Capital District Kiwanis History

CLUBS Old-Divisions-New Regions Site Map Leadership People

Organized March 15 1921 Chartered May 20 1921
Key #00436 13th District Club
Sponsor Kiwanis Field Representative E F Westcott
Divisions 03 02 15
Region Southwest Virginia
Population (1921) 4,833

Division 03
(Volume 1)
President W H Crawford, Secretary P S Hurd

The Salem Kiwanis Club was organized in March, 1921, with 54 members The first officers of the club were President W H Crawford, Vice President H W Rix, Secretary-Treasurer P S Hurd, and District Trustee C L Corbitt; Directors: R C Bowman, L W Langhorne, John R Keister, D Shanks, P H Chelf, and R W Kime.

This club has been a great factor in improvements which have taken place in Salem during the past two years The following accomplishments:

Placing on the highways in every direction of Salem large signs with the number of miles to Salem These signs were placed at crossroads and have been a great benefit to tourists passing through this section.


During the first Part of 1922 the club realized the great need of the City Manager plan of government and fostered a movement for a change of the old plan to the City Manager plan An election was ordered Kiwanis Club won out by over 8 to 1 This plan of government has worked very successfully and its value was demonstrated this year in street construction, the City Manager building the concrete street at one-half the cost of the same distance built by the old council.

President J Sinclair Brown, Vice President Robert W Kime
Secretary O R Dooley, Treasurer W L Brown
Trustee W A Francis

In 1923 the club inaugurated a plan to have a White Way on Main Street This will extend for several blocks through the business section and will be constructed within the next few weeks

Some members have already begun the agitation for a bond issue for streets, sewers, and extension or the gas mains from Roanoke No doubt if the club gets behind this movement it will carry by as large a majority as the City Manager election

(Volume 2)
(R W Kime)
President Robert W Kime President, Vice President D Bunting
Secretary O H Dooley, Treasurer W L Brown
Trustee G G Peery

We gave a banquet to the football teams of Roanoke College and Salem High School We fostered and had erected an electric white way in the business district of the city costing about $3500 We sold Christmas seals amounting to over $130

On February 22 we held our annual Ladies' Night It was an enjoyable success

On April 24, our club was host to Roanoke and Lynchburg and 51 of our 53 members were in attendance Roanoke sent fifty and Lynchburg three The clubs were addressed by Roe Fulkerson, a personal representative of Governor Claude Woodward Selected speakers from Roanoke and Lynchburg also addressed the meeting Greetings were sent by letters and wires to the other host clubs in the District and were received from them The District program was carried on to the letter Gold five and two and onehalf dollar pieces were given as attendance prizes Roe Fulkerson drew the biggest prize but he deserved it as he brought the clubs an inspiring message

The matter of the equalization of freight rates and railroad services from other points as between the City of Roanoke and Salem was taken up with the Norfolk Western and Virginian Railway Companies, and a basis was worked out whereby the patrons of these roads residing in both municipalities now enjoy the same rates and services

On May 29, the club entertained at Cavern Hill Inn the 1924 graduating class of Hollins College

R W Kime, President, and 0 H Dooley, Secretary, attended the International Convention at Denver and reported to the club the broadening influence and high ideals of Kiwanis International The club celebrated All-Kiwanis Night in unison with all other clubs of Kiwanis International Messages were received from and sent to our delegates attending the Denver Convention

The Committee on Underprivileged Children recommended the Big Brother Scheme, and the idea was unanimously adopted, members of the club selecting certain boys of the community as Little Brothers

The Town of Salem's Bond Issue of $225,000 for sidewalk improvements, rebuilding of the town's electric lighting system, and the extension of the sewer system of the town was projected by the club Upon the club's petition, the Town-Council adopted the required ordinance submitting the question to the electorate of the town The bond issue was adopted by an overwhelming majority, and as a result, the town has a lighting system equal to that of a large city Many thousands of yards of concrete streets, sidewalkers, curbs and gutters were built, and the sewer system enlarged and improved to such an extent that the Federal Government now rates Salem and its vicinity as one of the best sanitated districts in the world

26 members of the club attended the charter presentation of the Bedford Club

We were addressed by Mrs Sarah Lee Fain, a member of the Virginia House of Delegates, by Dr Thornton Whaling on Woodrow Wilson, by Governor Joseph M Fentress The Shrine Chanters of Kazim Temple were our guests and entertained us with delightful music

We were well represented at the District Convention We held a "Fun and Fellowship Meeting" which proved to be one of the most entertaining and pleasing of the year On December 18, the meeting was turned over to the parsons of the club, who presented a program in keeping with the season

To wind up the year, each member furnished a basket of good things, such as clothing, food, toys and other gifts for the unfortunate and poor of the community This brought cheer, comfort and love to many hearts, especially to the boys of the club

During the year the club gave much of its time, thought and effort to helping Roanoke College in its campaign to raise the sum of $500,000 to be added to its Endowment Fund

Probably one of the most important accomplishments of the year 1924 on the part of the club was its gradual growth and development in a conscious Kiwanis spirit and idealism At the same time the boys learned to know each other better, appraise their values and influences in individual and community work and thereby consolidate their individual efforts into a unified endeavor in any matter undertaken by the club

(Lewis Edward Dawson)
President D Bunting, Vice President Lewis E Dawson
Secretary O H Dooley, Trustee Robert W Kime

Early in February, however, Bunting left Salem and resigned the Presidency Lewis E Dawson was then elected President to succeed him.

