $1800, for underprivileged child work. 1945 The club held its annual Horse Show, one of the most successful in the history of the club, for the benefit of its underprivileged child Work; encouraged athletic contests among the boys and girls and entertained winners and star players at two of the regular meetings of the club; encouraged scholarship and gave 2 medals for general excellence; worked with the Boys Club and presented a trophy to be competed for; organized a committee for an old clothes drive and shipped over one hundred and 10,000 pounds of clothing for relief. 1946 The club presented the Kiwanis Merit Medal to the honor student of the February graduating class of the George Washington High School; organized and sponsored a Sea Scout unit; held an all day outing for 100 members of the School Boy Patrol; Secured and paid the salary of an assistant director of the Alexandria Boys Club for even months; sponsored the organization of a Girl Scout Senior unit, known as "Wing Scouts"; held a Pet Show for the youth of the city and gave ribbon, and prizes to the winners; sponsored a citywide Youth's Football League and gave gold footballs to the members of the winning team, and tickets to the big High School game to the runners-up; sent 10 children to a summer camp; gave clothing to seven children so that they could attend school; took care of the needs of a family of six for the month of December; field the annual Christmas party for 100 underprivileged children; contributed to the Red, Cross, the Boy Scout Camping Fund, and the Community Chest; conducted "Get Out The Vote" campaigns for every election; aided the Salvation Army bv manning their Christmas kettles; entertained at luncheon during the year 150 veterans, placed 50 in gainful employment, and obtained several recruits for the Army. 1947 The club presented the annual Kiwanis Merit Medal to the honor students of the February and June graduating classes of the high school; sponsored a troop of Sea Scouts and aided them in getting two boats, a 36 foot ship and a 60 foot hull which is being remodeled by the Skipper and crew into a first class ship with sleeping quarters for 16; working with the City Recreation Department; presented a gas range to the Girl Scout summer canip and sent two to the camp; sent a boy to Boy State; presented 2 parade flags to the Boy Scouts; gave a picnic to 65 members of the School Boy Patrol; gave the cost of a cabin to the Police Boys Camp; sent 15 underprivileged children to a summer camp; furnished clothing, dental care and medical treatment to a boy; paid fare for a mother and 3 children from Alexandria to San Francisco; gave Christmas gifts to all the underprivileged in the hospital; gave a Christmas Dinner to 125 underprivileged children with gifts of clothing and toys for each child; held 15 programs devoted to instruction and discussion of public affairs; and devoted the programs in the month of April to the subject of Support of Churches. 1948 The club continued the sponsorship of Sea Scouts with programs on maritime lore and citizenship, the ship participating in the three day outing of all Sea Scouts in this vicinity at Quantico Marine Base; presented the annual Kiwanis Merit Medal to the honor graduate of the February and the June graduating classes of the high school; gave a picnic to all members of the school Safety Patrol; entertained the High School Basketball team and the coach at a regular luncheon; spearheaded a drive which raised $2000 to purchase new uniforms for the High School Band; sponsored a Pet Show, a Marble Tournament and a Kite Tournament, giving prizes to the winners; together with the Woodbridge club sponsored a Key Club at Mount Vernon High School; spent $500 to aid underprivileged families; sent 13 children to the Police Boys Club Camp; furnished Christmas gifts to otherwise forgotten patients at the hospital; gave $100 to the fund for celebrating the two hundredth anniversary of the founding of Alexandria; distributed thousands of the "It's Fun To Live in America" pamphlets; held two programs on the Support of Churches; and attended one church service in a body. 1949 The club continued Troop 145 Sea Scouts, Inauguration of the President, President's Cup Regetta, 150th Anniversary of Naval Gun and the Cherry Blossom Festival, with its ship which passed with a score of 993 in the Boy Scout Annual Review; continued its annual Pet Show and Marble Tournament, with prizes for the winners; conducted the annual School Patrol picnic for 125 boys and girls at a cost of $125; spent $525 on hospitalization and care of the underprivileged; sent 10 boys to the Police Boys Club Camp; furnished shoes, clothing, toys for eight underprivileged children and provided lunch at the Christmas meeting; placed a float in the Alexandria Bi-Centennial parade; entertained the 1949 City Council at luncheon, and presented the retiring Mayor with a certificate of merit; and presented religious programs at Easter and Christmas times. 