1946 The club spent most of the year, after the presentation of the charter in indoctrinating the members in the Opbjects and Objectives of Kiwanis Entertained the teachers from the local school at one meeting and the high school football team at another Discussed the possibility of working with the Boy Scouts in the commmunity Had two programs on religious subjects. 1947 The club put on the Wise County Fair to raise money for lighted football field The gross receipts from the fair was $9,000 but owing to the necessary repairs on the grounds, the net proceeds was only $500 But this amount enabled the high school to pay off its indebtedness on lighting the field Appropriated $175 for under-privileged work Fitted one child with glasses and put on a drive to collect used clothing for the needy Organized a Boy Scout Troup Had a committee meet with the town council for the purpose of getting better street lights and trash disposal units and outlined a plan for marking the streets of the town Which it appeared will be fully accomplished next year. 1948 The club held a beauty contest raising $8325 which was spent on the Boy Scout cabins Put on a musical program raising $44 for underprivileged child work and bought glasses for one child Held the Wise county Fair which netted $1,105 which was donated to the Community Clubhouse Sponsored a county wide 4-H club exhibit at the County Fair Held one or two programs on religious subjects during teh year. 1949 The club donated $1,20805 to help in the erection of the Cummunity Club House Furnished a committee to assist in an industrial survey of the County Provided medical attention for a number of needy, removing tonsils, correcting vision and giving dental treatment Spent $60 for the rehabilitation of a disabled man Donated $25 for Christmas baskets for needy families Helped in promoting the Chest X-Ray clinic Had two programs one everybody registar and the other everybody vote in the interest of getting out a full vote Promoted a "Go to Church" campaign printing and posting 100 Go-To-Church" notices in and around the community Sponsered the Boy Scout Troop furnishing it flags and other equipment Sponsored a "Plant a Tree" program Sent two girls to Girl State Purchased slides and swings for a tiny lot playground Sponsored a beauty contest to raise funds for under-privileged child work Gave a banquet to the local boys and girls basketball teams and also one for the local football team Promoted a football game, the proceeds to be used for boys and girls work Erected a Christmas tree for the community and put on a Christmas party with gifts for underpriviled children. 1950 The club sent a boy to Boys State and a Scout to the International Boy Scout Jamboree Had him report on the Jamboree at a regular meeting of the club Put on a beauty contest, local and county-wide earning $134 for boys' and girls' and underprivileged child work Sponsored a football game netting $434 which was used to send the high school fotball team to the Burly Bowl Game Raised $33683 to decorate the town's business section with Christmas lights and greens and to have the Christmas party for the children of the commuity Had two programs on religious subjects including the Christmas program. 1951 Kiwans Adminstration - Two visitations to other Kiwanis Clubs were made with 32 members traveling a distance of 23 miles one way Three visitations by other Kiwanis Clubs were made with 13 members traviling a distance of 42 miles one way The important social event was ladies night The new members were inducted Boys and Girls Work - We entertained 47 high school honor roll students We assisted the Boy Scout Troop by securing a scout master and his assistants Our members presented a play for the benefit of the high school band We staged two beauty contests one for the town and one for the county raising $85 for the Boy Scouts We planned a Christmas program with treats for all the youngsters Public and Business Affairs - We raised $356 for the benefit of the band by means of the sale of magazines and a basketball game A clean-up campaign for the town was sponsored and high school youths were installed as mayor, town policemean, and town council members for a day Arrangements were made for a football game Support of Churches in Their Spiritual Aims - We arranged for religious census and sponsorted a "See you in church Sunday" contest We sponsored as Easter Sunday Sunrise Service 1952 Kiwanis Administration - Eight interclub meetings were held The social events on the calendar were Ladies Night and Annual Kiwanis Picnic Six new members were inducted into the club Each week's program was reported in the local paper Agriculture and Conservation - The most important project of the committee is its tree-planting program They planted 60,000 seedlings on land furnished by a stip mining company 20,000 additional seedlings were planted on cut-over land A program was worked out in which forest fire control with bulletins, movies, and comic books was promoted in all the county high schools $500 was raised on the project Books featuring "Smokey the Bear" were given to 14,000 school children Boys and Girls Work - Began long range planning for community playground Working with local school board to institute driving classes in local high school Clearned a lot and equipped it as a playground for tiny tots Paid all expenses of a local boy as a representative to Virginia Boys State of Blacksburg VA A local Beauty Contest was sponsored by this club Total receipts from this event amounted to $100 A County -wide beauty contest was them sponsored $216 was rased by means of this event and was sored a football game between 2 undefeated teams and grossed $222 Gave treats of fruits, nuts and candies to 1500 children and inmates of the county home Public and Business Affairs - PResented each Kiwanian with a copy of the Kiwanis Code of Ethics Cosponsored with local VFW, a Civil Air Defense Meeting at which a local CAD unit was organized Club helped state Police in distributing a series of pamphlets expalaining the new traffic laws and reguations Support of Churches in Thieir Spiritual Aims - The club planned a "Go to Church" campaign and placed church posters in prominent places Planned a program to be used in community churches in teh event of the absence of the minister Underprivileged Child - Upon recommendation of the agen of Child Welfare for this county, we purchased 3 pairs of glasses6 pairs of shoes, $36 worth of new clothing and assisted in the gathering and distribution of used clothing to a number of needy children Furnished an assistant scout-master and a board of review for a local troop Furnished clothing and medical attention for a children enabling them to attend school Donated $50 to local welfare worker to purchase neccessities for needy children in the Christmas season 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1969 - 1970 1970 - 1971 1971 - 1972 1972 - 1973 1973 - 1974 1974 - 1975 1975 - 1976 1976 - 1977 1977 - 1978 1978 - 1979 1979 - 1980 1980 - 1981 1981 - 1982 1982 - 1983 1983 - 1984 1984 - 1985 1985 - 1986 1986 - 1987 1987 - 1988 1988 - 1989 1989 - 1990 1990 - 1991 1991 - 1992 1992 - 1993 1993 - 1994 1994 - 1995 1995 - 1996 1996 - 1997 1997 - 1998 1998 - 1999 1999 - 2000 2000 - 2001 2001 - 2002 Year End: 46 Projects Completed, 1471 Service Hours, $3650 Money Spent, 8 Interclubs 2002 - 2003 Year End: 56 Projects Completed, 861 Service Hours, $13,135 Money Spent, 14 Interclubs 2003 - 2004 Year End: 54 Projects Completed, 834 Service Hours, $18,113 Spent, 16 Interclubs 2004 - 2005 Tsunami Relief Contribution $1,000 Year End: 46 Projects Completed, 801 Service Hours, $21,164 Spent, 15 Interclubs 2005 - 2006 Year End: 24 Projects Completed, 896 Service Hours, $14,597 Spent, 6 Interclubs 2006 - 2007 Year End: 16 Projects Completed, 795 Service Hours, $1850 Spent, 4 Interclubs 2007 - 2008 Year End: 67 Projects Completed, 1028 Service Hours, $6,075 Spent, 8 Interclubs 2008 - 2009 Year End: 61 Projects Completed, 887 Service Hours, $35,450 Spent, 9 Interclubs 2009 - 2010 Year End: 14 Projects, 1047 Service Hours, $550 Spent, 8 Interclubs, $45 CD Foundation 2010 - 2011 Year Ends: 11 Projects, 1033 Service Hours, $900 Spent,2 Interclubs, 40$ CD Foundation 2010 - 2012 2012 - 2013 2013 - 2014 2014 - 2015 2015 - 2016 2016 - 2017 2017 - 2018 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 |