We made inspection trips with our Town Manager, going over the town to get a line on needed improvements We sent delegates to all conventions Received the Loving Cup from Martinsville and delivered it to the Radford Club We worked on getting completed a gap in the Lee Highway between Elliston and Christiansburg, Virginia This gave a good hard surface road all the way through Virginia from Hagerstown to Bristol We also worked on the project of getting a short cut hard surfaced road between Williamson Road and Peters Creek This piece of road is now complete and saves the tourist nine miles whichhe had to travel in going via Roanoke and the Lee Highway.

We contributed $450 towards establishing a bed for crippled children in the Richmond hospital This is to help our local Community Nursing Association We worked in the organization of Southwestern Virginia, Inc, an organization to help develop this section of Virginia.

With the helpful co-operation of one of our members, we were able to secure our own Kiwanis club room, lobby and kitchen, where we can now meet our friends, entertain them, and have a place to call our men.

We contributed one hundred and twenty dollars toward the purchase of Christmas baskets for the needy of our community and we delivered them and others for the Nursing Association.

Helped complete the White Way on Main Street which had been started the previous year.

President George G Peery Vice President E W Page
Secretary W M Early, Jr, Treasurer W L Brown
Trustee Robert W Kime

Early in the year we appointed a committee to see what could be done towards securing a playground for Salem After nearly a year's work, this committee was instrumental in getting an athletic field for the High School students

We had as our guests the officials of the Community Nursing Association, who outlined their work and needs The Underprivileged Child Committee worked with this association

Entertained the members of the Fire Department to show our appreciation of their work for the town Fireman J P Bryant was presented with a watch from the Kiwanis Club and citizens in appreciation of twenty years of splendid service

We attended the Inter-Club meeting at Pulaski Aided the Chamber of Commerce in obtaining new members Donated seventy-five dollars to the Community Nursing Association

Helped raise the deficit on the Roanoke College Endowment Fund, which institution is located in Salem, each member going out and soliciting funds to complete the drive

A delegation from our club attended the Bedford Club

We held a Farmers' Night Each Kiwanian brought a farmer guest and the entire program was arranged for them with the idea of bringing the farmer and Kiwanian closer together

Division 03
President E W Page, Secretary William M Early Jr
Trustee L E Dawson
LG Robert W Kime

We subscribed to a $25 membership in the orthopedic clinic of southwest Virginia Our efforts to have the post office open until 10 p In were successful

We had the city's trash cans painted, gave the use of Kiwanis hall to Roanoke

College Monogram Club contributed $40 to the expenses of the school luncheon room and sponsored a County Field Day, at which 2,000 children and visitors were in attendance Our baseball team played a game with the Junior Women's Club and realized a good sum for our underprivileged child work We also held a Golden Rule Sunday and secured about $2,750 for the same purpose From this fund, we had eye and throat operations performed on a number of children

We also contributed toward forty Christmas baskets and distributed them for the Community Nursing Association

24 members attended an Inter-Club Meeting at Roanoke, Va, when Lieutenant Governor Robert W Kime of our club was the principal speaker Two attended the International Convention Three Ladies' Nights were held during the year

(Volume 3)
President H H Starkey, Secretary W L Brown
Trustee George G Peery
Governor Robert W Kime

Our activities for the year can be summed up as follows:

Representatives met with other clubs of our division at Pulaski We held a Farmers' Night with 40 farmer guests and sold over $1,000 worth of tickets for the opening of a new theater in Roanoke, the entire proceeds to go to the proposed hospital for crippled and diseased children

Donated a loving cup to the best drilled Boy Scout Troop in Salem With the cooperation of the town authorities we had published ten thousand copies of a new pamphlet about Salem We successfully sponsored a movement to secure gas for the town, assisted the plumbing and heating contractors during their State convention here and observed Music Week

It was a pleasure to entertain one hundred and ten visiting Kiwanians during Inter-Club Week We held a Ladies' Night in Dixie Caverns, observed Constitution Week with an inspiring talk by Dr Andrew Johnson of Kentucky, sponsored an old time fiddlers' convention given by the American Legion Post and arranged transportation for the orphanage children to the U S Navy Band concert

We staged a minstrel show for the benefit of our underprivileged child fund and had net proceeds of $700 We entertained the Roanoke County Dairymen's Association and assisted the Community Nursing Association in distributing baskets to the poor and needy at Christmas

We also assisted in the sale of Christmas seals

Petitioned the City Council for an extension of the white way along Main Street and the securing of an appropriation for this purpose Conferences with the City Council to erect a county high school and with the State Game and Fisheries Department in securing the location of a hatchery near Salem

The club worked with the Roanoke Gas Light Company and the City Council in getting the gas mains extended to Salem, thereby enabling the community to have the use of artificial gas

We played our annual baseball game with the Junior Women's Club Sold Public Service Corporation stock and donated our commissions to underprivileged child work, secured a reduction in round trip rate from Salem to Roanoke, and secured a game reserve of fifteen square miles on Fort Lewis Mountain, and had it stocked with deer, quail and wild turkeys