1950 The club continued sponsoring the Sea Scout Unit, furnishing uniforms for the crew of the ship given the unit several years ago; enabled the unit to participate in the Boy Scout Exhibition held in Washington, where, in competition with 220 other exhibits, it won a blue ribbon on the basis of effort and realism; (The Sea Scout Ship effected two rescues of persons andboat on the Potomac) held a Bike Rodeo, a Pet Show, a Marble Tourney, presenting trophies in each, and a Baby Show with forty entries; sent a boy to Boy State; participated in all community fund drives, contributing $100 to the March of Dimes; attended church in a body once; furnished medical and dental care for 19 children, and special braces and other appliances for 6 cripples; held a Christmas party for fifteen children; and staged two Donkey baseball games to raise funds for the underprivileged child work. 1951 Boys and Girls Work - The club continued for the sixth consecutive year, the Sea Scout Unit A total of seven members of the unit have joined the navy and have been serving creditably. We helped to organize two more scout troops and cub pack. We presented Kiwanis merit metal to honor student and bought and presented trophies for high school track meet. We sponsored and paid for one boy to Boy's State and one girl to Girl's State. Sponsored a pet show, marble and kite tournaments and a six man football league. Key Clubs - Financed the trip of a delegate of the Mount Vernon club to the National Key Club Convention in Miami. This boy was entered in the oratorical contest and received honorable mention. Underprivileged Child gave a Christmas party for 15 children and furnished them with complete wardrobes, toys and other gifts. Our club sent 17 children to summer camps and one child to camp for polio victims. We furnished 16 pairs of shoes for orthopedic patients, purchased two hospital beds and one wheel chair. We provided dental care for 7 children and furnished braces for polio victims. Obtained jobs for two handicapped boys. 1952 Inducted 9 new members. Four members attended District Convention. Continued to sponsor a Sea Scout Unit, 2 Scout Troops. Presented medals to honor graduating high school students. Presented trophies to High School Track Meet. Assisted in a "Go to Church" campaign. Sent 15 children to summer camp. Supplied hopsital beds and wheel chairs to needy patients Gave $100 to start a fund to outfit the band of the Parker-Gray Colored High School with uniforms. Paid for an operation on a girl's eyes, provided dental and medical care for 5 children. Contributed $500 to the Alexandria Community Health Center. 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1969 - 1970 1970 - 1971 1971 - 1972 1972 - 1973 1973 - 1974 1974 - 1975 1975 - 1976 1976 - 1977 1977 - 1978 1978 - 1979 1979 - 1980 1980 - 1981 1981 - 1982 1982 - 1983 1983 - 1984 1984 - 1985 1985 - 1986 1986 - 1987 1987 - 1988 1988 - 1989 1989 - 1990 1990 - 1991 1991 - 1992 1992 - 1993 1993 - 1994 1994 - 1995 1995 - 1996 1996 - 1997 1997 - 1998 1998 - 1999 1999 - 2000 2000 - 2001 2001 - 2002 Year End: 183 Projects Completed, 1007 Service Hours, $20,450 Spent, 87 Interclubs 2002 - 2003 Year End: 235 Projects Completed, 1045 Service Hours, $29,911 Spent, 55 Interclubs 2003 - 2004 Year End: 211 Projects Completed, 2254 Service Hours, $73,685 Spent, 6 Interclubs 2004 - 2005 Year End: 42 Projects Completed, 481 Service Hours, $26,895 Spent, Interclubs 2005 - 2006 Year End: 44 Projects Completed, 348 Service Hours, $18,450 Spent, 66 Interclubs 2006 - 2007 Year End: 80 Projects Completed, 694 Service Hours, $18,623 Spent, 79 Interclubs 2007 - 2008 Year End: 97 Projects Completed, 582 Service Hours, $19,170 Spent, 35 Interclubs 2008 - 2009 Year End:122 Projects Completed, 850 Service Hours, $18,246 Spent, Interclubs $659 District Foundation 2009 - 2010 Year End: 65 Projects, 307 Service Hours, $7,752 Spent, 38 Interclubs $200 District Foundation 2010 - 2011 Year End: 118 Projects,728 Service Hours, $13765 Spent, 26 Interclubs $200 District Foundation 2011 - 2012 2012 - 2013 2013 - 2014 2014 - 2015 2015 - 2016 2016 - 2017 2017 - 2018 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 |