The year attendance was 85%

President James B Taney, Secretary Cy Brown
Trustee Robert W Kime

The club got out of debt Membership increased 12 1/2% during the year

Anniversary Week was observed with a program in charge of the Kiwanis Education Committee The Y Council and the foreign students of Roanoke College were guests of the club on February 21 This meeting was held in connection with the Christian World Education Conference at the College Dr John Duxbury of London, England, lectured before the club in February

In March, we donated $25 to the parent-teachers association for the lunch room at the grammar school and heard addresses by Dr Hubert Poteat of Wake Forest College, NC, and W P Hazelgrove, Esq

The Underprivileged Child Committee made a survey of the town and found twenty-nine children who needed treatment The committee immediately proceeded to have the necessary work done for these children

A show was sponsored by the Kiwanis Club which netted about $700 and this entire amount was spent for underprivileged child work A report of all our underprivileged child work for the year showed: Two boys were operated on for hair lip and cleft palate One boy and one girl for crossed eyes Ten children had tonsils and adenoids removed One child operated on for sinus; three for intestinal parasites; one for scalp wound and forty-one were given dental treatment A widow with two children to support was operated on for thryroid trouble and is now able to provide for her family Two children vaccinated; three had eyes examined and glasses fitted One child suffering from infantile paralysis was given medical treatment-brace fitted Another suffering from diseased hip bones was operated upon and is now able to walk with the aid of crutches One child given medical treatment for infected sores of both feet A total of 68 cases treated

Further activities along this line were as follows: Provided a fund for Boy Scouts to help them pay for building a cabin Gave financial aid to the lunch room at the primary school Assisted the Community Nursing Association in various ways: furnishing transportation to and from hospital; canvassing for needy children and old people; contributing financially to the Christmas baskets for the poor and arranging for the delivery of each basket by a Kiwanian

The losing team in attendance contest for Period "B" donated $100 per man to the Community Nursing Association Expenditure for the Underprivileged amounted to approximately $1,000 for the year We entertained the Salem High School baseball team, who were Class A champion and also had a number of agricultural students from V P I as our guests

A Ladies' Night was held on June 13 Twenty-four members attended the InterClub Meeting at Roanoke The members of the Roanoke County Dairyman's and Herd Association were guests of the Club on June 20 A joint picnic was held with the Roanoke Club with a large number of our farmer friends as guests

We entertained the Clifton Forge and Covington Good Will Party on September 23 Another Ladies' Night was held in the fall A committee worked with the school authorities to have established a night school for illiterate men and women of Salem and vicinity

(Volume 4)
President C Frank Wiley Secretary Cy Brown
Trustee James B Taney

Raised $1,000 to fund work for under-privileged children, many of them receiving treatment during the year

A cup was presented to the best Boy Scout troop in Salem Active in inter-club work Visited Radford club, 40 strong, on March 6, and March 27, 30 members of that club returned our visit 22 Kiwanians attended the inter-club meeting in Roanoke A large delegation visited Lynchburg In August, we paid another visit to Roanoke

The Vocational Guidance Committee was active in work with the high school pupils The high school baseball team, winner of the state championship, was entertained A "Father and Son" meeting was held A Farmers Night on June 26, brought together a number of our farmer friends All of the teachers of both high and graded schools were our guests October 16 Christmas baskets were distributed to the poor and needy

Division 03
President Frank C Longaker, Secretary George G Peery
Trustee Ray H Hough
LG C Frank Wiley

Our club, in cooperation with other organizations, sponsored a football game for the benefit of charity Our portion of the proceeds amounted to $200 that was for the Under-privileged Child Committee

Celebrated the birthdays of Lee and Jackson, observed International Anniversary, Lincoln's Birthday, on which occasion Dean C R Brown, of Roanoke College, spoke on "Lincoln as a Friend to the South," and observed Constitution Week

Entertained the city firemen, held a meeting in the interest of boys' clubs, entertained the members of the school band, had former members of the club as guests, held a meeting in the interest of the liberal arts college, entertained the school board and entered a float in the Fourth of July parade

A meeting was also held in the interest of a proposed bond issue for the erection of a high school building Sent a speaker to Radford had a speaker from the Roanoke club; participated in a meeting with Roanoke, and met jointly with Radford, Salem putting on the program 39 residents of the county were our guests at a very interesting meeting A child suffering with spinal meningitis was given hospitalization, three were fitted with glasses and nine children were given hospital treatment A horse show given by Kiwanis realized $1,000 for our charitable work Baskets were given to needy families at Christmas

Our club suffered a serious loss this year in the death of Robert Wilberforce Kime after a protracted illness Bob was a charter member of the club, a past president, past Lieutenant-Governor and past Governor He as a very busy man, being a successful lawyer, Mayor of the town, Secretary of the Board of Trustees of Roanoke College, Secretary and Treasurer of the Lutheran Orphans Home, but he was never too busy to serve Kiwanis, and his memory will always be cherished by the Salem Kiwanis club

President R W House, Secretary George G Peery
Membership Jan 1 - 35 Attendance 77%

During the year the club gave a Horse Show and Minstrel Show to raise money for its under-privileged child work The money was spent partially as follows: Dental work for 52 children $212 One eye operation and treatment 40 Treated 6 children 50 Christmas baskets 50 Privilege of swimming pool for Boy Scouts 20 School Lunches 30

Held a meeting with the Boy Scouts, had a Father and Son Night, and Father and Daughter Night, sponsored the dedication of the new high school athletic field and helped the students raise money for athletics A Farmers Night was held to discuss means for improving the dairy industry in the Roanoke County

Lee's Birthday, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day and the Fourth of July were celebrated with appropriate programs The club was active on the question of a new high school building and partly through its efforts $117,000 was obtained for this purpose The club also held a joint meeting with the American Legion and the Men's Club of the city

Sent representatives to meetings at Radford and at Lynchburg and was host to Lexington and to the Division Meeting Held a Ladies Night, a teachers banquet and a Christmas program The president held a training school for club officers and the club attended the All-Kiwanis Night celebration of the Roanoke club and was host to the New Officers Training School

President R S Hough, Secretary George G Peery
Membership Jan 1 - 35 Attendance 81%

The club gave its usual horse show and variety show for under-privileged child work and spent $200 for lunches for school children, averaging 64 lunches a day Spent $291 on 14 under-privileged children Presented a radio to a tuberculosis sufferer in an inaccessible part of the country

The club spent $15 for additional books for the junior High School Library and $20 for swimming pool tickets for Boy Scouts It held a Boy Scout Night, a Father and Son Night, a Fattier and Daughter Night, furnished cars for the parade on the day of the big football game between Salem and Roanoke high schools, and later the club entertained the football team

Planned a Sales Day for Salem and furnished an office for the Welfare Committee of the Red Cross Held two Ladies Nights and also entertained tile local teachers

Sent delegates to the Mid-Winter Conference, the District and International Conventions and to the Division Membership Stabilization Meeting and the club celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary and Constitution Week

President Roland Moncure Secretary William M Early Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 45 Attendance 88%

The Kiwanis Carnival netted $200 for community work Supplied food and clothing for a colored family whose house was destroyed by fire Bought glasses for 2 children Financed 2 tonsils and adenoid operations Children who benefited from the club put on a program Outfitted 75 needy families with clothing and delivered baskets at Christmas Met for 2 months in the different magisterial districts of the county and had farmers as guests The club paid for the use of the Roanoke College swimming pool by the Boy Scouts Arrangement was perfected by which outstanding Citizens spoke once a month at the high school assembly in the interest of vocational guidance Attended an inter-club meeting in Roanoke and a program on Kiwanis Education

Division 03
President T E Burke, Secretary William M Early Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 41 Attendance 86%
LG George G Perry

Supported the President's Ball, held a bridge tournament and a Kiwanis Carnival to raise funds for under-privileged child work Sponsored 10 tonsil and adenoid operations Furnished 8 pairs of glasses, and 4 pairs of shoes Spent $25 on Christmas baskets

Secured an educational director to supervise playgrounds for the summer months Assisted the Girl Reserves and the Girls Hi-Y club and sent thirty of them to the camp at Crockett Springs Entertained the Roanoke College football team at lunch

Held 4 meetings in different parts of the county with guests from the neighborhood

Furnished monthly speakers at the high school and the CC Camps to talk on vocational guidance Entertained officials of the Veterans Facility, urged the Council to purchase ground for a municipal park, worked for the improvement of neighboring highways, appointed a committee to enlarge the Library and entertained the Salem baseball team

Exchanged visits with Radford Had a Valentine party, a regular Ladies Night, a Stag Party, and a Ladies Night Barbeque at a mountain cabin

The club had three programs on Kiwanis Education, celebrated Charter Night, and as represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the International and the District Conventions, the Division Meeting and the Officers Training School

President F L Hoback, Secretary William M Early Jr
Membership Jan 31 - 48 Attendance 84%

The club fostered the President's Ball, played basketball with the American Legion, promoted and sold tickets for the opening of a new theatre and held a rummage sale, all for the benefit of its underprivileged child work From this fund the Club furnished 12 children with glasses, had 17 T and A operations performed, set up a dental clinic for colored children and donated $25 to the Nursing Association for Christmas cheer

Had a program on Value of Scouting and on What Baseball Call Do for Salem Paid for the use of the college swimming pool for the Scouts, gave $25 to the Scout camp, gave $60 to the school library and $10 to send the high school debating team to the University of Virginia meet, started a big brother movement with each member of the club as a big brother to one boy, furnished transportation for 22 4-H girls to camp, sent 2 Hi-Y boys to the national meeting at Berea, and helped reorganize the Hi-Y club

A Farmers Night Meeting was held in each of the four districts of the County with programs on Present Needs in Agricultural Development, Animal Husbandry, The Meat Packing Industry in Virginia, and The Raising and Marketing of Apples in Virginia

The club had a program on Vocational Guidance, and the members agreed to act as advisors for high school students, The club prepared a bulletin to aid students in the choice of a vocation and donated 24 books on this subject for use in the high school

The club inaugurated a Safety Council, supported the Community Drive, helped organize a Halloween Carnival, and aided a movement for better housing facilities in Salem It continued working for the development of the community park and started a movement for a park for, colored people The club met twice at the high school cafeteria and once at the Orphans Home It celebrated Flag Day, had programs on Trends in Government, juvenile Delinquency in Roanoke County, The History of Salem, The Laws for a City of the Second Class, Tile Development of Catawba Sanitarium, The Roanoke Welfare Development Public Welfare in Virginia, The Development of Photography and Its Uses, and The Work of the State Highway Department

The club exchanged flags with the Sarina, Canada club, its Flying Squadron visited Covington, Clifton Forge, Roanoke and Danville; it was host to Roanoke and Radford and individual members made 44 visits to other clubs

The club had a joint meeting with the Lions, a Stag Party, a Ladies Night, and celebrated Thanksgiving

The club had 5 Kiwanis Educational Meetings, celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, US - Canada Week, All-Kiwanis Night, Constitution Week and Loyalty Week, was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the District' and International Conventions, the Division and entertained both the District Governor and the LTG

Division 03
President C E Webber, Secretary William M Early Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 60 Attendance 77%
Governor George G Peery

The club gave $10 for clothing for a destitute family, $25 for an orphans Christmas party and $25 for Christmas baskets for tile poor It furnished clothing and supplies for a family of seven whose home was destroyed by fire, took care of 8 T and A operations and three hospitalizations and furnished 9 pairs of glasses It had one meeting at the orphanage where it is carrying on preventive dental work

Programs on the NYA in Salem and the work of the CC Camps in Virginia Gave a prize to the winner of tile high school speaking contest, entertained the Roanoke College basketball team, the high school band and boosted a boys baseball league and paid for the use of tile swimming pool for the Scouts It put on an outdoor program on Halloween with prizes for the best costumes, and it persuaded the County School Board to spend sufficient money to make the county schools sanitary

Held meetings in various parts of the County, having programs on such topics as Soil Conservation, Market Gardening, and Fruit Growers Problems

Vocational guidance information blanks were prepared by the club and filled out by 900 high school students and the results tabulated On the results of this tabulation help was given to 17 who desired to go to college, one boy was placed in a suitable job at $100 a month, speakers were procured to speak on the vocations of secretarial work, accounting, nursing, teaching, chemistry and various phases of agriculture

The club had a discussion of the town and county school boards' budgets and worked with the PTA for more modern sanitary facilities for the schools It aided the Chamber of Commerce in getting street signs placed at the intersection of streets It continued its safety campaign, obtaining reprints of "And Sudden Death" to be distributed with automobile license plates It celebrated Armistice Day and held an Easter program on Maundy Thursday Other programs of interest were on Photography, The Prevention of Syphilis, The Conditions in Europe, The Standardization of Education, Educational System in Virginia, The Supreme Court, and the Building of the Roads in the State

Attended an inter-club meeting at Roanoke on the occasion of the visit of the International President and the District Governor at which Marion delivered the Log to Salem Later the club carried the Log to Radford The club was host to Roanoke who brought the Golden Rule It was later delivered to Radford

The club started a custom of having all who desired to come early gather around the piano and sing It entered a softball team in the local league It had a joint meeting with the Lions, a Ladies Night Dance and a White Elephant Party

The club celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, All-Kiwanis Night, Constitution Week and Loyalty Week It printed and distributed to all clubs a District Directory The President trained his officers and held a Kiwanis education meeting The club entertained the Lieutenant-Governor and was represented at the International and the District Convention and the Division Meeting

(Volume 5)
President H J Rhyne (resigned) J H Thornton, Secretary William M Early Jr
Membership Jan 1 – 61 Attendance 81%

Furnished glasses for 6 and TA operations for 33 UP children Collected 33 children’s books for the library Interviewd 1044 HS students for vocational needs Placed 2 girls in hospitals for training and one in college The club made a survey to determine proper zoning and building restrictions

The club visited the Narrows Charter Night and attended the Division Meeting at Mountain Lake Entertained the LG, and was represented at the International convention and District Convention

President J R Goodwin Jr, Secretary William M Early Jr
Membership Jan 1 – 55 Attendence 84%

The club held one meeting at the Orplian's Home It sponsored the March of Dimes It furnished 10 pairs of glasses and financed three T and A operations, and three hospitalizations

After putting on a Boy Scout program, the club decided to sponsor a Boy Scout troop and Cub Pack, and furnished Scout literature to boys who might be interested It tried for and succeeded in getting a Class D Baseball team in the community

Held 4 Farmers Meetings, one in each of the 4 magisterial districts, with neighborhood farmers as guests

A trip for 24 boys interested in engineering to VPI Through its efforts the State Board of Education was persuaded to put on a course meeting one hour a week for ten weeks on Retail Selling and Salesmanship in general

Urged all citizens to pay their poll taxes and vote in the coining election, worked out a plan for mapping and zoning Salem, and presented it to the Town Council Through its efforts, it secured a new colored school building, and the donation of 80 books and $7 in cash to the Public Library

Attended the Richlands Charter Night Sent delegations to Marion, Roanoke, Mountain Lake Division Meeting, and Radford, furnished speakers for meetings at Radford and Narrows, and was host to a large delegation from Narrows Received the plaque from Roanoke and carried it to Radford

The club had its annual Ladies Night and White Elephant Party The White Elephant Party consisted of each member brought something which was a white elephant to the club meeting These articles were wrapped, placed in a large receptical, and were distributed by lot to the members as Christmas gifts They were then unwrapped in the presence of the crowd and caused much merriment

Sent representatives to the Mid Winter Conference, the International and the District Conventions, and the Training School for Club Officers

President Furman B Whitescarver, Secretary William M Early Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 54 Attendance 82%

Furnished 1,500 quarts of milk to Day Nursery and 500 hot luncbes to school children Gave $48 to the Community Nursing Association, and $15 towards the purchase of an Iron Lung for the Roanoke Life Saving Crew, and a contribution to the Iron Lung for the Salem Rescue Squad Tliree pairs of glasses were purchased and several tonsilectornics were financed

Paid for the swimming privileges at Roanoke College for Boy Scouts Coal was supplied for the recreation room for boys and girls One boy was sent to Boy State A Boys and Girls Night was held at which 50 boys and girls were guests of the club

Farmers of various communities were invited to four meetings held in rural sections of the County

The club put on one program on juvenile Delinquency and has been working on the development of a program of counselling High School graduates in regard to various vocations and obtaining for them suitable jobs after their graduation Placing 27 during the year

Held a meeting at a nearby CC Camp, worked for and succeeded in having completed a by pass around the town of Salem for the relief of congested traffic conditions in the business district, and has been concerned with the project of beautifying the banks of the river in, the environs of the town in the hope of eventually making a public park there

Attended an inter club meeting at Roanoke on the occasion of the visit of the District Governor and sent a delegation to a Division Meeting at Mountain Lake Received the plaque from Radford and it furnished speakers to a number of nearby clubs

In order to encourage socialibility the Board held its monthly meetings in rotation at the homes of various members, transacting the business and having a social hour afterwards The usual Ladies' Night Banquet and Floor Show was held as well as the White Elephant Party

Kiwanis Anniversary was celebrated and All Kiwanis Night, as is the custorn, as a stag party at the cabin of one of the niembers A unique feature was the mimeographing and distribution of copies of the Achievement Report to each member of the club The club was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International and the District Conventions, and the Training School for Club Officers

President M S McClung, Secretary William M Early Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 50 Attendance 80%

Sponsored the Opening baseball game to raise money for underp rivileged fund and Greek War Relief This netted $102 for underprivileged child work and $40 for Greek War Relief The club furnished hot milk and lunches at a cost of $190 and provided transportation to and from a summer camp for a number of children

Held a Boys and Girls Night at which 45 children of members of the club were guests, every member bringing a present The presents were then presented to the children by Santa Claus A feature of the club for the vear was to have each member bring to the club at least one boy during the year These boys being looked on as possible future members of a Kiwanis club

The club continued to work on its program of furnishing vocational guidance in a more definite form for high school graduates During the year 15 members have spoken before different groups of students on a variety of occupations

The club actively aided all civic movenients of value Aided the Community Fund Drive; started a movement for a Community Center

Visited Roanoke and attended the Division Meeting at Mountain Lake, and furnished speakers for a number of clubs in the neighborhood, Directors continued their policy of meeting in rotation at homes of members and a successful Ladies' Night was held Entertained the LG, was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International and the District Convention, and the Training School for Club Officers, and published the Achievement Report and gave copies to all members of the club

President E B Broadwater, Secretary William M Early Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 52 Attendance 81%

Furnished milk for underprivileged children in the Day Nursery School, the Academy Street School, and the colored school lunch room in the amount of $150 and $10 was donated to the Tuberculosis Seal campaign

The School Glee Club and Public Speaking class put on a program at a meeting Boys and Girls Night was celebrated, each member bringing a gift, the gifts being distributed by Santa Claus, at the end of the meeting to the 43 children present A camping program was put on at which 5 children, 3 of thern underprivileged, enjoyed their first camping experience These activities were financed by means of a benefit baseball game which netted $111 part of which was added to the Underprivileged Child fund, and the reinainder, $47 was spent on the camping project

The club continued developing its program on vocational guidance, making a survey of the students' interest in vocations Based on this survey, 167 conferences with groups and individuals have been held Through the efforts of the clubs, teachers, bankers, lawyers, ministers, nurses, and members of other business and professional fields have acted as counselors for these conferences, and this activitv has been well worthwhile

The club took part in the joint civic club meeting for a great religious service in one of the Roanoke churches The Cooper Estate, having been purchased by the City, the club, working with Lions, the American Legion, and other civic organizations, worked out arrangements, financial and otherwise, by which the building on this estate could be used as a community center, a meeting place for the Boy Scouts and other civic organizations The club put on two Go Away programs for selectees It attempted to establish USO quarters for soldiers at Catawba Camp

Sent delegations to inter club at Charlottesville, Roanoke, Danville, and Narrows, and Saltville's Charter Night

The Board of Directors continued its custom of rneeting at the members’ homes The annual Ladies' Night Dinner was served by the high school cafeteria, and the Graybeards (six remaining charter members) were honored at this meeting

Entertained the LG, was represented at 46 Mid Winter Conference, the International and District Conventions, and the Training School for Club Officers, and was honored by having one of its members elected International Trustee At the close of the year 6 members of the club were in the armed forces

President Francis C Davis, Secretary William M Early Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 48 Attendance 81%

Donated $35 to the Community Nursery for milk for needy children, and $30 was given to the colored school for hot lunches

Devoted efforts to enlarging the camping program begun the previous year Sent 4 boys to Scout camp for a week, and 3 girls to the Girls Scouts Camp for the same length of time The annual Children's Party was held at Christmas time with the children of members as guests, gifts being distributed bv Santa Claus

High School students preparing to enter the armed force, were familarlized with the pamphlet “Getting Ready for Induction: and were addressed by officers of the Army and Navy as to what to expect when entering Sevice and how to prepare for it

The club gave active support to the War Effort Fourteen of its regular programs were devoted to the War or related subjects A survey of the active members of the club revealed that every member was active in some phase of the war effort asisting in the Draft Board, the Ration Board, Selective Service, Civilian Defense, selling of War Bonds and Stamos, and working in Victory Gardens War Bond purchase, members alone amounted to aliuwA $160,000 Sent 25,000 cigarettes to soldiers oversseas, and 250 prayer booklets were distributed

38 members visited at least one other club during the year, and the club entertained visits from Portsmouth, Norfolk, Hampton, Roanoke, Narrows, Bluefield, WV, and Los Angelew, CA The club acted with Roanoke as hosts to the District Convention

Sent representatives to the Mid Winter Conference, District Convention, and the Trainign School for Club Officers On December 31, 7 members were in the Armed Forces

(Volume 6)
President C P Anson, Secretary William M Early Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 59 Attendance 79%

President J F Morton, Secretary William M Early Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 58 Attendance 83%

President R S Fry, Secretary C H Givins
Membership Jan 1 - 70 Attendance 81%

President K W Senter, Secretary George O Thompson
Membership Jan 1 - 61 Attendance 76%

President Stewart T Hanks, Secretary George O Thompson
Membership Jan 1 - 74 Attendance 72%

Sponsor Williamson Road Club

President Russell M Johnston, Secretary George O Thompson
Membership Jan 1 - 85 Attendance 76%

PresidentRoy K Brown, Secretary George O Thompson
Membership Jan 1 - 83 Attendance 72%

(Volume 7)
President Edmund S Glass, Secretary George O Thompson
Membership Jan 1 - 83 Attendance 73%

The club held 4 meetingst in 4 different communities in the county, having a total of 63 farmers as guests with appropriate programs, the ladies of the communities serving the meal to raise money for their projects Contributed $40 towards a banquet for 4-H boys and girls Sent 5 girls and 4 boys to summer camp at a cost of $130 Contributed $38 towards expenses of the Marble Champion to the National Tournament; $28 to help bring a choral club for entertainment at the high school; have $60 to the Shriners Hospital for crippled children; spent $200 gor outing the club sponsored sandlot football team; cooperated in all civic projects in the community and gave $100 for Christmas baskets; cleared from a circus and other minor activities over $1,300 for its welfare work Considering buying a plot of land with one or two creeks, to be known as Salem Kiwanis Park, and to develop a fishing pond in it; urged all members to give support to the churches, and during Lent had a speaker at each meeting to give a three minute talk on some phase of church support

Division 03
President L W Fischel, Secretary J F Prufer
Membership Jan 1 - 78 Attendance 74%
LG Marshall S McClung

President C H Givens, Secretary J F Prufer
Membership Jan 1 - 72 Attendance 77%

President Ernest E Goodwin, Secretary Julius F Prufer
Membership Jan 1 - 70 Attendance 76%

Division 02
President H DeWitt Shank, Secretary J Stemple
Membership Jan 1 - 70 Attendance 72%

President , Secretary

Division 02
President Alfred D Hurt, Secretary I Ray Byrd
LG T Edwin Burke

President G Carl Matthews, Secretary I Ray Byrd

President Norwood C Middleton Secretary Maxwell Brown

President Alfred D Goodwin, Secretary Joyce R McLemore

Division 02
President Ira Ray Byrd, Secretary J R McLemore
LG Norwood C Middleton

President Otis V Bliss, Secretary J R McLemore

District Chair Public and Business Affairs Norwood C Middleton

President Dr Howard U Butts, Secretary Url D Smith

President Fred S Cruser, Secretary Paul D Meador

District Chair Education and Fellowship Norwood C Middleton

President Dr Bryon Crow Secretary Paul D Meador

President Smith M Meador, Secretary Paul D Meador

President Jack G Brewer, Secretary Gary L Kelly

President Howard H Dalby, Secretary William H Roberts III

President Paul D Meador, Secretary William H Roberts III

1969 - 1970
Division 02
President J Menefee Matthews, Secretary William H Roberts III
LG Dr Bryon Crow

1970 - 1971
President Frank H Booze Jr, Secretary James A Deyerle Jr

1971 - 1972
President William Gore, Secretary James A Deyerle Jr

District Chair Coordinator-Operation Drug Alert Bryon Crow

1972 - 1973
President J Robert Goodwin, Secretary James A Deyerle Jr
Co Sponsor Southwest Roanoke Club

1973 - 1974
Division 02
President John W Burrow, Secretary James A Deyerle Jr
LG Howard H Dalby

1974 - 1975
President Carlos B Hart Sr Secretary James A Deyerle Jr

1975 - 1976
President Bayes E Wilson, Secretary James A Deyerle Jr

1976 - 1977
President Eugene W Senter, Secretary James A Deyerle Jr

1977 - 1978
President William S Board, Secretary James A Deyerle Jr

1978 - 1979
Division 02
President Lincoln D Fuller, Secretary James A Deyerle Jr
Sponsor Vinton Club
LG Carlos B Hart Sr

1979 - 1980
President Richard H Pollard, Secretary James A Deyerle Jr

1980 - 1981
President James M Kastner, Secretary James A Deyerle Jr

1981 - 1982
President James M Young, Secretary William M Brooks

1982 - 1983
President Bruton Taylor, Secretary William M Brooks

1983 - 1984
President C Freeman Sleeper, Secretary William M Brooks

1984 - 1985
Division 02
President Dennis W West, Secretary Stanley F Breckenridge
LG James M Kastner

1985 - 1986
President Thomas R McDonald, Secretary Stanley F Breckenridge

1986 - 1987
President Thomas R Blakley, Secretary Stanley F Breckenridge

1987 - 1988
President Walter S Menefee, Secretary Stanley F Breckenridge

1988 - 1989
President James M Jacobs, Secretary Stanley F Breckenridge

1989 - 1990
President William H Highfill, Secretary Stanley F Breckenridge

1990 - 1991
President S Thomas Monroe, Secretary Stanley F Breckenridge

1991 - 1992
Division 02
President Gerald H Britain, Secretary Stanley F Breckenridge
Williamson Road merged with Salem

1992 - 1993
President T J Griesenbrock, Secretary William M Rich Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 83

1993 - 1994
President Paul Curran, Secretary William M Rich Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 80

1994 - 1995
President William F Mrdock, Secretary William M Rich Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 81

1995 - 1996
President William O Rodgers, Secretary William M Rich Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 79

1996 - 1997
President Paul R Dotson, Secretary William M Rich Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 81

1997 - 1998
President Andrew F Hoback, Secretary William M Rich Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 79

1998 - 1999
President Michael S Haas, Secretary William M Rich Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 74

1999 - 2000
President John A Rogers, Secretary William M Rich Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 67

2000 - 2001
President Steven N Edwards, Secretary William M Rich Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 64

2001 - 2002
President PAul R Dotson, Secretary William M Rich Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 63 Attendence 68%

Year End: 137 Projects completed, 1836 Service Hours, $4,973 Money Spent, 7 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President Phylis Anne Sutphin, Secretary William M Rich Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 62 Attendence 72%

Year End: 129 Projects completed, 1082 Service Hours, $12,541 Money Spent,10 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
President Thayer Walker, Secretary William M Rich Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 59 Attendence 67%
Meet TU 12 Noon Salem Civic Center

Year End: 71 Projects completed, 1114 Service Hours, $6,945 Spent, 6 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
President Paul Bowles, Secretary William M Rich Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 56 Attendence 76%
Meet TU 12 Noon Salem Civic Center

Year End: 77 Projects completed, 1115 Service Hours, $10,179 Spent, 7 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
Southwest Virginia Region
President Paul I Bowles, Secretary William M Rich Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 67 Attendence 56%
Meet TU 12 Noon Salem Civic Center
Distinquished Club Award

Year End: 76 Projects completed, 1166 Service Hours, $13324 Spent, 10 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
President Don L Bradley, Secretary William M Rich Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 69 Attendence 43%
Meet TU 12 Noon Salem Civic Center

Year End: 89 Projects completed, 1366 Service Hours, $10,934 Spent, 7 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
President Allen Cross, Secretary William M Rich Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 70 Attendence 81%
Meet TU 12 Noon Salem Civic Center

Year End: 76 Projects completed, 1183 Service Hours, $13,488 Spent, 11 Interclubs

2008 - 2009
President Ricky Eaton, Secretary William M Rich Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 67 Attendence 76%
Meet Tuesday 12 Noon Salem Civic Center

Year End: 90 Projects completed, 1431Service Hours, $19,753 Spent, 3 Interclubs

2009 - 2010
President Melinda Payne, Secretary William M Rich Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 73 Attendence 36%
Meet TU 11:45 AM Salem Civic Center

Year End: 84 Projects completed, 1353 Service Hours, $14,531 Spent, 4 Interclubs, $0 CD Foundation

2010 - 2011
President Winston L Plymale, Secretary William M Rich Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 78
Meet TU 11:45 AM Salem Civic Center

Year End: 65 Projects completed, 1454 Service Hours, $15078 Spent, 4 Interclubs, $0 CD Foundation

2011 - 2012
Division 02
President Brenda Giles, Secretary William M Rich Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 74
Meet TU 11:45 AM Salem Civic Center
LG Paul Bowles

2012 - 2013
President Charles Overstreet, Secretary William M Rich Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 76
Meet TU 11:45 AM Salem Civic Center

2013 - 2014
Division 15
President Susan Mini, Secretary Cheryl Graham
Membership Oct 1 - 67
Meet TUy 11:45 AM Salem Civic Center

2014 - 2015
President Peggy Shifflett, Secretary Cheryl Graham
Membership Oct 1 - 52
Meet TU 11:45 AM Salem Civic Center

2015 - 2016
President Robert C Smolka, Secretary Cheryl Graham
Membership Oct 1 - 49
Meet TU 11:45 AM Salem Civic Center

2016 - 2017
President Melinda Payne, Secretary Cheryl Graham
Membership Oct 1 - 48
Meet TU 11:45 AM Salem Civic Center

2017 - 2018
President Gerald H Brittain, Secretary Cheryl Graham
Membership Oct 1 - 46
Meet TU 11:45 AM Salem Civic Center

2018 - 2019
President Paul R Dotson, Secretary Cheryl Graham
Membership Oct 1 - 42
Meet TU 11:45 AM at Salem Civic Center

2019 - 2020
President Lisa Bain, Secretary Cheryl Graham
Membership Oct 1 - 42
Meet TU 11:45 AM at Salem Civic Center

2020 - 2021
President Mary E Cross, Secretary Cheryl Graham
Membership Oct 1 - 43